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Gorl (GAW-rl)

The Gorl are a people living in the north west of Sildair. They live a hard and perilous life, threatened by the harsh climate, and the dangerous wildlife alike. Most of them live in small communities ruled over by a chieftain, though nominally all of these answer to the High Chieftain of the Gorl. Most of them make their living as farmers and hunters, and are highly skilled at both, as the unwelcoming environment require it. Some Gorl make their living as raiders, raiding the coasts of Ronceaux, Sarkara and Dunor. They are highly skilled sailors.

Gorls are mostly half-dwarves, though for many generations they have interbred with humans, and are therefore quite tall, and almost indistinguishable from the full-blood humans among them. They are fair skinned and mostly blond or redheaded.

They primarily worship Ethelaius, whom they call Buduni, but also revere the other gods of the pantheon, and some Gorl raiders have taken to worshipping Baphomet, in his aspect as a warrior god.


Major language groups and dialects

The Gorl speak a variation of Fioran, called Gorl. It is similar to old Norse of Earth. Dwarves and other speakers of Fioran might be able to communicate with Gorl speakers, as the difference between the to languages are similar to the differences between Danish and Swedish, or Spanish and Portugese.


Languages: Gorl - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Handaxe, Shortbow, Battleaxe, Greataxe

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Cartographer’s tools, Brewer's tools, Woodcarver's tools, Carpenter's tools
A Gorl Warrior
Gorl Longships setting out from the Bay of the Bull


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