Sovrec Sentinels

In the realm of Uthar, within the esteemed ranks of the Twilight Guard, there exists a revered and elite sect known as the Sovrec Sentinels. This group, inspired by the valorous deeds and ultimate sacrifice of Lady Elara Sovrec during the War of Black Blood, is dedicated exclusively to the protection of the reigning monarch. Comprising forty members, the Sovrec Sentinels represent the pinnacle of martial and arcane excellence in Uthar, with each member being a drow female of extraordinary capability.   Formation and Purpose: The Sovrec Sentinels were formed as a tribute to Elara Sovrec's unwavering dedication to Queen Nonsi. Their primary role is the safeguarding of the Queen, serving not only as her protectors but also as confidants and advisors. Their formation was a direct response to the Siege of Whispering Hollow, where Elara Sovrec's actions highlighted the need for an elite unit capable of ensuring the Queen's safety in any circumstance.   Selection and Training: Induction into the Sovrec Sentinels is considered the highest honor within the Twilight Guard. Candidates are selected from a young age, chosen for their innate potential in both martial and magical disciplines. The training regimen is rigorous, encompassing advanced combat tactics, arcane studies, and extensive education in history, diplomacy, and the arts. This comprehensive education ensures that each Sentinel is not just a warrior but also a well-rounded advisor to the Queen.   Skills and Abilities:
  • Arcane Prowess: Each member is adept in drow magic, skilled in casting spells that aid in defense, subterfuge, and combat.
  • Martial Mastery: Trained in the art of blade dancing, the Sentinels are lethal in close combat, moving with a grace and precision that makes them formidable foes.
  • Tactical Acumen: Their strategic understanding of warfare and personal protection tactics is unparalleled.
  • Stealth and Infiltration: Honed in the arts of stealth, they are adept at moving unseen and gathering intelligence.
  • Diplomatic Insight: Their education equips them with the knowledge and wisdom to serve as effective advisors in matters of state and diplomacy.
Equipment and Attire: The Sentinels are outfitted with gear that symbolizes their role and honors Elara Sovrec's legacy. This includes:  
  • Shadowmeld Armor: Lightweight yet durable armor that blends into the shadows, enhancing their stealth capabilities.
  • Sovrec Blades: Dual-wielded swords that are a testament to their blade dancing mastery.
  • Echo Amulets: Magical amulets that facilitate silent communication among the Sentinels, crucial for coordinated protection strategies.
Ceremonial and Symbolic Elements:
  • Elara's Crest: Each Sentinel bears a crest in memory of Elara Sovrec, symbolizing their allegiance and their role as protectors.
  • Moonlit Oath: Upon induction, each Sentinel takes an oath under the moonlight, pledging their allegiance to the Queen and their commitment to uphold the values of Eilistraee.
Role in Utharian Society:   The Sovrec Sentinels are not only the Queen’s elite guard but also esteemed figures in Uthar. Their presence at royal events, their counsel in the court, and their participation in critical military operations underscore their importance. They are seen as embodiments of the strength and wisdom of Utharian society, and their allegiance to the Queen is unwavering.   In essence, the Sovrec Sentinels are a testament to the enduring legacy of Elara Sovrec and a symbol of the enduring commitment to protect and serve the monarch of Uthar. Their prowess in combat, depth of knowledge, and unwavering loyalty make them one of the most respected and formidable groups in all of Eos.


The Sovrec Sentinels, as an elite unit dedicated to the protection and counsel of Uthar's monarch, have a meticulously defined hierarchical structure. This structure ensures efficiency, clarity of command, and the seamless execution of their duties.   1. Sentinel Commander:
  • Role: The highest-ranking member of the Sovrec Sentinels.
  • Responsibilities: Overseeing all operations, strategizing for the Queen's protection, serving as the primary advisor to the Queen on security matters, and liaising with other military and political entities.
  • 2. Vice-Commander:
  • Role: Second-in-command, directly under the Sentinel Commander.
  • Responsibilities: Assisting in strategic planning, leading in the Commander's absence, overseeing training programs, and managing the internal affairs of the Sentinels.
  • 3. Elite Guardians:
  • Role: Senior members with exceptional skills and experience.
  • Responsibilities: Directly guarding the Queen, leading specialized missions, mentoring junior Sentinels, and carrying out high-stakes tasks requiring utmost expertise.
  • 4. Arcane Strategists:
  • Role: Members specializing in magical defense and offense.
  • Responsibilities: Developing and implementing arcane security measures, performing magical reconnaissance, enchanting equipment, and providing magical support during operations.
  • 5. Blade Masters:
  • Role: Experts in physical combat and blade dancing.
  • Responsibilities: Leading combat training, refining martial skills within the group, ensuring combat readiness, and leading in frontline defense.
  • 6. Scout-Sentinels:
  • Role: Specialists in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering.
  • Responsibilities: Conducting surveillance, gathering strategic information, performing covert operations, and assessing potential threats.
  • 7. Aide-Sentinels:
  • Role: Junior members of the Sovrec Sentinels.
  • Responsibilities: Assisting in various duties, undergoing rigorous training, supporting senior members in their tasks, and learning the various aspects of the Sentinels' operations.
  • 8. Advisor-Counselors:
  • Role: Members with a focus on diplomacy and advisory roles.
  • Responsibilities: Providing counsel to the Queen on non-military matters, engaging in diplomatic discussions, and representing the Sentinels in courtly affairs.
  • Each member of the Sovrec Sentinels, regardless of their specific role, is trained to be versatile, capable of stepping into different roles as the situation demands. This flexibility is a hallmark of their effectiveness and is crucial in their duty to protect and serve the monarch of Uthar. The structure allows for a balanced approach, combining martial prowess with strategic and diplomatic acumen, making the Sovrec Sentinels a formidable and respected force.


    Devotion to Duty:   The Sentinels are unwaveringly dedicated to their roles as protectors and advisors. This devotion transcends personal desires, positioning their duty to the Queen and Uthar above all else.   Honor and Integrity:   Honor is paramount; members are expected to conduct themselves with utmost integrity. Dishonesty and dishonor are not tolerated, and each member is held to the highest ethical standards.   Tradition of Blade Dancing:   Inspired by Elara Sovrec's mastery, blade dancing is not only a combat style but a cultural emblem. It symbolizes grace, strength, and the balance between martial prowess and artistic expression.   Respect for Knowledge:   Education and wisdom are highly valued. Members are encouraged to pursue learning in various fields, ensuring they can serve as knowledgeable advisors and well-rounded protectors.   Eilistraee’s Teachings:   The teachings of Eilistraee, emphasizing love, harmony, and redemption, deeply influence the Sentinels' ethos. They strive to embody these principles in their actions and decisions.   Camaraderie and Sisterhood:   A strong sense of sisterhood pervades the organization. Members support and uplift each other, forging bonds that transcend mere comradeship, akin to a familial connection.   Rituals of Remembrance:   The Sentinels regularly honor their history, especially the sacrifices of their predecessors like Elara Sovrec. These rituals of remembrance are crucial in preserving the legacy and guiding the future path of the organization.   Balance of Strength and Diplomacy:   While martial skill is essential, members are also taught the importance of diplomacy, understanding that true strength often lies in avoiding conflict through wise counsel and negotiation.   Adaptability and Innovation:   The Sentinels value adaptability, encouraging members to be versatile and open to new strategies and technologies. Innovation is seen as key to staying ahead in an ever-changing world.   Deep Connection to Nature:   Reflecting their drow heritage, there is a profound respect for nature and the magical energies that flow through the land. This connection influences their combat styles, spiritual practices, and daily lives.

    Public Agenda

    • Unyielding Protection of the Monarch
    The primary and most apparent aspect of their agenda is the unwavering protection of Uthar's monarch. This includes physical safeguarding from potential threats, as well as ensuring the sovereign's well-being in a broader sense.  
    • Preservation of National Stability
      The Sentinels are dedicated to maintaining and promoting the stability of Uthar. This extends beyond the royal family to the well-being of the nation as a whole, encompassing political, social, and economic aspects.  
    • Promotion of Eilistraee’s Values
      In alignment with the teachings of Eilistraee, the Sentinels advocate for values such as harmony, acceptance, and redemption. They strive to embody these ideals in their interactions and decisions, influencing Utharian society positively.  
    • Cultivation of Knowledge and Wisdom
      Recognizing the power of education and informed leadership, the Sentinels emphasize the importance of continuous learning and intellectual growth, both within their ranks and in the broader society.  
    • Representation of Drow Heritage and Strength
      As an all-drow female organization, the Sentinels take pride in their heritage. They seek to represent the strength, resilience, and capabilities of drow women, challenging any lingering stereotypes or prejudices.  
    • Fostering Diplomatic Relations
      Understanding the significance of alliances and peaceful coexistence, the Sentinels actively engage in diplomatic efforts, both within Uthar and with other nations, to foster mutual understanding and cooperation.  
    • Advocacy for Justice and Fairness
      The Sentinels are committed to upholding justice and fairness. This involves not only supporting the rule of law within Uthar but also advocating for the marginalized or oppressed, ensuring equitable treatment for all citizens.  
    • Support for Magical and Martial Advancements
      Acknowledging the evolving nature of threats and challenges, the Sentinels encourage advancements in both magical and martial disciplines, aiming to keep Uthar at the forefront of these fields.  
    • Guardianship of Utharian Traditions and Culture
      The Sentinels serve as custodians of Uthar's rich traditions and culture, promoting and preserving the unique customs, arts, and history that define their nation.  
    • Encouragement of Unity and Cohesion
      A key aspect of their agenda is to foster a sense of unity and cohesion among the diverse populations of Uthar. The Sentinels advocate for inclusivity and collaboration, strengthening the bonds within the community.


    • Fortified Headquarters: A secure and strategically located stronghold within the capital city, known for its robust defenses and hidden chambers. It serves as both a training ground and a sanctuary for the Sentinels.
    • Advanced Armory: Housing an array of specially crafted weapons and armor, including enchanted swords and lightweight, yet protective, armor designed for agility and effectiveness in combat.
    • Arcane Repository: A collection of magical artifacts, scrolls, and tomes, accessible only to the highest-ranking members. These items are used for both research and enhancement of their magical skills.
    • Specialized Troop Transport: A fleet of swift horses bred for speed and endurance, alongside a few well-equipped carriages for discreet travel and rapid deployment during emergencies.
    • Financial Reserves: Accumulated wealth in the form of silver and gold, used for funding operations, purchasing equipment, and maintaining their facilities.
    • Training Facilities: State-of-the-art training grounds equipped with various combat simulations, obstacle courses, and areas dedicated to the practice of arcane arts.
    • Intelligence Network: A well-established network of informants and spies, providing crucial information about potential threats to the queen and the kingdom.
    • Public Works and Structures: Investments in public buildings and structures in key locations, serving as both surveillance points and emergency shelters.
    • Symbolic Assets: The Sigil of the Sovrec Sentinels, widely recognized and respected, symbolizing their authority and commitment to the protection of the queen.
    • Community Support: Unquantifiable goodwill and support from the public, gained through their visible presence and successful protection missions, including the foiling of an assassination attempt on the queen.
      These assets, while known to the public to some extent, are shrouded in a layer of secrecy and discretion, befitting the nature of the Sovrec Sentinels. The exact extent and details of their resources remain a closely guarded secret, known only to the innermost circle of the organization.


    • 97 ATC - Formation
    Following the War of Black Blood, the Sovrec Sentinels were established in honor of Elara Sovrec's bravery and sacrifice. This elite group was formed to ensure the protection of Queen Nonsi and her successors. Their creation symbolized a new era in Uthar's history, one where the safety and counsel of the monarch were paramount.  
    • 100 ATC - Inauguration
      The first cohort of Sovrec Sentinels was officially inaugurated in a grand ceremony. This event was attended by the highest-ranking members of Utharian society, marking the Sentinels as a prestigious and vital arm of the monarchy's defense.  
    • 150 ATC - Expansion of Role
      Initially limited to protective duties, the Sovrec Sentinels’ role expanded to include advisory capacities. They began training in various fields of education, enhancing their ability to serve as both guardians and counselors to the monarch.  
    • 225 ATC - The Night of Shadows
      During a public celebration, an assassination attempt on the Queen was foiled by the Sovrec Sentinels. Their swift and decisive action saved the Queen's life and elevated their status as unparalleled protectors in the public eye. This event became a celebrated part of their history, often recounted in tales and songs.  
    • 500 ATC - The Secret Pact
      A secret pact was made within the organization to pass down undisclosed knowledge and tactics, ensuring the continuity of their skills and strategies. This knowledge became a closely guarded secret, known only to the Sentinels.  
    • 1000 ATC - Golden Anniversary
      The Sentinels celebrated their 900th anniversary. This milestone was marked by a series of events highlighting their contributions to Uthar's safety and prosperity. It was a moment of reflection on their history and achievements.  
    • 1500 ATC - The Hidden Threat
      The Sentinels uncovered and neutralized a covert plot against the monarchy, further proving their indispensable role in the nation’s security. The details of this operation remained classified, adding to their mystique.  
    • 2000 ATC - Millennium Recognition
      During Uthar's millennial celebrations, the Sovrec Sentinels were publicly honored for their millennium of unwavering service. This recognition further cemented their legendary status in Utharian culture.  
    • 2300 ATC - The Silent Transition
      A seamless transition in leadership within the Sentinels demonstrated their effective and discreet operational capabilities. This change was barely noticed by the public, highlighting their ability to maintain continuity and stability.  
    • 2360 ATC - The Arcane Leap
      Advancements in magical and martial techniques were integrated into the Sentinels' training, showcasing their adaptation to the evolving demands of their role.  
    • 2368 ATC - Present Day
      As of the current date, the Sovrec Sentinels continue to serve as the pinnacle of loyalty and skill in Uthar. Their history, while celebrated publicly, contains layers of secrecy, known only to the Sentinels themselves. Their commitment to the protection of the monarch and Uthar remains unshaken.   Throughout their history, the Sovrec Sentinels have become a symbol of unwavering loyalty, unmatched skill, and deep commitment to the ideals of Uthar. While their publicly known history is a source of pride and inspiration, the true extent of their legacy and the secrets they hold continue to be a matter of speculation and reverence.

    Vigilance Eternal

    Government, Law Enforcement
    Alternative Names
    Parent Organization
    Related Ethnicities