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High King of Morogar

The throne of Morogar is passed from father to oldest son, following feudal tradition. The king rules over all of the duchies of Morogar. When the chieftains of the clans of Morog first met the Sarkarans, they all started calling themselves kings, and the title of High King was taken by Tavish McLachlan when he united the warring kings under his rule during the War of the Raiders. Though the other kings eventually became dukes and counts, the official title of the ruler og Morogar is still High King.


The High king should be the oldest living male heir of the previous High king, followed by the oldest daughter, if there are no male heirs. If the king has no children, his oldest living brother is next in line. The High Counsil must approve of the new High king or High queen.


The High King of Morogar is also the lord of the Duchy of Morog, that holds Loch Morog and the capital city of Morkalin. He is also the head of the High Counsil, and all the feudal lords of Morogar must swear fielty to him.
The crest of the High King of Morogar.
Royalty, Hereditary
Form of Address
His/her Majesty
Source of Authority
The High Counsil, The Church of Light
Length of Term
Until Death


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