
The Dark Dancer

Eilistraee, often referred to as The Dark Dancer, is a unique and complex deity in the pantheon of elven gods. She is the daughter of Corellon Larethian, the foremost of the ascended elves and a symbol of elven grace and wisdom, and Lolth, the goddess associated with spiders, lies, and schemes, known for her rule over the dark elves (drow) in the Underdark. Eilistraee's heritage places her at the intersection of light and darkness, making her a goddess of duality. She is revered for her grace and beauty, much like her father, Corellon, and possesses a deep connection to both the Seldarine (the pantheon of elven deities) and the Dark Seldarine (the drow deities). However, unlike her mother Lolth, who revels in deceit and domination, Eilistraee seeks to guide the drow away from evil and oppression.   Eilistraee is known as the Dark Dancer due to her love for song and dance, which are central aspects of her worship. Her teachings promote harmony, joy, and freedom, and she is seen as a beacon of hope and redemption, especially for the drow who yearn to escape the malevolent influence of Lolth and the darkness of the Underdark.   Her followers, including drow, elves, half-elves, orcs, goblins, bugbears, and even humans, are drawn to her ideals of acceptance and unity among races. They celebrate her through moonlit dances, songs, and feasts in wooded areas of the surface world. Eilistraee's ultimate goal is to foster a world where all races can coexist in harmony, free from prejudice and conflict. Her unique position as a mediator between light and dark, surface and Underdark, makes her an important figure in the elven pantheon and a symbol of hope for a more inclusive and peaceful world.

Divine Domains

Redemption and Liberation:   Eilistraee, often embodying the theme of redemption, focuses on liberating the drow from the oppressive clutches of Lolth. Her domain includes guiding those who seek to escape the darkness of the Underdark and the malevolence of the drow matriarchy. This domain extends to all who seek liberation from tyranny and oppression, not just the drow.   Dance and Music:   Known as the Dark Dancer, Eilistraee holds dominion over dance and music, elements central to her worship. Her followers express their devotion through moonlit dances and songs. She encourages the use of these art forms as expressions of joy, freedom, and a celebration of life, symbolizing the fluidity and grace inherent in both nature and the elven spirit.   Harmony and Unity Among Races:   Eilistraee's teachings revolve around fostering harmony and acceptance among various races. Her influence seeks to bridge the gap between the drow and other races, especially surface elves, humans, and half-elves. She aspires to create a world where diverse races coexist peacefully, free from discrimination and conflict.   Nature and the Moon:   Eilistraee has a strong connection to nature, particularly to forests and the moon. Her divine domain includes woodlands and natural settings where her followers often gather for rituals. The moon, a symbol of her presence, plays a significant role in her worship, with ceremonies and dances often held under its light.   Beauty and Artistic Expression:   Emphasizing the creation and appreciation of beauty, Eilistraee's domain includes all forms of artistic expression. She inspires her followers to engage in the arts, be it painting, crafting, or music-making. These activities are not only seen as acts of worship but also as means to spread joy and inspire others.   Swordplay and Martial Prowess:   Eilistraee is also associated with swordplay, considered a form of art and dance. Her followers are encouraged to train in the use of swords, reflecting the grace and discipline of the deity. This aspect of her domain symbolizes the balance between physical prowess and artistic expression.   Protection of the Marginalized:   The goddess's domain extends to the protection of the marginalized and oppressed. This includes advocating for the rights of the downtrodden, particularly those who suffer under unjust rule, and offering sanctuary to outcasts and refugees.   Culinary Arts and Feasting:   Eilistraee values the joy found in food and communal feasting. Her domain encompasses the culinary arts, encouraging followers to share meals, especially during festivals and moonlit gatherings. These feasts symbolize community, sharing, and the celebration of life's simple pleasures.   Freedom and Individual Choice:   A significant part of Eilistraee's domain is the emphasis on personal freedom and the right to choose one's path. She stands against any form of enslavement or oppression, advocating for the right of all beings to seek their destiny without coercion or restraint.   Through these domains, Eilistraee embodies a multifaceted deity who champions not just the drow's cause but also the universal values of freedom, harmony, artistic expression, and the joy of living. Her influence extends beyond the conventional boundaries of divine realms, touching on aspects that bring both physical and spiritual liberation.


Moonfire Swords:   Mythical blades said to be forged under the light of the full moon, imbued with Eilistraee's essence. These swords glow with a soft silver light and are known for their exceptional craftsmanship. They symbolize the balance of grace and strength, a core aspect of Eilistraee's teachings.   Circlets of the Moon Dancer:   Silver circlets often worn by Eilistraee's high priests and devout followers. These circlets are believed to enhance the wearer's connection to the goddess, especially during rituals and dances. They are also said to bestow clarity of mind and heightened senses under the moonlight.   Amulets of Harmonic Convergence:   Sacred amulets created to symbolize the unity of different races. Wearing these amulets is believed to promote understanding and empathy among diverse groups. They are particularly cherished by diplomats and emissaries who work towards racial harmony.   Veils of the Dark Maiden:   Ethereal veils used in ceremonial dances, these delicate fabrics are enchanted to shimmer in the moonlight, creating mesmerizing patterns. They are not only aesthetic but also hold magical properties that aid in protection and spiritual connection during rituals.   Lutes of Lunar Melody:   Magical lutes that produce otherworldly music, resonating deeply with the soul. These instruments are said to be crafted from sacred woods and imbued with Eilistraee's blessings. The music played on these lutes can soothe even the most troubled hearts and is an integral part of worship.   Moonlit Mirrors:   Mirrors that reflect the true nature of the beholder, showing not just physical appearance but the inner self. Used in introspective rituals, these mirrors are tools for self-discovery and spiritual growth, guiding followers to understand and embrace their dualities.   Chalices of the Moonfeast:   Enchanted chalices used during communal feasts and rituals. These vessels are said to purify any liquid poured into them, symbolizing the cleansing of the soul and the sharing of pure joy.   Mantles of the Twilight Forest:   Cloaks that grant the ability to blend seamlessly into natural surroundings, especially under the cover of night. These mantles are favored by Eilistraee's scouts and protectors, aiding them in safeguarding the followers and sacred groves.   Bands of the Silver Dance:   Arm and ankle bands that resonate with soft music when the wearer dances. These bands are used to enhance the ritual dances, making each movement a melody in itself, and are believed to draw the favor of Eilistraee.   Tapestries of the Weave's Song:   Enchanted tapestries depicting the history and lore of Eilistraee and her followers. These tapestries are more than art; they are living chronicles, sometimes shifting and changing to reveal new insights or hidden truths. Each of these artifacts holds a special place in the worship and lore of Eilistraee, embodying different aspects of her divine domains and teachings. They are not just objects of power but also symbols of the values and ideals she represents.

Holy Books & Codes

"The Lamentations of The Queen":   A deeply moving text, it contains the personal lamentations of Queen Nonsi, a revered figure in the lore of Eilistraee. In these writings, Nonsi expresses her sorrow and struggles with the gift of immortality bestowed upon her by Eilistraee. The book details her journey towards acceptance and understanding as she watches time claim her friends and family while she remains, bound by duty and divine blessing, to lead the nation of Uthar. It's a poignant reflection on the burdens of leadership and the bittersweet nature of eternal life.   "Dances Under the Moon":   A compilation of rituals, prayers, and songs used in the worship of Eilistraee. This book emphasizes the importance of dance and music in connecting with the goddess, offering detailed descriptions of ceremonial dances and the symbolic meanings behind them.   "The Harmony of Twilight":   Focused on the teachings of balance and unity, this text explores the duality of Eilistraee as a bridge between light and darkness. It includes philosophical discourses on the nature of duality in the universe and practical guidance on living a life that embraces both aspects of the self.   "Songs of the Silver Path":   A collection of hymns, ballads, and stories that celebrate Eilistraee’s aspects as a deity of song and beauty. This book is often used in religious education, teaching followers about the history of their faith through music and storytelling.   "The Weave's Whisper":   Delving into the more mystical and magical aspects of Eilistraee's domain, this book contains knowledge about the Weave and its relationship with elven magic. It serves as a guide for spellcasters seeking to harness their powers in a way that honors the goddess.   "The Moonlit Tome":   This sacred book is a collection of teachings, prophecies, and revelations said to have been imparted by Eilistraee herself to her most devout followers. It's considered a source of divine wisdom and is often consulted by the priesthood for guidance.   "The Chronicles of Redemption":   Narrating the stories of drow who have sought redemption and a new path under Eilistraee’s guidance, this book is both an inspirational and instructional tome, offering hope and a blueprint for transformation.   "Silent Steps of the Forest":   Dedicated to the followers who blend Eilistraee’s teachings with their deep connection to nature, this book combines lore about the natural world with spiritual practices, emphasizing living in harmony with the environment.   "The Blades of Eilistraee":   A manual of swordsmanship and martial arts in honor of the goddess, this book not only teaches combat techniques but also imbues them with spiritual significance, viewing the art of the blade as a form of worship and self-discovery.   "Feasts of the Moon":   This unique text is part cookbook, part religious guide, detailing the preparation of sacred meals and feasts in honor of Eilistraee. It emphasizes the joy and community bonding found in sharing food and includes recipes that have been passed down through generations of followers.   Each of these holy books and codes plays a vital role in the dissemination and practice of Eilistraee's teachings, guiding her followers in their spiritual journey and helping them to embody the values and ideals of The Dark Dancer.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Silver Crescent Moon:   The most iconic symbol of Eilistraee, representing her connection to the moon and the nocturnal dances held in her honor. This symbol is often worn by her followers as amulets or inscribed on altars and sacred spaces. The crescent moon signifies the goddess's guiding light in the darkness and her role as a beacon of hope and change.   Dancing Drow Maiden:   A silhouette or detailed depiction of a drow maiden in mid-dance, often surrounded by faint outlines of leaves or stars. This symbolizes Eilistraee’s joyous and free-spirited nature, as well as her patronage of arts and beauty. It's commonly used in temple art, ritualistic dance attire, and as a decorative motif in sacred texts.   Dual Swords Crossed beneath a Moon:   Representing Eilistraee’s martial aspect and her proficiency in swordplay. The swords are typically slender and elegant, akin to rapiers, and are crossed beneath a stylized moon. This symbol is often found in places of training, on weapons blessed in Eilistraee’s name, and in martial ceremonies.   Spider Web with a Broken Strand:   A subtle nod to Eilistraee’s lineage and her opposition to her mother Lolth’s tyrannical rule over the drow. The broken strand in the web symbolizes the breaking free from the dark past and oppressive traditions. It's a symbol of liberation and a new beginning, often used discreetly by those in the process of seeking redemption or those aiding them.   Moonlit Path:   Depicting a winding path illuminated by moonlight, leading through a forest or towards a starry horizon. This symbolizes the journey of Eilistraee’s followers towards enlightenment and the goddess’s role in guiding them through their life's path. It's commonly used in pilgrimage sites and spiritual guides.   Twin Silver Leaves:   Symbolizing the harmony with nature and the cycle of growth and renewal. The leaves are typically depicted with a silver sheen, reflecting Eilistraee's connection to the natural world and her desire for her followers to live in balance with it.   Harmonic Chalice:   A chalice from which two types of vines emerge, one bearing dark berries and the other light flowers. This represents the nourishment and harmony Eilistraee brings to her followers, blending the light and dark aspects of life. It's a symbol often used in rituals involving feasting and communal gatherings.   Moonbeam over Still Waters:   Signifying reflection, peace, and the clarity of thought and purpose. This symbol is often used in meditative practices and in sacred spaces meant for introspection and spiritual guidance.   Interwoven Music Notes and Moonbeams:   Representing the combination of music and moonlight, central to Eilistraee's worship. This symbol is often used in musical scores, instruments dedicated to the goddess, and during festivals and celebrations.   Starlit Sky Canopy:   Depicting a night sky filled with stars under which a dance is taking place. This represents the vastness of Eilistraee’s reach and her embrace of all creatures under the night sky, symbolizing inclusivity and unity in diversity.   These symbols and sigils are deeply ingrained in the worship and daily life of Eilistraee’s followers, serving as constant reminders of her teachings, her blessings, and the path of harmony, joy, and redemption she offers.

Tenets of Faith

Pursuit of Harmony:   Believers are encouraged to foster harmony between all creatures, bridging the divides caused by race, creed, or history. This principle is rooted in Eilistraee's desire to heal the rifts within elvenkind, particularly between the surface elves and the drow, and extend this harmony to all beings.   Embrace of Joy and Beauty:   Eilistraee’s followers are urged to find and spread joy in the world. This involves creating and appreciating beauty in all its forms - art, music, dance, nature, and the simple pleasures of life. It’s a reflection of Eilistraee's own love for dance and the arts.   Promotion of Freedom and Self-Expression:   The tenet emphasizes individual freedom and expression, urging followers to live true to themselves and resist any forces that seek to oppress or shackle the spirit. This is particularly poignant for drow escaping Lolth’s tyranny.   Defending the Weak and Oppressed:   Followers are called to protect and aid those who cannot defend themselves, be it from physical danger or societal injustice. This is a direct opposition to the cruel practices in drow society under Lolth’s rule.   Redemption and Forgiveness:   Central to Eilistraee's faith is the belief in the possibility of redemption. Her followers are encouraged to offer forgiveness and guidance to those seeking to amend their ways, especially the drow looking to escape their dark past.   Communion with Nature:   Reflecting Eilistraee’s deep connection with the natural world, her followers are encouraged to live in harmony with nature, respecting its cycles and learning from its wisdom.   Valuing Life and Diversity:   Life in all its forms is sacred to Eilistraee. Her followers are taught to cherish life, celebrate diversity, and learn from the myriad experiences and perspectives that different beings bring.   Resilience in Adversity:   Reflecting the hardships faced by Eilistraee and her followers, this tenet teaches resilience, perseverance, and hope even in the darkest times.   Dance as a Sacred Ritual:   Dance is not only a form of worship but also a medium for personal expression, community bonding, and spiritual connection. Followers are encouraged to engage in dance to connect with Eilistraee and each other.   Cultivation of Artistic Skills:   Eilistraee's followers are encouraged to develop and share their artistic talents, be it in music, dance, crafting, or other forms of artistic expression. This is a way to honor the goddess and enrich the world around them.   Seeking Wisdom and Understanding:   Knowledge and understanding are highly valued. Followers are encouraged to seek wisdom, learn about different cultures and perspectives, and use this knowledge to foster understanding and empathy among different peoples.   Championing Equality and Justice:   The faith teaches that all beings are equal and deserve to be treated with fairness and justice. This tenet often puts Eilistraee's followers at odds with oppressive systems and tyrannical rulers.   Nurturing Community and Fellowship:   Building and maintaining a strong, supportive community is a key aspect of Eilistraee's teachings. Her followers are encouraged to support one another, build bonds across racial and cultural divides, and create a welcoming environment for all.


  • Dance of the Silver Moon:
  1. Date: Celebrated on the night of the first full moon after the spring equinox.
  2. Significance: This holiday marks the awakening of the world from winter's slumber, symbolizing new beginnings and the triumph of light over darkness. It is a time when Eilistraee's followers gather under the open sky to celebrate the beauty of the moon, which is seen as a symbol of Eilistraee herself.
  3. Celebration: The Dance of the Silver Moon is a joyous occasion filled with music, dance, and feasting. Participants dress in flowing garments adorned with silver, and the festivities often include communal dances, singing, and the sharing of stories and poems. It's a time for bonding, reflection, and expressing gratitude for the beauty of the natural world. The highlight of the celebration is a grand moonlit dance, where followers emulate Eilistraee's graceful movements, believing that their dance brings them closer to her spirit.
  • Feast of the Moon's Embrace:
  1. Date: Celebrated on the longest night of the year, usually the winter solstice.
  2. Significance: This holiday honors the balance of light and darkness, acknowledging the importance of both in the cycle of life. It symbolizes Eilistraee's role in guiding her followers through darkness and her promise of hope and renewal.
  3. Celebration: The Feast of the Moon's Embrace is a more introspective holiday, where followers gather to share a communal meal under the stars. The cuisine typically features foraged and hunted foods, representing the harmony with nature that Eilistraee advocates. After the meal, there is a solemn ceremony where participants light candles and offer prayers and songs to Eilistraee, asking for her guidance and protection through the dark winter months. The ceremony often ends with a hopeful look towards the future, as participants share their dreams and aspirations for the coming year.
  • Harmony of the Weave:
  1. Date: Celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox.
  2. Significance: This holiday celebrates the balance and harmony of the Weave, the magical fabric of the universe, and its connection to Eilistraee's teachings. It is a time to acknowledge the interwoven nature of all things and the importance of maintaining balance in both the natural and magical realms.
  3. Celebration: The Harmony of the Weave is a day of both reflection and celebration. It begins with a ritual where followers create intricate weavings or artworks that symbolize their personal journeys and their connections to the world around them. These creations are then offered in a communal ceremony, symbolizing their collective commitment to maintaining the balance of the Weave. The rest of the day is filled with educational events, magical demonstrations, and artistic performances, highlighting the diverse talents and knowledge within Eilistraee's community. The day concludes with a group meditation, focusing on the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of harmony in the universe.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Reconciliation of the Elven Races:   Eilistraee's primary goal is the reconciliation of the elven races, particularly bridging the deep-seated divide between the surface elves and the drow. She envisions a world where elves of all kinds can coexist in peace and mutual respect, healing the wounds of ancient betrayals and conflicts.   Liberation and Redemption of the Drow:   A significant aspect of Eilistraee's divine mission is to liberate the drow from the malevolent influence of Lolth and other dark powers. She seeks to offer the drow a path to redemption, guiding them away from the path of evil and towards a life of freedom, joy, and harmony on the surface world.   Fostering Harmony Among All Races:   Beyond the elves, Eilistraee aims to promote harmony and understanding among all races. She advocates for a world where differences in race, culture, and history are not barriers to cooperation and friendship but are instead celebrated and embraced.   Cultivation of Joy, Art, and Beauty:   Eilistraee desires to fill the world with joy, art, and beauty. She encourages her followers to create and spread beauty in all its forms, be it through music, dance, art, or the simple pleasures of life, as a counter to the darkness and despair that often pervade the world.   Protection of Nature and Balance:   Reflecting her deep connection with nature, one of Eilistraee's goals is the protection and preservation of the natural world. She seeks to maintain the balance of ecosystems, advocating for living in harmony with nature rather than exploiting it.   Establishment of Safe Havens for Outcasts:   Recognizing that many, like her drow followers, are outcasts and refugees, Eilistraee aims to establish safe havens where the oppressed and marginalized can find sanctuary, acceptance, and a new beginning.   Spread of Wisdom and Understanding:   Eilistraee seeks to spread wisdom and understanding, encouraging her followers to seek knowledge, learn from different cultures, and use this understanding to bridge divides and foster empathy and cooperation.   Secret Goal - Healing the Weave:   A more esoteric and less known goal of Eilistraee is the healing and nurturing of the Weave, the fabric of magic in the world. She understands the importance of maintaining the balance and integrity of magical forces, ensuring that magic remains a source of wonder and benefit, not destruction or corruption.   Promotion of Personal Freedom and Self-Discovery:   A key tenet of Eilistraee’s philosophy is the importance of personal freedom and self-discovery. She encourages individuals to seek their own paths, discover their true selves, and resist any forces that seek to oppress or control them.   Cultivation of a Network of Allies and Supporters:   Understanding the importance of alliances, Eilistraee aims to cultivate a wide network of allies and supporters across different races and realms. This includes forming bonds with other benevolent deities, mortal champions, and influential figures who share her vision of a harmonious world.   Inspiration of Hope in Times of Darkness:   In a world often beset by darkness and despair, Eilistraee seeks to be a beacon of hope. She endeavors to inspire and uplift those who are downtrodden, offering them a glimmer of light in their darkest moments.   Secret Goal - Thwarting Plans of Malevolent Deities:   On a cosmic scale, Eilistraee quietly works to thwart the plans of malevolent deities and dark powers. This includes countering the schemes of Lolth and other deities who seek to sow discord, oppression, and evil in the world.   Advancement of Artistic and Magical Knowledge:   Eilistraee values the advancement of artistic and magical knowledge, seeing it as a means to enrich the world and empower individuals. She supports the pursuit of new artistic expressions and magical discoveries that can enhance life and foster understanding.   These divine goals encompass Eilistraee's vision of a world where harmony, beauty, and freedom reign. Through her guidance and the actions of her followers, she seeks to realize these aspirations, creating ripples of change that extend across realms and generations.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eilistraee, often depicted as a tall, silver-haired drow maiden with a lithe and graceful physique, is the goddess of song, dance, and beauty. She wields a longsword that emanates a soft radiance, symbolic of her role as a beacon of hope amidst the shadows. Eilistraee's silhouette is often envisioned dancing under the moonlit canopy of a forest, her form an embodiment of grace and freedom.



Mother (Important)

Towards Eilistraee




Daughter (Important)

Towards Lolth




  • Personality Dynamics
  Given the complexities of both deities, the relationship between Lolth and Eilistraee is far from simple. While Lolth embodies ambition, manipulation, and control, her daughter stands for compassion, redemption, and unity. Despite these seemingly conflicting ideologies, both gods share an intrinsic connection: they are mother and daughter, shaped by the same elven tapestry, albeit with threads of contrasting shades.   Lolth is simultaneously proud and perplexed by Eilistraee's kindness and compassion. On one hand, she admires the strength of her daughter's conviction; on the other, she sees it as a direct challenge to her dominion in the Underdark.   Eilistraee, in her nurturing nature, views her mother not just as the Spider Queen, but as the fallen Gossamer Weaver, Lysara. She believes that the darkened loom can once again weave threads of light.  
  • Contrast in Worship and Influence
  While Lolth's worshippers bow in reverence and fear, compelled by the intricate webs of fate she weaves, Eilistraee's followers dance in celebration of freedom and hope. This stark contrast is not lost on Lolth, who is well aware of the silver threads of Eilistraee's influence weaving through her darkened domain in the Underdark.  
  • Eilistraee's Evangelism
  Lolth takes a double-edged view of Eilistraee's missionaries. She despises their attempts to sway drow from her web of control, viewing such acts as direct affronts to her power. Yet, somewhere deep within, a fragment of Lysara may appreciate her daughter's drive to bring light into the darkest corners. In these fleeting moments, the Gossamer Weaver gazes through the eyes of Lolth, pondering what could be.  
  • The Rift and the Thread
  The rift between the Seldarine and the Dark Seldarine is mirrored in the strained relationship between Lolth and Eilistraee. However, Eilistraee’s message of redemption and unity finds a subtle resonance in Lolth's unspoken, hidden desires for reconciliation and balance. Eilistraee dreams of mending the rift, not just among the drow, but perhaps, one day, even between her and her mother.  
  • Aravandor and the Underdark
  In Aravandor, Eilistraee walks among souls with the freedom that she wishes for her drow kin, a realm that contrasts sharply with the controlled hierarchy Lolth has established in the Underdark. Whenever their domains intersect, the tension is palpable. Yet, the silver threads of Eilistraee’s songs sometimes reach even Lolth’s hidden sanctuaries, serving as both an irritation and a haunting lullaby for the Spider Queen.  
  • Hidden Hopes and Secrets
  While Lolth would never admit it openly, she may secretly admire Eilistraee’s independence and resilience. Eilistraee's harmonious goals, her attempts at reconciling light with shadow, could be the echo of the balance that Lolth, in her innermost hidden layers, knows the universe needs.  
  • Divine Goals and Aspirations
  Eilistraee's aim to guide the drow towards the light directly undermines Lolth's plans for drow society and her grand web of fate. Yet, the existence of a path to redemption through Eilistraee might serve as a contingency that even Lolth finds pragmatically useful. After all, a deity of complexities appreciates having multiple threads to pull, even if some threads glimmer with the light she usually shuns.   ---   In essence, the relationship between Lolth and Eilistraee is a delicate dance around a web of intricate destinies, unspoken desires, and contrasting ideologies. It’s a relationship filled with tension yet held together by the fragile threads of shared history, familial bonds, and perhaps, the subtle yearning for reconciliation.


Enigmatic Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Eilistraee




Enigmatic Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Vhaeraun




Shared Opposition to Lolth: Both deities have chosen to oppose Lolth, but their approaches and motivations differ. Eilistraee, with her focus on redemption, harmony, and beauty, seeks a peaceful integration of the drow into the surface world. Vhaeraun, emphasizing empowerment and cunning, advocates for a more assertive and possibly aggressive expansion of drow influence on the surface.   Underlying Attraction and Resonance: The attraction between Vhaeraun and Eilistraee, and by extension among their followers, adds a layer of complexity to their relationship. This attraction could be based on a mutual understanding of their shared opposition to Lolth, their independent rise to deific status, or the complementary nature of their domains. It creates a unique bond between their followers, leading to friendships or intimate relationships that transcend their ideological differences.   Conflict of Methodologies: Despite the attraction and shared goals, the stark difference in their methods creates tension. Eilistraee’s gentle, empathetic approach clashes with Vhaeraun’s more ruthless and pragmatic tactics. This fundamental divergence in philosophies is a source of conflict both between the deities and among their followers.   Institutional Restrictions on Interactions: The institutions devoted to each deity, recognizing the potential complications arising from the mingling of their followers, have imposed restrictions on such interactions. These rules are not divine edicts but are rather created by the institutions to preserve the purity and focus of their respective ideologies. These restrictions add a forbidden allure to the relationships between followers of the two deities, making them all the more intriguing and complex.   A Dance of Allure and Resistance: The relationship between Vhaeraun and Eilistraee, and by extension between their followers, is akin to a dance of allure and resistance. The attraction and common ground bring them close, but their differing ideologies and the societal rules imposed by their institutions create a push-pull dynamic. This dynamic could manifest in various forms, from secret alliances and romantic liaisons to open debates and ideological conflicts.   In summary, in your world, the relationship between Vhaeraun and Eilistraee is a fascinating blend of mutual respect, attraction, ideological conflict, and external societal pressures. It’s a relationship that adds depth and nuance to both deities and their followers, creating a rich tapestry of interactions and stories.

Shared Secrets

In the annals of whispered myths and hushed tales among the followers of Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, there exists a story of a 'Shared Secret', a moment of profound intimacy between these two deities that resonates deeply within both their cults.   The Enchanted Evening: It is said that during a time when the stars aligned in a rare celestial pattern, Eilistraee and Vhaeraun found themselves alone under the moonlit sky. The tension of their opposition to Lolth and their contrasting approaches to guiding the drow had always masked an underlying attraction. On this night, away from prying eyes and the weight of their divine responsibilities, they shared a moment of unexpected intimacy. They found solace and understanding in each other, a momentary escape from their eternal struggles. The night was filled with whispers, laughter, and an exchange of both ideas and affections that transcended the usual boundaries of divine entities.   The Revelation and Parental Disapproval: Some time after this enchanted evening, word of their union reached Corellon and Lolth. Disturbed by this unexpected development, and for the first and only time since their separation, Lolth and Corellon came together in a rare instance of cooperation. They openly expressed their disapproval, fearing the influence Vhaeraun might have over Eilistraee and the potential implications of their union.   Eilistraee, upon learning of her parents' interference, confronted them with a rare display of indignation. She criticized them for their own unresolved conflicts and questioned their authority to pass judgment on her choices. Eilistraee's reprimand highlighted the ongoing strife and unresolved tensions between Lolth and Corellon, leading to their departure without reaching any new understanding.   Enduring Attraction and Varied Perceptions: The tale suggests that Eilistraee and Vhaeraun still harbor feelings for each other, though they never openly acknowledge it. Among their followers, this story is interpreted differently. Some see it as a romantic legend promoting unity between the two factions, while others, more cynical, view it as a fable meant to depict Eilistraee as naive or Vhaeraun as unduly charming. In truth, both deities are far more complex, and their brief union was a testament to the multifaceted nature of divine beings.   This 'Shared Secret' has become a part of the lore surrounding Eilistraee and Vhaeraun, a story that speaks to the possibility of understanding and connection even among seemingly opposing forces. It serves as a reminder that the deities, much like their followers, are capable of unexpected depths of emotion and connection.

Divine Classification
Minor Deity