BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 8: New Faces Report

General Summary

During the downtime, the party decided to trade the flail snail shell to Percifion. They created us a Robe of Scintillating Colors in exchange for the leftover pigment left from the shell. Zephyra researched for "old gods" or anything related to the mentions of "Ronas the Indomitable" we found in the temple ruins. She also pieced together the full text written on the ruins : “The worthy shall hone a strong body to endure the boundless energies of the afterlife.”   We open up in The Abora Market over a Leviathalan breakfast board, We were also given a free jug of renown dragontooth wine from a merchant who recognized us as heros. With Sealah and Fabian being given a clean bill of health, we discussed what to do next. While discussing the potential issues with The Winter Nexus, Elisandra mentioned that she had a potential lead to reunite with her family, and the party agreed to help her follow it to the Bassara Tower and meet with Niketa.   Our breakfast was interrupted by a merchant from Wheldrake shouting at the young tinkerer girl we met previously. Shouting and threatening her for stealing, and the party started towards the merchant to intervene. Before the party can get there, a large mechanical being sprinted out to deal with the aggressive merchant. Fabian "checked on" the merchant, and took his knife for his transgressions, telling him to take it up with Anthusa.   The mechanical man sprinted away with the girl - the party followed shouting reassurances. In an ally behind the market, the mechanical man ordered us to halt, and we did. We learn that the mechanical man is named Cog, and that he was created by the same girl who made the clockwork falcons. After convincing Cog that we meant no harm to the girl, he brought us to her hiding space where we continued our conversation, inspecting Cog's body and his mechanisms.   The girl accepted our apology and explained that the mysterious blue crystals that power Cog as well as El's bullets are powered by a cosmic arcane radiation. The crystals can be found rarely in strange places like, in a stream, in a cave or deep underground. Cog was created by combining many crystals and scrap together. Fabian gave the girl the knife he took from the merchant, and she decided to send Cog with us complete his destiny.   With Cog in party, we leave The Abora Market area and head south to follow up on Elisandre's meeting at the Bassara Tower, the tower of the Fox.   We are questioned by the guards at the entry way and explain that we are tying to meet with Niketa. The officer of the area explains that Niketa is not present. After some pushing she explained that Niketa lost someone recently, and has been missing. The guard asked if we could find her near a grove near the great tree wall, and try to influence her to return to the tower.   Before heading to the tree wall grove, we decided to detour to Hermenia's place to check in. We learn here that many people have been having severe chronic nightmares.   She has been creating sleeping tonics to help address the issue but it seems constant with no pattern, aside from necroti themes. Hermenia also informed us that the Doreos killed himself in his cell. It seems like he was driven mad and hit his head against his cell wall. There is a ceremony being held at the Ophis Tower, and we agreed to meet her there later in the day.   We left Hermenia's place to discuss the odd circumstances that Doreos died under, and what could be going on with the nightmares. With no conclusion reached, we continue south to find the grove near the edge of the Great Tree Wall. As Elisandra led the party through the woods, we heard some somber drunken singing. We reach the source of the sound and find Niketa, drunk, alone, and singing in Elvish about a lost lover. We mentioned that we knew she had lost someone, to which she was offended. Fabian said he heard her singing, trying to deceive Niketa. She wasn't fooled, and was upset that one of her guards told us that info.   Niketa was verbally aggresive to Elisandra, being heavily sarcastic about her parents deaths. She said the truth of the matter is, Niketa doesn't care about Elisandra's parents, and they are likely dead, just like so many others.   Elisandra countered by saying its through these losses that she hopes to establish reconnection. Maybe her parents are dead and she came for nothing, but she doesn't think that's true. El pleaded one more time for help from Niketa, saying we are here to help her heal. Niketa asked about the Caryotid grove, and why it was burned down. It turns out the Nymph that was corrupted by nekroti was her lover, Reina. Overcome by emotions, she began to scream "get away from me!" as black smoky tendrils rose from the ground and formed into shadowy figures. The smoke figures begin charging towards us, as visions of The Nekroti flash before Elisandra's eyes. As they meet us, they dissipate into smoke. Niketa, shocked, looked up at us and apologized for doing this, for almost going too far. She is also plagued by the nightmares and dreams of nekroti.

Rewards Granted

Robe of Scintillating Colors-
The Leviathalas Campaign
Zephyra Haladiin
LN Eladrin Elf (Sage)
Wizard 14
80 / 86 HP
Fabian Lavigne
Chaotic Good Satyr (Folk Hero)
Bard 14
115 / 115 HP
Ellisandre Duskblossom
Chaotic Neutral Wood Elf (Urchin)
Druid 9
Rogue 5
40 / 101 HP
Stratos Sealàh
Chaotic Good Naiad (Nymph)
Sorcerer 14
44 / 111 HP
Report Date
09 Jan 2022
Primary Location


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