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The Sarkarans are a human people from western Sildair. Their history is one of warfare, of victories and defeats, of occupation and raiding, as well as conquest and expansion. In the Silver Epoch they have emerged as arguably the most powerful and influencial kingdom in western Sildair, reflected in the fact that their language has become the lingua franca of large parts of the world.

Sarkara is a feudal society, in which most make their living as farmers, although in the port cities of Sarka and King's Port there are many who become rich from trading goods from all over the world.

The vast majority of Sarkarans are humans, though in the north near Fiorheim there are both hill dwarves and small folk who consider themselves Sarkaran. Ethnically, Sarkarans are a very mixed bunch, with both Gorl and Dunorian blood mixing with that of the original Sarkan tribes.

The Church of Light has an irongrip on Sarkara, the temples of Liara and Meluana being the only other tempels with any notable presence. The other gods may get their due deference when their aid is required, such as Pauragus when a building project is initiated, or Karos when a military campaign goes underway, but tempels to the other gods are hard to find, usually they are religated to a small shrine in an alcove of a cathedral to Arathion.


Major language groups and dialects

Since Ethalad's crusade to liberate Dunethel, during the Second War of Ashes, Sarkaran has become the most commonly spoken language across western Sildair. Many Sarkarans also speak Dunorian, which is still the official language of the Church, and some in the north speak Fioran.


Languages: Sarkaran - Choose either Dunorian. Ronceauxien or Fioran

Weapon Proficiencies: Quarterstaff, Crossbow (Light), Morningstar, Halberd

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Calligrapher's supplies, Cartographer’s tools, Painter’s supplies, Woodcarver's tools
A Sarkaran Nobleman in full armour.
The merchant harbour of King's Port


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