Elara Sovrec

Lady Elara Sovrec (a.k.a. Shield of Nonsi)

Elara Sovrec was a distinguished drow warrior and one of the founding members of the Twilight Guard in the land of Eos. Tall and robust, her imposing presence was a testament to her intense training and life in the Underdark's military. With her traditional charcoal-black drow skin, her body bore intricate white tattoos symbolizing loyalty to Queen Rion Nonsi, while a prominent emblem of the Twilight Guard graced her left bicep.   Early Life and Background   Born in the Underdark, Elara was initially a part of the military that served the oppressive reign of the Spider Queen, Lolth. However, a sense of rebellion brewed in her, making her resistant to the drow's traditional ways. This defiance led her to the Twilight Guard, aligning her purpose with Queen Nonsi's mission to lead the drow to the surface and escape the clutches of Lolth.   Twilight Guard   As a founding member of the Twilight Guard, Elara's dedication and prowess played a significant role in their endeavors. Personally chosen by Queen Nonsi, the Guard was an elite group dedicated to protecting the Queen and serving the Church of Eilistraee. They were instrumental in the War of Black Blood and were known for their unique combat style, blade dancing. Under Elara's guidance, the Twilight Guard not only served as protectors but also as missionaries, embodying the teachings of Eilistraee by promoting love and acceptance.   The Siege of Whispering Hollow   One of the most defining moments in Elara's life was during the Siege of Whispering Hollow. The drow's outpost at Whispering Hollow was under attack by Chieftain Gorthank of Clan Utgar. As the battle intensified, Queen Nonsi, the beacon of hope for the drow, was grievously injured. Elara and the Twilight Guard intervened, displaying immense bravery. Elara's selfless act to ensure Queen Nonsi's safety ultimately led to her making the ultimate sacrifice, forever etching her name in drow history.   Legacy   Elara Sovrec's tale is one of courage, loyalty, and sacrifice. In Uthar, she is remembered as a hero who gave her life for her Queen and her people. Her memory lives on in the stories told about her, the statues erected in her honor, and the inspiration she provides to new members of the Twilight Guard and the drow community at large.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Elara Sovrec, being a drow of note and a key member of the Twilight Guard, had access to and developed a set of unique abilities that stood out, even among her exceptional peers.  
  • Enhanced Darkvision
While all drow possess darkvision, Elara's ability was notably more acute, allowing her to see in complete darkness with clarity and detail beyond that of an average drow. This trait proved invaluable during her time in the Underdark and in night battles.  
  • Magical Affinity
Elara had a natural affinity for magic. She was adept at harnessing the innate drow abilities, such as casting 'faerie fire' or creating globes of darkness. As she grew, so did her proficiency, allowing her to delve into more advanced and complex spells.  
  • Blade Dancing Mastery
Elara was a master of the blade dancing combat style, a unique art form merging combat with dance. This made her an unpredictable and formidable opponent, moving with an elegance that belied her deadly strikes.  
  • Aura of Leadership
Though not a tangible ability, Elara exuded an aura that inspired loyalty and courage in those around her. This wasn't just a product of her noble birth, but something she honed, allowing her to rally troops and inspire hope even in dire circumstances.  
  • Enhanced Agility
Possibly a result of her rigorous training or perhaps a unique gift, Elara's agility was exceptional. She could navigate complex terrains, dodge attacks with finesse, and position herself strategically, all with an unmatched swiftness.  
  • Psychic Resistance
The Underdark is rife with creatures and entities that can manipulate minds. Elara, through training or innate ability, had a heightened resistance to psychic attacks or attempts at mental domination.  
  • Diplomatic Insight
Elara had a unique ability to read situations and people, a trait invaluable in the treacherous political landscapes she often navigated. This insight allowed her to anticipate reactions, broker peace, or strategize accordingly.  
  • Enhanced Stealth
While the drow are naturally adept at moving stealthily, especially in the shadows, Elara's skills were particularly honed. This made her an expert infiltrator and scout when the situation demanded subtlety.  
  • Eilistraee's Blessing (speculative)
Given her dedication to Queen Nonsi's vision and the teachings of Eilistraee, it's possible that Elara had received some form of blessing or favor from the deity, enhancing her abilities or providing her with divine guidance at crucial moments.   In the tapestry of her life, these special abilities, coupled with her intellect, moral compass, and unwavering dedication, painted Elara Sovrec as a legend among the drow, her deeds and sacrifices resonating through the annals of their history.

Specialized Equipment

  • Shadowstrike Gauntlets:
These specialized gauntlets were custom-designed for Elara's preferred close combat style. Made from a rare blend of Underdark metals, they were both lightweight and incredibly durable. Each gauntlet featured retractable blades coated with a unique venom derived from Underdark creatures, making her punches lethal. The gauntlets were also enchanted to absorb and dissipate energy, allowing her to parry magical attacks with greater efficiency. Intricate white tattoos adorned the gauntlets, mirroring those on her skin and symbolizing her loyalty to Queen Nonsi.  
  • Nightweaver Cloak
A testament to drow craftsmanship, the Nightweaver Cloak was woven from the silk of shadow spiders found deep within the Underdark. This cloak granted Elara enhanced stealth abilities. When worn, it could meld with the shadows, rendering her nearly invisible in low light. Additionally, the cloak had protective properties, offering resistance against magical detections and minor elemental attacks.  
  • Echo Crystal
Hanging as a pendant around her neck, the Echo Crystal was a gemstone native to the deepest caverns of the Underdark. This crystal allowed Elara to communicate with fellow Twilight Guard members across vast distances. It worked by capturing and amplifying whispered messages, sending them as faint echoes to other corresponding crystals. This ensured the Twilight Guard could coordinate their strategies effectively, even when scattered across a battlefield.   Each piece of this specialized equipment not only augmented Elara's abilities but also told a story of her journey, her values, and the legacy she left behind. Whether it was the lethal dance she performed with her gauntlets or the silent coordination through the Echo Crystal, Elara's equipment was an extension of her indomitable spirit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elara Sovrec was a prominent figure in the land of Eos, renowned for her leadership, loyalty, and bravery. Born to a noble drow family in the depths of the Underdark, she was accustomed to a life of privilege and responsibility. However, it wasn't just nobility that ran in her blood. Following in her mother's footsteps, Elara chose the path of the military, dedicating her early years to mastering the arts of warfare and strategy. Her upbringing not only provided her with the skills of a warrior but also imbued her with a sense of honor and purpose that would guide her throughout her life.   Despite her noble lineage and the traditional ways of the drow, Elara always harbored feelings of resistance against the oppressive reign of the Spider Queen, Lolth. This internal conflict between her upbringing and her inherent sense of justice would lead her to question the very fabric of drow society.   It was only after the Nonsi Rebellion, a pivotal movement led by Rion Nonsi to guide the drow to the surface and away from Lolth's tyrannical grip, that Elara's path took a significant turn. In the aftermath of the rebellion, Elara formally met Queen Nonsi. Impressed by Nonsi's vision and her commitment to forging a better future for the drow, Elara swore an oath of loyalty to her. This commitment was more than mere words; it was a bond forged in shared ideals and dreams of a brighter future.   Joining the Twilight Guard was a natural progression for Elara. As a founding member of this elite group, she combined her military expertise with her newfound purpose. The Twilight Guard, under the auspices of Queen Nonsi, aimed to protect the drow's newfound freedom on the surface and serve the Church of Eilistraee. Elara's role was instrumental in shaping the Guard's ethos, ensuring that they were not just warriors but also symbols of hope, embodying Eilistraee's teachings of love and acceptance.   However, her most defining moment came during the Siege of Whispering Hollow. As the drow faced a potential defeat at the hands of Chieftain Gorthank of Clan Utgar, Queen Nonsi was severely injured. With unwavering loyalty and determination, Elara and the Twilight Guard intervened, saving their queen at a tremendous personal cost. Elara's sacrifice during this siege solidified her legacy, making her a revered figure in drow history.   Throughout her life, Elara Sovrec remained a beacon of hope, strength, and sacrifice for the drow. Her noble birth, military acumen, unwavering loyalty to Queen Nonsi, and her ultimate sacrifice are tales told across generations, inspiring countless drows to follow in her footsteps.


Born into nobility, Elara Sovrec's education was expansive, reflecting the privileges of her status and the expectations placed upon her.  
  • Early Education
From a young age, Elara was provided with the finest tutors the Underdark had to offer. Her curriculum was extensive:  
  • Language and Literature: Elara was fluent in multiple languages, including the common tongue, the intricate drow sign language, and other languages of the Underdark. She was also well-versed in drow literature, poetry, and the oral traditions of her people.
  • History: Comprehensive studies about the history of the drow, the rise and reign of the Spider Queen Lolth, significant wars, and the political intricacies of the Underdark were central to her education.
  • Religious Studies: Given the significant role of religion in drow society, Elara studied the teachings and tenets of Lolth, although her personal beliefs would later diverge from these teachings.
    • Military Training
      Following her mother's footsteps, Elara's education took a turn towards the martial when she was still quite young:  
  • Combat: She was trained extensively in various combat styles, mastering both melee and ranged weapons. Special emphasis was given to the traditional drow weapon - the hand crossbow and the dual-bladed sword.
  • Strategy and Tactics: Elara was not just a warrior; she was a tactician. Lessons on battlefield strategy, the art of war, and the history of notable battles and sieges ensured she was as sharp-minded as she was with her blade.
  • Leadership and Command: Being from a noble lineage, Elara was groomed to lead. Her training encompassed aspects of leadership, troop management, and command.
    • Cultural and Arts Education
      Being a drow of noble descent, Elara's education also encompassed the arts:   - Music and Dance: The drow are known for their haunting melodies and intricate dances. Elara was trained in both, with a special emphasis on the ritual dances dedicated to Lolth, which would later evolve into her mastering the blade dancing techniques of the Twilight Guard.  
  • Craft and Artistry: Understanding and appreciating the drow's penchant for intricate craftsmanship, from weaving to jewelry-making, was also part of her curriculum.
    • Personal Development
      Elara's personal growth was shaped by both her formal education and her experiences. Encounters with Queen Nonsi and her subsequent dedication to the Twilight Guard allowed Elara to develop a sense of purpose and morality that diverged from the traditional drow way of life. These experiences, combined with her education, forged her into a leader and visionary that would leave an indelible mark on drow history.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Elara Sovrec's journey from Underdark nobility to a revered figure in drow history was marked by numerous accomplishments and achievements:   1. Military Distinction: Ascending the ranks in the Underdark's military, Elara became an esteemed lieutenant, a position that bore testament to her combat skills and strategic mind. Her leadership in numerous skirmishes and battles earned her accolades and respect among her peers.   2. Twilight Guard Founding Member: Elara was pivotal in the formation of the Twilight Guard, an elite force dedicated to protecting Queen Nonsi and the principles of Eilistraee. Her influence shaped the guard's ethos, combining martial prowess with the teachings of love and acceptance.   3. Protector of Queen Nonsi: Elara's unwavering loyalty and dedication to Queen Nonsi saw her play a protective role multiple times. The most significant instance was during the Siege of Whispering Hollow, where her valor ensured the Queen's safety, even at the cost of her own life.   4. Advocate for Change: Going against the traditional ways of the drow, especially their allegiance to the Spider Queen Lolth, Elara became a beacon of change. Her advocacy for a life away from the oppressive reign of Lolth and on the surface resonated with many, making her a symbolic figure in the Nonsi Rebellion.   5. Master of Blade Dancing: While all members of the Twilight Guard were trained in the art of blade dancing, Elara's proficiency was unmatched. Her ability to combine combat with the elegance of dance made her a formidable opponent and a sight to behold on the battlefield.   6. Diplomat and Negotiator: Beyond her combat roles, Elara's noble upbringing and education saw her serve as a diplomat on various occasions. Acting often as Queen Nonsi's envoy, she played a role in forging alliances, negotiating truces, and ensuring the drow's integration into the surface world.   7. Mentor and Trainer: Recognizing the importance of nurturing the next generation, Elara took an active role in training younger members of the Twilight Guard. Her teachings went beyond combat, instilling values of honor, loyalty, and compassion in her trainees.   8. Legacy of Sacrifice: Perhaps her most enduring achievement was her ultimate sacrifice at the Siege of Whispering Hollow. This act immortalized her in drow history, with her story serving as a beacon of hope, dedication, and the ultimate price of loyalty.   Through her life, Elara Sovrec embodied the ideals of bravery, loyalty, and change. Her accomplishments and achievements have left an indelible mark on the history of the drow, ensuring her memory endures for generations to come.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Elara Sovrec, shaped by both her noble upbringing and experiences on the battlefield, exhibited intellectual characteristics that distinguished her among the drow of Eos.  
    • Analytical Thinker
    A hallmark of her military training, Elara possessed a keen analytical mind. Whether strategizing for battles or discerning the intentions of political adversaries, her ability to break down complex situations and predict outcomes was unparalleled.  
    • Diplomatic Acumen
    Elara's noble roots gave her a refined understanding of diplomacy and court politics. She could navigate the intricate webs of drow politics, ensuring the best outcomes for her cause and her people.  
    • Cultural Literacy
    Being well-versed in both drow history and literature, Elara had a deep appreciation for the arts and traditions. This cultural literacy not only enriched her personal life but also enabled her to connect with her kin on a profound level, using shared heritage as a foundation.  
    • Adaptable Learner
    From the depths of the Underdark to the surface world of Eos, Elara's ability to adapt was a testament to her intellectual flexibility. Whether it was new battle tactics, political landscapes, or the teachings of Eilistraee, she assimilated new information quickly and efficiently.  
    • Emotional Intelligence
    Elara's military leadership and her role within the Twilight Guard demanded a deep understanding of emotions, both hers and those of the drow under her command. She was adept at reading subtle emotional cues, which allowed her to provide support, motivation, or discipline as the situation required.  
    • Moral Philosophy
    While many drow operated in shades of gray, Elara's moral compass was well-defined. Her philosophical musings, often influenced by Queen Nonsi's vision and the teachings of Eilistraee, provided her with a clear sense of right and wrong. This strong moral foundation influenced her decisions, both on and off the battlefield.  
    • Visionary
    Above all, Elara was a visionary. While she respected the drow's past, she was not bound by it. Her dreams for a brighter future, free from Lolth's tyranny and filled with the promise of Eilistraee's teachings, fueled her actions and decisions.   In essence, Elara Sovrec's intellectual characteristics, a blend of analytical prowess, emotional depth, and visionary thinking, positioned her as a beacon of hope and a pillar of strength for the drow in their transformative journey.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Elara Sovrec's journey, from her noble beginnings in the Underdark to her selfless sacrifice at the Siege of Whispering Hollow, showcased a strong moral compass and a distinct philosophy that set her apart from many of her kin.  
    • Personal Code
    Elara's personal code was deeply rooted in honor, loyalty, and a belief in a brighter future for the drow. She often found herself at odds with the traditional drow way of life, especially the machinations and deceptions inherent to their society. Instead, she chose a path that emphasized righteousness and fairness.  
    • Rebellion Against Tradition
    Her resistance to the oppressive reign of the Spider Queen Lolth wasn't just a political or military stance but a deeply moral one. Elara believed in the inherent goodness of individuals and felt that the drow society's structure under Lolth stifled this potential.  
    • Loyalty to a Cause
    Meeting Queen Nonsi and witnessing her vision for the drow solidified Elara's belief in a better path. Her loyalty to Queen Nonsi wasn't just allegiance to a ruler but to the ideals she represented: freedom, change, and hope. Elara's commitment was to the greater good of the drow people, ensuring they had a chance to flourish away from the shadows of their past.  
    • Value of Life
    Despite her martial prowess and involvement in numerous battles, Elara never took life lightly. She viewed every loss on the battlefield with gravity, emphasizing the importance of strategy and diplomacy to minimize casualties.  
    • Role of the Twilight Guard
    Elara's belief in the Twilight Guard went beyond its role as an elite military unit. She envisioned the Guard as a beacon of hope, combining martial abilities with Eilistraee's teachings. The balance of combat prowess and promoting love and acceptance encapsulated her belief that strength wasn't just in warfare but in unity and compassion.  
    • Sacrifice
    Her ultimate act at the Siege of Whispering Hollow epitomized her philosophy. Elara believed that some causes were worth the ultimate sacrifice. Her decision to give her life to protect Queen Nonsi wasn't just about saving a leader but preserving the hope and vision that Nonsi represented for all drow.   In conclusion, Elara Sovrec's morality and philosophy were a blend of her noble upbringing, personal experiences, and the new direction the drow took under Queen Nonsi's leadership. Her beliefs, characterized by honor, loyalty, and sacrifice, have made her a legendary figure, epitomizing the potential for change and the power of steadfast conviction.

    Personality Characteristics


    • Liberation from Oppression
    Having witnessed firsthand the oppressive rule of the Spider Queen Lolth in the Underdark, Elara was deeply motivated by a desire to free her kin from such tyranny. This liberation wasn't just about physical freedom, but also a liberation of thought, culture, and spirit.  
    • Loyalty to a New Vision
    Meeting Queen Nonsi was a turning point for Elara. Nonsi's vision for the drow—of a life on the surface, away from the shadows of their past, and under the benevolent guidance of Eilistraee—resonated deeply with Elara. Her loyalty to this vision and to Queen Nonsi herself became a driving force behind her actions.  
    • Redemption and Personal Growth
    Given her initial path in the Underdark's military serving Lolth, Elara sought redemption. This quest wasn't just about making amends for past actions but was also about personal growth and finding a true purpose. Joining the Twilight Guard was both an act of rebellion against the old ways and a path to self-discovery.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Elara Sovrec, with her complex personality and rich history, had distinct preferences that were a reflection of her experiences, values, and journey. Here are some of her prominent likes and dislikes:  
    • Likes
      1. Blade Dancing: More than just a combat technique, blade dancing was an art form for Elara. She relished the grace, precision, and rhythm it entailed, using it as both a form of expression and a deadly skill on the battlefield.   2. Surface Sunsets: Having spent a significant portion of her life in the dark confines of the Underdark, Elara developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of surface world sunsets. The play of light and shadow was a symbolic reminder of her journey from darkness to light.   3. Unity and Collaboration: Elara believed strongly in the collective strength of her people. She appreciated moments when drow came together, setting aside differences, working towards a common goal.   4. Nature's Sounds: The chirping of birds, rustling of leaves, and the gentle flow of water were all novelties for Elara. Having been accustomed to the eerie silence or the distant echoes of the Underdark, these sounds of the surface world brought her peace.   5. Eilistraee's Teachings: The goddess Eilistraee's teachings, especially those emphasizing love, acceptance, and harmony, resonated deeply with Elara. She often took time to reflect on and embrace these principles in her daily life.  
    • Dislikes
      1. Underdark Politics: Having witnessed the cutthroat and often treacherous politics of the Underdark firsthand, Elara developed a disdain for power plays and backstabbing that were common in drow society.   2. Oppression: Elara's experiences under Lolth's reign gave her a deep-seated aversion to any form of oppression or tyranny. She was always quick to challenge and stand up against such injustices.   3. Betrayal: For Elara, loyalty was paramount. Acts of betrayal, whether personal or against her people, were something she could neither tolerate nor forgive easily.   4. Superficiality: In her interactions, Elara valued depth and sincerity. She had little patience for superficial conversations or pretense, preferring genuine engagements and interactions.   5. Confinement: Symbolic of her journey from the Underdark to the surface, Elara had a strong dislike for physical confinement or any environment that reminded her of the oppressive darkness she had left behind.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    **Elara Sovrec - Virtues & Perks** Elara Sovrec was a towering figure in the history of the drow, not just because of her accomplishments but also due to the virtues she embodied and the unique perks that came with her position and experiences.  
    • Virtues
      1. Loyalty: Arguably Elara's most defining trait, her unwavering loyalty to Queen Nonsi, the Twilight Guard, and the vision of a brighter future for the drow was evident in her every action.   2. Courage: Whether facing enemies on the battlefield or confronting the deep-rooted traditions of drow society, Elara's courage was a beacon for many.   3. Integrity: Elara was known to stand by her beliefs, even when it was challenging or unpopular. Her actions were always aligned with her principles, earning her respect even from adversaries.   4. Compassion: Despite her martial prowess, Elara possessed a deep sense of compassion. She believed in the inherent goodness of beings and often sought non-violent solutions and understanding.   5. Wisdom: Benefitting from both her noble upbringing and her experiences, Elara exhibited a wisdom that made her a valued advisor to Queen Nonsi and a mentor to many in the Twilight Guard.  
    • Perks
      1. Influence: As a former Underdark military lieutenant and a founding member of the Twilight Guard, Elara had considerable influence, allowing her to rally troops, negotiate with external parties, and shape key decisions.   2. Access to Rare Resources: Given her position, Elara had access to rare materials, artifacts, and knowledge, some of which she used to create her specialized equipment.   3. Elite Training: As part of the Twilight Guard, Elara received training that was unparalleled, honing her combat skills and deepening her understanding of Eilistraee's teachings.   4. Legacy and Respect: Her reputation preceded her. Elara's deeds, especially her sacrifice during the Siege of Whispering Hollow, meant that her name commanded immense respect, ensuring her legacy would be remembered for generations.   Elara Sovrec's virtues and perks complemented each other, solidifying her place as a revered figure. Her moral compass, coupled with the unique advantages her position offered, allowed her to shape and influence the world of Eos in myriad ways.


    Religious Views

    Elara Sovrec's religious views underwent significant evolution over her lifetime, shaped by personal experiences and the transformative times she lived in.  
    • Early Beliefs
    Born into the Underdark, Elara was initially indoctrinated into the worship of the Spider Queen, Lolth. The oppressive, matriarchal society under Lolth's reign emphasized power, ambition, and treachery. However, even during these formative years, Elara exhibited signs of resistance to these teachings, feeling an intrinsic dissonance with the darker aspects of the drow's traditional ways.  
    • Awakening with Eilistraee
    Elara's meeting with Queen Nonsi and her subsequent exposure to the teachings of Eilistraee, the drow goddess of song, dance, and moonlight, was a turning point in her spiritual journey. Eilistraee's teachings of hope, redemption, love, and acceptance resonated deeply with Elara. She saw in these teachings a path to redemption and a brighter future for the drow, away from the shadows of their past.  
    • Role of Queen Nonsi
    The influence of Queen Nonsi, who had been directly inspired by visions from Eilistraee, cannot be understated in shaping Elara's religious views. Nonsi's unwavering belief in a new path for the drow, guided by Eilistraee's principles, played a vital role in Elara's transition from the old beliefs to the new.  
    • Personal Synthesis
    While Elara embraced Eilistraee's teachings, she also maintained a personalized and pragmatic approach to faith. She believed in action as much as in prayer, seeing the tangible efforts to uplift the drow and establish a harmonious society as true manifestations of Eilistraee's teachings.  
    • Legacy
    Elara's belief in Eilistraee's teachings not only transformed her own life but also became a beacon for many other drow who sought a new spiritual path. Her dedication to these beliefs, even in the face of adversity and tradition, showcased her unwavering faith and the potential for change.   In essence, Elara Sovrec's religious views were characterized by her journey from the traditional, darker worship of Lolth to the radiant hope offered by Eilistraee, underpinned by her personal experiences and the visionary leadership of Queen Nonsi.

    Social Aptitude

    Elara Sovrec's social aptitude was a blend of her noble lineage, rigorous military training, and deep-seated beliefs. These facets of her identity played a crucial role in her interactions with peers, subordinates, and adversaries.  
    • Diplomatic Poise
    Hailing from a noble drow family, Elara was well-versed in the art of diplomacy. She could navigate the intricate web of Underdark politics with grace and subtlety. Her ability to read situations, anticipate reactions, and communicate effectively made her a valuable envoy for Queen Nonsi in diplomatic endeavors.  
    • Commanding Presence
    As a former lieutenant in the Underdark military and a leading figure in the Twilight Guard, Elara carried a commanding presence. Whether rallying her troops on the battlefield or addressing a gathering, she exuded an aura of confidence and authority that demanded respect.  
    • Empathetic Listener
    Despite her stature and responsibilities, Elara was known to be an empathetic listener. She valued the perspectives of those around her, from fellow Twilight Guard members to common drow citizens. This approachability, combined with genuine concern, endeared her to many and reinforced her leadership.  
    • Conflict Resolution
    Elara's experiences in both military skirmishes and the nuanced politics of the drow society honed her skills in conflict resolution. She had an innate ability to mediate disputes, seek common ground, and foster harmony, especially in the fledgling society trying to find its footing post the Nonsi Rebellion.  
    • Guarded Authenticity
    While Elara was genuine in her interactions, years in the treacherous environments of the Underdark instilled in her a level of guardedness. She was selective about revealing her vulnerabilities, always ensuring her openness didn't compromise her or her mission.  
    • Influencer
    Elara's beliefs, especially her alignment with Eilistraee's teachings and Queen Nonsi's vision, made her a significant influencer. Her words and actions set trends, guiding many drow in their personal and societal transformations.   In summation, Elara Sovrec's social aptitude was a reflection of her multifaceted identity. She moved seamlessly between the roles of a diplomat, leader, listener, and influencer, always prioritizing the well-being of the drow and the realization of their newfound vision. Her social skills played a pivotal role in the transformative era of drow history, leaving an indelible mark on their societal evolution.


    Tone of Voice: Elara's voice exuded confidence, often carrying a calm and steady tone. When rallying her troops or addressing the public, however, her voice took on an inspiring and assertive quality.   Pitch: Her pitch was slightly deeper than average for a drow female, adding to her commanding presence in both military and diplomatic settings.   Accent: Growing up in the Underdark, Elara had a distinct drow accent, characterized by elongated vowels and sharp consonants. However, with her time on the surface and interactions with various races, there were subtle hints of other influences, giving her a unique intonation.   Dialect: Her speech was a blend of high drow, owing to her noble upbringing, interspersed with common drow slang she picked up during her military service and time with the Twilight Guard.   Impediments: Elara did not have any noticeable speech impediments.   Catch Phrases: "In the face of darkness, we are the bearers of light." This line encapsulated her belief in the drow's new path and was frequently used in her motivational speeches.   Common Phrases: "For the future of our kind," a phrase she often used to underscore the importance of unity and the drow's collective mission.   Compliments: "Your spirit shines bright," a nod to the teachings of Eilistraee and the intrinsic goodness she believed everyone possessed.   Insults: Given her diplomatic nature, Elara rarely resorted to blatant insults. However, when pushed, she might retort with, "May Lolth's shadows forever cloud your judgment," a curse indicating that one is blinded by old, oppressive ways.   Greetings: "Blessings of the moonlit dance," a reference to Eilistraee's nightly rituals, commonly used to greet fellow believers.   Farewell: "Walk in twilight's embrace," a nod to her role in the Twilight Guard and a wish for protection and guidance.   Swearing: Instead of common profanities, Elara might exclaim, "By the abyssal depths!" when frustrated or surprised, a reference to the deep and dangerous caverns of the Underdark.   Metaphors: Given her journey from the Underdark to the surface, light and darkness metaphors were common in her speech. "Emerging from the shadows into dawn's embrace" was a phrase she often used to describe the drow's transformation under Queen Nonsi's leadership.


    Elara Sovrec

    Subordinate (Vital)

    Towards Serenthia Lusilver



    Serenthia Lusilver

    Commanding Officer (Vital)

    Towards Elara Sovrec




    The emergence of the drow from the claustrophobic confines of the Underdark was a monumental event filled with both hope and chaos. As they stepped into the brightness of the new world, they were met with the vastness of possibilities and the weight of immense challenges. Their existence on the surface was fragile, like a newly sprouted seedling, and they needed champions to help it grow.   During this critical juncture, Queen Nonsi was consumed with the gargantuan task of ensuring the safety and well-being of her people. It was in this maelstrom of reorganization that she first took note of a formidable drow named Elara Sovrec.   Elara, tall and powerful with fierce amber eyes, was a force to be reckoned with. Her intricate white tattoos symbolizing loyalty gleamed under the sun, reflecting her resolve. Without hesitation, she stepped forward, volunteering to rally drow for security, helping erect makeshift shelters, and organizing food distribution. Her proactive efforts did not go unnoticed.   Recognizing the merit in Elara’s actions and the potential for a trusted ally, Queen Nonsi arranged a formal meeting. It was in the heart of the makeshift camp, with tents billowing in the soft breeze, that the two women stood face to face. The air was thick with anticipation.   Elara, with a genuflection that spoke volumes of her respect, looked up at the Queen and declared, "I pledge my loyalty to you, Queen Nonsi. The teachings of Lolth no longer bind my heart. I see a new dawn under your leadership, and I stand with you."   Queen Nonsi, touched by the raw sincerity in Elara's voice, extended her hand, pulling Elara to her feet. "Your loyalty means the world to us. Together, we shall carve a future for our people," she affirmed.   From that pivotal meeting, the foundation of a deep bond was laid. Nonsi, ever the visionary, was quick to recognize the tactical acumen and warrior spirit in Elara. They began consulting each other on key decisions, with Elara's insights often complementing Nonsi's broader vision. The Queen found herself relying on Elara's ground knowledge and experience, especially when it came to security measures and interactions with surface races.   Their frequent meetings weren't just confined to official matters. Over shared meals and moonlit walks, they discussed their past in the Underdark, their shared dreams for a free drow society, and their personal challenges. These conversations strengthened their bond, turning their professional relationship into a budding friendship.   Elara's loyalty wasn't just in words. Her actions during those initial days, rallying the drow and ensuring their safety, were instrumental in the formation of what would later be known as the Twilight Guard. And she was among its first members, solidifying her commitment to Nonsi and the drow's future on the surface.   The budding relationship between Nonsi and Elara was a beacon for many. Witnessing their dynamic, many drow felt inspired to step forward and contribute, further strengthening the fledgling society of Uthar. The unity between a queen and her loyal warrior was emblematic of the unity the entire drow community was beginning to embody.   As time progressed, the bond between Queen Nonsi and Elara Sovrec grew stronger. Their combined vision and strength became the backbone of Uthar's rise as a formidable nation. Together, they stood as symbols of hope, resilience, and a brighter future for all drow.

    Lawful Good
    Current Status
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Throughout her distinguished life and career, Elara Sovrec was bestowed with or earned various titles that encapsulated her role, achievements, and the respect she garnered among her kin and allies. Here are three of her most prominent titles:   1. Shield of Nonsi: Given her unwavering loyalty and the numerous times she defended Queen Nonsi—culminating in her ultimate sacrifice at the Siege of Whispering Hollow—Elara was often referred to as the "Shield of Nonsi," symbolizing her protective role.   2. Mistress of Shadows: This title paid homage to her unparalleled stealth skills and her ability to navigate both the political and literal shadows of the Underdark and the surface world.   3. Blade Dancer of the Twilight: Reflecting her mastery of the unique combat style of blade dancing and her integral role in the Twilight Guard, this title celebrated her martial prowess and her position within the elite group.   Each of these titles not only acknowledged Elara Sovrec's skills and contributions but also added to the aura of legend that surrounded her, ensuring her legacy would be remembered with reverence and awe.
    Circumstances of Death
    Gave her life in the Siege of Whispering Hollow
    The Underdark
    Place of Death
    Rachnora Range
    mid length white hair usually done up in braids; head shaved on the sides
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    Throughout her lifetime, Elara Sovrec was known not just for her actions but also for her words, which inspired her comrades and continue to resonate in the annals of drow history. Here are three of her most famous quotes and catchphrases:   - "In the face of darkness, we are the bearers of light." This line encapsulates Elara's belief in the role the Twilight Guard and the drow should play in the new world. It was often repeated before heading into battles or during ceremonies and has since become a mantra within the ranks of the Twilight Guard.   - "Loyalty isn't born from fear, but forged in love and respect." A reflection of her own loyalty to Queen Nonsi and her squad, this quote was Elara's way of articulating the basis of true allegiance. It serves as an enduring lesson to drow leaders, challenging the old ways of ruling through fear and intimidation.   - "The shadows of our past do not define us; it's how we step into the light that does." This phrase encapsulates Elara's personal journey from serving in the military under Lolth's oppressive regime to becoming a founding member of the Twilight Guard. It's become a rallying cry for other drow who seek a new path, symbolizing hope, redemption, and the power of change.   Each of these quotes tells a story about Elara's core beliefs—her commitment to bring light to darkness, her understanding of loyalty, and her unwavering belief in the power of change. These words live on as a lasting part of her legacy, quoted by historians, commanders, and young drow looking for inspiration.
    Church of Eilistraee
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations