I'na Brightstar

Phoenix Knight of White Company

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life and Devotion to Valindria

I'na Brightstar, known for her unwavering dedication to the goddess Valindria, has fragments of early memories that hint at a life filled with love and purpose. As a young elf, she stood beside a woman she believes to be her mother in front of a magnificent statue of Valindria. Mesmerized by the statue, she felt a profound connection to the goddess and dedicated her life to Valindria from that moment.  

A Lost Love

Among her fragmented memories, I'na recalls an intense love shared with a man she believes to be her husband. They lay together under the stars in their treetop estate, his loving gaze and their embrace filling her with deep affection. Despite the vivid emotions, the man's name remains lost to her.  

Motherhood and Joy

Another cherished memory is of holding a little girl she believes to be her daughter in a field of flowers. The child's bright smile and joyful laughter brought immense happiness to I'na, a stark contrast to her current reality of loss and duty.  

The Goluk War and Immortality

During the Goluk War, I'na led her soldiers on patrol along Va'len's border, sensing the impending conflict. A vision of a giant wolf devouring an elk, interpreted as a bad omen, marked the beginning of a tumultuous period. A blinding white light later descended on the battlefield, destroying everything and causing I'na unimaginable pain as her body was obliterated and her soul endured torment. Resurrected by a small, bright flame, she emerged from the ashes, marking the start of her immortal existence.  

The Great Lamentation

Resurrected alongside her comrades, all with white hair and fragmented memories, I'na experienced the Great Lamentation. Overwhelmed by loss and confusion, she embraced another survivor, sharing a collective cry of mourning that solidified the bond between the resurrected soldiers.  

Post-War Rehabilitation

Following the Goluk War, I'na and the 2000 resurrected members established the Old Watch in Va'len, serving as a sanctuary for rehabilitation and understanding their transformed homeland and immortality. They also focused on protecting the Va'len people who fled during the Great Exodus.  

Fragmented Reunions and Loss

Many of the 2000 reunited with their loved ones, despite fragmented memories. Some found meaningful connections, while others felt like strangers. Tragically, I'na never reunited with her family. The ship carrying her loved ones was attacked by a Goluk horde and sank into the Mirrored Strait, killing all on board and depriving I'na of a future with them.  

The Quazad-Leona War and Sacrifice

In 1121 ATC, I'na sacrificed her life during the Quazad-Leona War, protecting others in a decisive battle. Her soul returned to Va'len, enduring prolonged, mind-maddening pain. Clerics of the Red Company performed a secret ritual to resurrect her, but the trauma left her on the brink of insanity. To heal, she joined a convent in Al'ean, gaining a reputation as a saint and matriarch of the Church of Valindria.  

Return to Duty and Rise to Fame

In 2105 ATC, General Virion Draunus requested I'na to return to the front lines. Despite her reluctance, I'na rejoined the White Company as a commanding officer, proving herself repeatedly and earning the title of Phoenix Knight of White Company. Her continuous efforts and bravery grew her reputation into widespread fame.  

Joining Wild Hunt

General Virion Draunus later asked I'na to join the elite adventuring party Wild Hunt, which played a pivotal role in preventing an uprising. Wild Hunt's successful mission solidified their status as living legends and heroes of Eos.  

Present Day and Legacy

In the present day, 2368 ATC, I'na Brightstar continues to be a beacon of hope and justice. Her journey from resurrection and trauma to becoming a living legend exemplifies her unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent and upholding the values of Valindria. Her story of resilience, dedication, and pursuit of justice inspires those around her, solidifying her place as a true hero in the realm of Eos.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Early Life and Devotion to Valindria

  • Dedication to Valindria: As a young elf, I'na stood beside a woman she believes to be her mother in front of a magnificent statue of Valindria. Mesmerized, she felt a profound connection and dedicated her life to the goddess of flame, setting her on a path of unwavering service and devotion.

The Goluk War

  • Leading the Border Patrol: I'na led her soldiers on patrol along Va'len's border, sensing impending war. Her leadership during these patrols exemplified her foresight and dedication to protecting her homeland.
  • Vision of the Wolf: Witnessing a giant wolf devouring an elk, I'na interpreted it as a bad omen, marking the beginning of a tumultuous period. This vision reinforced her resolve to protect her people.

Resurrection and The Great Lamentation

Survival and Resurrection: After the blinding white light destroyed everything, I'na was resurrected alongside her comrades. Her emergence from the ashes, marked by the Great Lamentation, showcased her resilience and ability to lead even in the face of overwhelming loss and confusion.

Post-War Rehabilitation

  • Establishing Old Watch: I'na played a crucial role in establishing the Old Watch in Va'len, a sanctuary for rehabilitation, study, and understanding their transformed homeland and immortality. Her leadership helped guide the Order of Valindria through this critical period.
  • Protection of the Va'len People: I'na's efforts to protect the Va'len people who fled during the Great Exodus exemplified her dedication to safeguarding her people, even across the disparate nations they had settled in.

The Quazad-Leona War

  • Sacrifice in Battle: In 1121 ATC, I'na sacrificed her life during the Quazad-Leona War, protecting her comrades in a decisive battle that allowed them to retreat. Her bravery and selflessness in this moment underscored her commitment to her duty.
  • Resurrection by the Red Company: Clerics of the Red Company performed a secret, sacred ritual to resurrect I'na. Her return to life, though traumatic, highlighted her indomitable spirit and the lengths to which her comrades would go to bring her back.

Healing and Leadership in Al'ean

  • Reputation as a Saint: Joining a convent in Al'ean, I'na gained a reputation as a saint and matriarch of the Church of Valindria. Her compassion and dedication to healing from her psychological trauma inspired those around her, solidifying her status as a beacon of hope.
  • Matriarch of the Church: In Al'ean, I'na's leadership and nurturing nature helped guide many followers of Valindria, making her a revered figure within the convent and beyond. Her ability to inspire and lead through compassion and strength became well-known.

Return to Duty and Rise to Fame

  • General Virion's Request: In 2105 ATC, General Virion Draunus requested I'na to return to the front lines. Her initial reluctance was overcome by her respect for the Order and the General, marking her return to active duty.
  • Commanding Officer of White Company: Rejoining White Company as a commanding officer, I'na's leadership during critical missions exemplified her tactical brilliance and unyielding resolve.
  • Hunting Special Interest Targets: I'na led missions to hunt down dangerous targets, showcasing her combat prowess and strategic acumen.
  • Escort Missions: She successfully escorted important individuals through perilous territories, ensuring their safety and furthering diplomatic efforts.
  • Training New Recruits: I'na trained new recruits of Black Company, passing on her knowledge and skills to the next generation of warriors.

Phoenix Knight of White Company

  • Title and Deeds: I'na's continuous efforts and bravery earned her the title of Phoenix Knight of White Company. Her actions in battle, her leadership, and her ability to inspire others grew her reputation into widespread fame.
  • Special Missions for the Crown: She undertook special missions directly from the crown of United Leona, further cementing her status as a trusted and formidable warrior.

Joining Wild Hunt

  • Elite Adventuring Party: General Virion Draunus requested I'na to join Wild Hunt, an elite adventuring party. Her participation in preventing an uprising that sought to reignite war between Quazadun and United Leona was pivotal.
  • Success and Recognition: Wild Hunt's successful mission solidified their status as living legends and heroes of Eos. I'na's contributions were instrumental in their victory, further enhancing her legacy.

Present Day and Legacy

In the present day, 2368 ATC, I'na Brightstar continues to be a beacon of hope and justice. Her journey from resurrection and trauma to becoming a living legend exemplifies her unwavering dedication to protecting the innocent and upholding the values of Valindria. Her story of resilience, dedication, and pursuit of justice inspires those around her, solidifying her place as a true hero in the realm of Eos.

Mental Trauma

Personal Struggles and Public Silence

  I'na Brightstar, despite her formidable presence and resilience, carries deep mental trauma from her experiences during the Goluk War and its aftermath. She seldom speaks publicly about these personal struggles, maintaining a tight-lipped demeanor. However, those who know her have witnessed her overcome extraordinary odds, displaying a strength and resolve that would break most others.  

Signs of Trauma


Motherly Demeanor:

  • Behavior with Children: I'na shows a distinct motherly side, characterized by her patience and kindness towards children. Her nurturing nature provides comfort and stability to the young, reflecting a gentle heart beneath her warrior exterior.
  • Intimate Relationships:
  • Reluctance for New Bonds: Like many in White Company, I'na has not formed another intimate relationship since the loss of her memories. The haunting fragments of her past love and family are too painful to overcome, leading her to avoid deep personal connections.
  • Connection to Valindria

Divine Guidance:

  • Faith and Resilience: I'na attributes her ability to cope with her trauma to her profound connection with Valindria. She believes the goddess has guided her, held her hand, and given her faith during her darkest moments. This divine connection has prevented her from breaking under the weight of her past.
  • Public Acknowledgment: Whenever appropriate, I'na gives thanks to Valindria, acknowledging the goddess's role in her strength and perseverance.

Evidence of Divine Connection:

  • Wielding the Flame: I'na's ability to wield the flame in her sword and magics with unparalleled skill is seen as evidence of her divine connection. Few can match her prowess, highlighting the special bond she shares with Valindria.
  • Strength and Achievements: This connection has made I'na incredibly strong, enabling her to achieve more than most and to continue her fight for justice and protection.

Future Aspirations

Writing and Sharing Experiences:

  • Documenting Trauma: I'na has started working on the first drafts of a book that will document her experiences and struggles. She hopes that by sharing her story, she can inspire others who face their own battles.
  • Donation to the Church: Once completed, she plans to donate her book to the Church of Valindria, providing a testament to the goddess's guidance and support throughout her life.

Morality & Philosophy

Core Beliefs and Values

Dedication to Valindria:

I'na Brightstar's morality and philosophy are deeply rooted in her unwavering dedication to the goddess Valindria. From a young age, she felt a profound connection to the goddess of flame, and this bond has shaped her entire life. Her beliefs align closely with the teachings of the Church of Valindria, which emphasize justice, protection, and the nurturing power of the divine flame.  

Core Tenets of Valindria:

  • Justice: Valindria is a goddess who champions justice, encouraging her followers to uphold fairness and righteousness in all their actions.
  • Protection: The protection of the innocent and the weak is a central tenet of Valindria's teachings. Her followers are expected to act as guardians, defending those who cannot defend themselves.
  • Nurturing Flame: Valindria's flame symbolizes both destruction and renewal. It represents the purging of evil and the nurturing warmth that fosters growth and healing.

I'na's Relationship with the Church of Valindria

Faith and Guidance:

I'na's faith in Valindria is the cornerstone of her moral compass. She believes that Valindria's guidance has been instrumental in her ability to cope with the immense trauma she has endured. This divine connection provides her with the strength to continue her mission, even in the face of overwhelming odds.  

Role in the Church:

  • Saintly Reputation: In the city of Al'ean, I'na gained a reputation as a saint within the Church of Valindria. Her actions, both on and off the battlefield, exemplify the Church's values, making her a revered figure among the faithful.
  • Matriarch of the Church: During her time in the convent, I'na served as a matriarch, guiding and nurturing the followers of Valindria. Her wisdom and compassion made her a beacon of hope and inspiration within the Church.

Philosophical Alignment:

  • Embodiment of Valindria's Ideals: I'na strives to embody the ideals of justice, protection, and nurturing flame in all her actions. Her dedication to these principles is evident in her leadership, her compassion towards the vulnerable, and her relentless pursuit of justice.
  • Moral Integrity: I'na's moral integrity is unshakable. She holds herself to the highest standards, ensuring that her actions always align with the teachings of Valindria. This unwavering commitment to her principles has earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and followers.

Impact on Actions and Decisions

Justice and Fairness:

I'na's decisions are guided by a strong sense of justice. She believes in upholding fairness and righteousness, even when it means making difficult choices. Her sense of justice drives her to protect the innocent and punish the wicked, ensuring that balance is maintained.  

Protection of the Innocent:

Protecting the innocent is a central aspect of I'na's philosophy. She is driven by a deep-seated desire to defend those who cannot defend themselves, often putting herself in harm's way to safeguard others. This protective instinct is a direct reflection of Valindria's teachings.  

Nurturing and Healing:

I'na's nurturing side is evident in her interactions with children and the vulnerable. She is patient, kind, and compassionate, offering solace and support to those in need. Her ability to heal, both physically and emotionally, is a testament to her connection with the nurturing flame of Valindria.  

Notable Philosophical Actions

Sacrifice in the Quazad-Leona War:

  • Selfless Protection: During the Quazad-Leona War, I'na sacrificed her life to protect her comrades, allowing them to retreat to safety. This selfless act exemplified her commitment to the protection of the innocent and the principles of justice and fairness.

Resurrection and Healing:

  • Guiding Light in Al'ean: After her resurrection by the Red Company, I'na joined a convent in Al'ean, where she served as a guiding light for the followers of Valindria. Her actions in the convent, characterized by compassion and wisdom, reinforced her reputation as a saint and matriarch.

Leadership in White Company:

  • Tactical Brilliance: As a commanding officer of White Company, I'na led her troops with tactical brilliance, ensuring their safety and success in various missions. Her leadership was rooted in the principles of justice and protection, inspiring her soldiers to uphold the values of Valindria.

Joining Wild Hunt:

  • Preventing Uprising: I'na's participation in Wild Hunt, an elite adventuring party, played a pivotal role in preventing an uprising that threatened to reignite war between Quazadun and United Leona. Her actions during this mission, guided by her moral compass, contributed significantly to their success.


Virion Draunus

Superior Officer/Lover (Vital)

Towards I'na Brightstar



I'na Brightstar

Subordinate/Lover (Vital)

Towards Virion Draunus




Before the Goluk War: Silent Love from Afar Long before the Goluk War, when the elven homeland of Va'len was still a land of beauty and abundance, Virion Draunus first laid eyes on I'na Brightstar. Even then, in a time now shrouded by centuries of pain and uncertainty, Virion’s feelings for her were unwavering, intense, and undeniable.   Virion admired I'na from afar, captivated by her beauty and grace, her quiet strength, and the compassion she showed to all who crossed her path. She seemed to embody everything he revered—an unyielding spirit, a gentle heart, and an unwavering sense of purpose. But there was a complication: I'na was already in love with another, a man whose name and face have long since faded into the mists of time. Virion respected the bond she shared with her husband. He saw the love in her eyes when she spoke of him or when they were together, and he never dared to intrude.   Virion’s love for I'na was silent, a secret he kept close to his heart. He was content to simply be near her, to cherish her from a distance, knowing that she was happy, even if it was not with him. He found solace in her presence and in the knowledge that, in some small way, he could be a part of her life.   The Goluk War and the Curse of Immortality Then came the Goluk War, and everything changed. The blinding light of the cataclysmic final attack obliterated their homeland, and both Virion and I'na were caught in the devastation. They died, like so many others, but they did not remain dead. Valindria, the goddess of flame, intervened, bringing them back to life along with 1,998 of their comrades, imbuing them with her divine blessing but also binding them with an unknown curse.   When Virion emerged from the ashes, one of the few clear memories he retained was the ache in his heart when he saw I'na again. She was alive, but changed—her eyes distant, haunted by memories she could not fully grasp. They were both altered, resurrected into a world they no longer fully recognized, bound by a curse they did not understand. Virion's love for I'na remained, but now it was laced with a deep sadness, a longing that had been complicated by their shared fate.   Centuries of Conflict and Unspoken Affection Over the centuries, as the surviving members of White Company navigated their cursed existence, Virion's feelings for I'na only grew stronger. He continued to love her quietly, patiently, even though he knew she did not fully reciprocate his feelings. He understood that I'na was still bound to the memories of her previous life—of her husband and their daughter, of the love she had lost but could never truly forget.   Their relationship was complicated by the roles they played within the Order of Valindria. Virion, as the sole surviving general of the original Va'len army and a key leader of the Order, often sought I'na’s counsel and wisdom. I'na, for her part, respected Virion immensely and saw him as a guiding figure for the Order, a man who had remained steadfast in his duty despite the burden of immortality.   There were moments when the unspoken tension between them flared into something more. Occasionally, they found solace in each other's arms, seeking comfort in the shared pain that only they could truly understand. Yet, these moments were always fleeting, tinged with regret and the knowledge that they could never fully have each other. I'na’s heart remained divided, still caught between the love she had lost and the man who stood before her, offering his own heart with quiet devotion.   The Quazad-Leona War and I'na's Withdrawal During the Quazad-Leona War, I'na gave her life in a decisive battle that allowed her comrades to retreat. She knew that her soul would return to Va'len, but she was unprepared for the mind-maddening pain she would endure upon her return to the ashen wastes. The trauma of her death and subsequent resurrection pushed her to the brink of insanity. When she was brought back to the living by the clerics of Red Company, she was deeply shaken.   In the aftermath, I'na retreated to the Church of Valindria in Al'ean, where she served as a cleric, distancing herself from the front lines and, by extension, from Virion. She needed time to heal, to find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos of her mind. Virion respected her decision, though he continued to visit her, seeking her counsel and support as he had so often done before. Each visit was a mixture of hope and heartache for him. He wanted to be close to her, but he knew she was hurting, and he did not wish to add to her pain.   A Rekindling of Hope: The Divine Revelation It was during this period of withdrawal that the miraculous event occurred. I'na, at her lowest point, was visited by Valindria herself during a fire that swept through the church. The goddess comforted her, reaffirmed her love and guidance, and gave her a renewed sense of purpose. For the first time in years, I'na felt the burden on her soul lighten, though the memories of her lost family remained a sacred treasure she would always carry.   When I'na shared her divine encounter with Virion, the revelation was earth-shattering. Virion was filled with a renewed sense of awe and reverence, and he felt his own faith deepen as he listened to her speak of Valindria’s kindness, patience, and unwavering devotion to her followers. He saw a new light in I'na’s eyes—a light that he found breathtaking. He wanted to reach out, to comfort her, to hold her, but he held back, realizing that her renewed faith had given her a strength and beauty that left him awestruck.   A Fragile and Complex Bond Their relationship has always been defined by its complexity—a mix of deep respect, shared pain, and unfulfilled desire. Virion has always loved I'na with a devotion that borders on the eternal, but he knows he can never fully have her heart. He has come to accept this, understanding that to love I'na means to embrace both the joy and the sorrow of their bond.   I'na, for her part, cares for Virion deeply. She respects him as a leader, admires him as a man, and finds herself drawn to him in ways she does not always understand. Yet, the memories of her lost family still haunt her, and she feels a sense of guilt whenever she finds herself too close to him. She knows how much he loves her, and a part of her loves him too, but she cannot let go of the past, cannot move on from the love she lost.   Acceptance of a Shared Path Forward After her divine encounter, I'na finally agreed to return to the front lines, accepting Virion's offer to rejoin the Order’s active efforts. She understood the importance of being a beacon of hope, especially in a time when their people needed it most. The path ahead was long and uncertain, but with Valindria’s guidance and a renewed sense of purpose, she felt ready to face it once more.   For Virion, this decision brought a mixture of relief and joy. He was proud of her strength, her courage, and her renewed faith. Yet, he knew their relationship would remain what it had always been—a beautiful, tragic dance between two souls bound by love, pain, and a shared duty that transcended even the bonds of life and death.   They move forward together, knowing their relationship will forever be marked by the unspoken words and the desires that remain just out of reach. They are bound by their shared history, their duty to the Order, and a love that is as enduring as it is impossible. And in their hearts, they both know that they will continue to walk this path side by side, for as long as their eternal lives will allow.

Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Circumstances of Birth
light brown
long, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations