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Angels are the most prominent kind of celestial, they are used as protectors for many different places and individuals by the gods or by the planes, there are a few kinds of angels each with their own purpose, most angels are individuals but with great devotion to their God or realm but some fall and become one of the kind of the Fallen angel   A god can make angels to equal the amount of clerics they can sustain, as explained in the Power scailing of gods   There are 5 kinds of common angels, along with the greater angels who act as the generals or trusted advisors to the major gods or as leaders of good divine domains without a god   The first kind of angel is Deva they are the smallest kind of angel standing at about 2 meters and taking the form of men and women with ivory, bronze or coal color skin and golden eyes, they act as the helpers of the gods with most simple tasks, like passing messages to other parts of the outer planes and are the most common kind of angel outside the good outer planes   The next type of angel is Planetar are the strongest kind of the angel of the normal kinds, they are about 3 meters, huge man and women with silver skin, who act as commanders and judges for the gods, they are the simple of justice and nobility   The next kind is Solar they are 270 cm high with the skin made of valuable metals, they are used as the executioners for thier master's will with the purpose of spreading the divine power of thier Master to all who need it, and protecting these the god see as needing protection   The fourth kind is Light , they are the messenger for mortals with the favor of the God and are used as familiar for the stronger kind of angels they are without a physical body and can move as they please   The last kind of angel is Agathion they are only slightly bigger then Deva standing at about 2.3 meter high, with many differ3nt forms, they are the soldiers of the stronger gods for thier armies they are mostly loyal soldiers in the wars on the Outer planes between the gods, Demons, Devil and other beings of the outer planes   Angels can be made into other kinds of angels for many reasons and it is natural as a promotion to be changed

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Very smart to genius
Genetic Descendants
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mostly metallic colors
Geographic Distribution

Articles under Angel


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