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Abishai, devil servants of Tiamat, arise from the most loyal souls who reach her lair in Avernus after death. Her power shapes them into semi-draconic humanoids, colored to match their affinity. Each hue signifies distinct purposes and abilities.   While serving both Asmodeus and Tiamat, Abishai exist outside Hell's hierarchy, maintaining an elusive allegiance at ant time. Unlike other devils, who meet true death only in Hell, Abishai can only be eradicated in Tiamat's domain.   Colors grant unique traits: Black excels in assassination, blue seeks artifacts, green diplomats, red commands armies, and white fights as soldiers. As They mirror their chromatic dragon counterparts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Abishai take ad thier name a draconic name usually a draconic variant on thier mortal name
Average Height
2.6-3.2 meter
Geographic Distribution


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