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Skykin - Elves

Skykin, usually called elves, are one of the First Races, created by Liadriel. They are one of the most diverse races in Sildair after humans, and have many different cultures all over the world. The High elves of Yunathra in Brightwood, the wild elves of the Black Forest, and the hated dark elves, who live under the mountains, are among the most well known cultures, but beyond these, several enclaves of elves live across Sildair, many within human societies.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Elves are usually lithe and thin, compared to humans, and on average they are slightly shorter. Their ears are long and pointed, and their hair is soft, and grows long easily. Elves usually can't grow facial hair, so when they do it is usually an indication of human or dwarf blood in their heritage, which is a source of pride for some, and a source of great shame for others, that lead them to shaving in secret, depending on the culture they belong to. The High Elves of the west have light, sometimes golden skin, and many variations of elves tend towards these skin colours, but Wild Elves of the Black Forest have brown or ochre red skin, while dark elves have grey skin, with red or purple hues. Elves mature physically at around age 22, and their natural lifespan is between 90 and 130 years.

Civilization and Culture




The Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules for elves in Sildair, also called Skykin:
ability score increase: Hybrid elves increase DEX and CHA by 1 each. Full race High Elves also increase their DEX and INT by 1, Wild Elves increase their DEX and WIS by 1, and Dark Elves increase DEX by 1 and choose either CON or CHA to increase by 1.
age: Elves have a natural lifespan between 90 and 130 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Any granted by their cultural background.
race features:
Hybrid Features:
Blessing of the Starlight Prince:
All elves have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
Keen Senses: All elves get an inherant +1 in the Perception skill, on top of their wisdom modifier, and before any proficiency is added.
Darkvision: All elves have darkvision. Hybrids whose other parent race has no darkvision gets dim light vision (seeing distance is halved).

Full Race Features:
Superior Keen Senses:
Full race elves get a further +1 in the Perception skill, on top of their wisdom modifier, to a total of +2 with "keen senses".
Magical affinity: High elves know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. You choose your spellcasting ability for it once, when you create your character: either INT, WIS, or CHA.
Wild Elf Fleet of Foot: Wild elves base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
Dark Elf Poison Affinity: Dark elves have advantage on saving throws against poison, and they have resistance against poison damage.
Genetic Descendants
110 years
Average Height
152 cm - 188 cm
Average Weight
40 kg - 80 kg


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