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Sarkaran is the language spoken by the people of the same name. It is similar to real world English, and is the equivalent of "common" in the D&D rules. During the late Golden Epoch the Sarkarans started to extend their cultural influence far and wide, culminating with the Second War of Ashes, where the Sarkarans became the liberators of Dunethel. Throughout the Silver Epoch, this influence has spread to the point that Sarkaran is now the Lingua Franca of much of Sildair, especially in the west.

All players are given the option to be able to speak Sarkaran through their cultural background, though some cultures aren't actually that familiar with it. This is so the player characters can speak with each other. If you, as the DM, wants your campaign to take place in a different part of Sildair, like the far east or south, consider making the shared language of the characters another, local language instead of Sarkaran.
Rarity: Common
Writing System: Dunorian writing (Alphabetic)
Distribution: Western Sildair. Also spoken as a second language in many parts of Sildair.

Common Female Names
Agnes, Alice, Alizabeth, Ashley, Audrey, Beatrice, Blythe, Caitlin, Dawn, Deidre, Elaine, Elindra, Elinor, Elora, Enid, Erin, Fern, Fiona, Gail, Gwendolyn, Gwyneth, Guinevere, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Isolde, Jillian, Kaelyn, Kendra, Laverne, Leigh, Liena, Luella, Lynn, Marion, Marjorie, Mildred, Moira, Nadine, Ophelia, Orielle, Piper, Poppy, Rhiannon, Rosalyn, Shannon, Winona, Ysabelle

Ainsley, Aisling, Angharad, Ann, Aoife, Brianna, Brónach, Cait, Caitlin, Caitra, Caitriona, Caoimhe, Ciara, Coreen, Deirdre, Edna, Eileen, Eithne, Elindra, Enya, Erin, Fiona, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Gwyneth, Iara, Irene, Kathleen, Keagan, Maeve, Maureen, Merida, Moira, Molly, Morag, Morgaine, Morven, Muriel, Niamh, Nora, Noreen, Oona, Rhya, Rosheen, Saoirse, Shay, Sheila, Sinéad, Siobhan, Síomha, Tegan
Common Male Names
Aethelred, Ainsley, Alain, Albert, Alcott, Aldric, Alec, Alfred, Alvin, Archibald, Arthur, Avery, Baldwin, Bancroft, Barnett, Bartholemew, Baxter, Blake, Bolton, Bors, Boswell, Boyden, Bradford, Bradley, Brandon, Brent, Brinley, Caldwell, Cameron, Carlyle, Cedric, Clayborne, Corbin, Cuthbert, Dalton, Desmond, Dudley, Dwight, Eamon, Edmund, Edward, Eldridge, Elton, Evander, Fairfax, Flannery, Frank, Franklin, Fraser, Fulton, Galahad, Galrick, Garett, Garland, Gavin, Gawain, Gaynes, Gillespie, Gilmore, Godfrey, Godwin, Graham, Harold, Harvey, Hubert, Hugh, Huntley, Irvin, Jarvis, Kendal, Kenley, Kenton, Landon, Latimer, Leland, Leofric, Leroy, Lionel, Lloyd, Marlon, Marlowe, Marsdon, Maynard, Mercer, Mordred, Mortimer, Nathan, Nathaniel, Neville, Ogden, Orville, Osmund, Payton, Percival, Raleigh, Ralph, Ramsey, Rayburn, Reginald, Reynold, Richard, Ridley, Robert, Roderick, Rodney, Roger, Scott, Sebastian, Spencer, Talbot, Tancred, Thorndyke, Tibault, Travis, Tristan, Turner, Tyson, Uther, Wade, Wallace, Walton, Webster, Willem, Winston, Wyatt

Aaron, Aidan, Airk, Alistair, Angus, Bain, Barclay, Bram, Brannoc, Brian, Bruce, Cadoc, Callum, Camden, Colm, Connor, Cormack, Craig, Dara, Declan, Diarmid, Dillon, Dohmnall, Donahue, Douglass, Doyle, Dughall, Duncan, Ewan, Fagin, Farrell, Feargus, Fingal, Finlay, Finnegan, Fraser, Gaelan, Gallagher, Galloway, Giles, Glen, Gordon, Gorman, Grady, Graham, Gregor, Guthrie, Hamish, Harris, Hogan, Iain, Irving, Kayne, Keifer, Keiran, Kyle, Lachlan, Liam, Llewellyn, Logan, Maddox, Malcolm, Murdoch, Niall, Owen, Rhys, Ronin, Rowan, Seamus, Sean, Stuart
Common Family Names
MacGregor, MacBain, MacGallagher, MacGrady, MacCormack, MacDohmnall, MacEwan, MacFinlay, MacNiall, MacGuthrie


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