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Demons are the denizens of The abyss they are one of the three main kinds of Fiend and are the best representation for chaotic evil, most of the lower levels of demons are forced into servitude by thier Master, a demon can only be killed in the abyss and when they die anywhere else they reincarnate in the abyss at the layer thier Master commands, the only way for a demon to move up the kind of demon is to kill another from a stronger kind when then they can take their form   There are a large amount of kinds of demons, but the most prominent are: Demon lords the Tyrants of demons, they are the rulers of most of the layers in the abyss and there are hundreds of themz each with thier own appearance and goals, some of the most prominent of them are Orcus , Demogorgon , Rakdos , Yeenoghu After the rulers we will go from weakest to strongest starting with Manes
they are the weakest of the demons forming from evil mortal souls as lowly servents of other demon and with little self preservation, the only way for them to change form is to kill another stronger demon, they look like small 1 meter tall blobs of flesh full of gushing wunds, liquid pouring from thier eyes and with vicious teeth and claws
The next kind the Dretch they are small self loathing beings who usually move in groups of 5 to 10 they are sadistic being preying on any weaker being they encounter   The next one is Cacklers are small and sadistic small creatures mostly under the control of Rakdos they have the most vile and evil laugh and the ability to inflict anyone with it, they are small sadistic creatures with no want expect laughing at suffering   Next up is Maw demon they are some of the stupidest creatures in the abyss with a huge mouth full of sharp teeth and unending hunger for anything they can get thier hand on, they can not talk as their intelect is not able to coperhand anything more then simple commands in abyssal or common   Quasits are small familiars of more powerful being be it demons or mortals, they try to compale thier mortal master to do more evil and chaotic acts or do small mischief themselves, along side with plotting small schemes, they crave power and unlike other demons have a sense of self preservation, they are about as smart as a human, they are small green creatures with spiky tails and buglike futures with small clawlike hands and a pair of small lags and have the ability to change shape to a bug or other small vermin   Rutterkin are one of the ugliest demon, looking like deformed humans, each in its own unique way usually unload by a master they are chaotic and self loathing they respect only strength and are sadistic to the earlier entries as they are the only once weaker then them   Bulezau are medium sized demon, they are the heavy infantry of the abyss, and are the embodiment of rage and frenzy, they look like goatlike humanoids with goat head and horns   Babau are assassinations, infultretors and recruiters if the abyss, they are the most Devil like of the common demons but possess the common bloodlust of the demons, they appear as 190 cm high humanoid with leathery black skin with claws and horns with acid coming out of thier skin   Barlgura are large ape like demons with large teeth and tusks, weighting about half a ton they are dumb large and strong, thier primal temper makes them hard to control and manage and they live mostly in some of the wilder layers of the abyss   Chasme are medium sized demons who apper like Flys with the arms of a human, they are usually servents of other stronger demons as tormentors or taskmasters, they enjoy sacking the blood out of mortals and thier wings have a sound who put thier enemies to sleep who later may awaken to find themselves being fed apon, they are cunning but cowardly, and with a sense of self preservation   Varok are vulture like humanoid demon, they are tall at 230 cm tall and weight on average 240 kg, with black wings and talons they are untrustworthy and greedy monsters with high intelligence and the ability to work together in the highest degree for a demon   Armanite are Centaur like demons with the legs and body of a black horse with the body of a man with horns and fangs, they are the heavy cavalry of the abyss   Maurezhi are Ghoul like creatures with the appearance of decaying bodies with Elf like ears, they desire the flesh of the recently deceased wich after consumption they have the victims memories and experience   Hezrou are a toad like demon wich unlike other demons are simple and obedient but are one of the strongest demon being common in the abyss, they are motivated by food and food only, what makes them perfect lieutenant for other demon, they reek a distinct smell wich is thought to be the most foul in all the realms   Glabrezu are large demons with 4 hands and are one of the more common kinds of demons for summoning, they specialize in tempting mortals with power In its many forms   Nalfeshnee are large demon with the appearance of a combination of a boar and an ape on a bipedal body they are lazy but powerful demons, what makes them act as the rulers of small parts of the abyss and act as the nobles of the abyss with the appropriate bickering   Wastrilith are water based demons who live in most of the liquids in the abyss, they resemble a bloated eel combined with a Human with claws, they are bullies and corrupted of water sources, they have little interaction with other demons and rarely serve one of the demon lords, and as one of the most ancient kinds of demon no other demon can become one, and they can not become other kinds of demons   Marilith are large demons with the appearance of a large buitiful woman with six arms and the lower body of a snake, they are the tactician of the abyss and the advisors of the strongest of demons for anything concerning the battlefield  and in some cases take the rule of a serpent demon queens    Goristro are large minotaur  they are one of the strongest physically demons but without the intelect of the other stronger demons, they are used as enforcers and the high end infantry for the strongest of demon lords as they hunger for anything they can eat (wich include most things) even though they do not require food to survive    Balor are the quintessential demons, with bat wings, horns, tail with red skin and a dark aura, they are harbingers of chaos, they are the main perpetrators of the wars between the demons and the Devils they are the rules of anywhere in the abyss not controlled by a demonlord and are some of the strongest non demonlord beings in the abyss
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Articles under Demon

Species | Feb 9, 2023

Armanite are Centaur like demons with the legs and body of a black horse with the body of a man with horns and fangs, they are the heavy cavalry of the abyss

Species | Apr 15, 2023

Balors are some of the strongest demons in the abyss and are second in command only to the demonlords

Species | Apr 19, 2023

Barlgura are strong and dumb demon used as beasts to unleash against thier opponents

Species | May 27, 2023

Bulezau are the heavy infantry of the abyss, they are cruel and bloodthirsty demons

Species | Jun 9, 2023

Cacklers are small demons who are weak servents of different demon lords, mainly rakdos,

Species | Jun 10, 2023

insectoid demons from the Abyss, their droning sleep-inducing abilities and disease-spreading nature sow despair and inflict suffering upon their victims.

Demon lords
Species | Jun 30, 2023

Demon lords, the mightiest of demons, vary in size and form. With immense power, they command their own layers in the Abyss, leading legions of demons and waging wars among themselves.

Species | Nov 18, 2023

Dretches, repugnant inhabitants of the Abyss, arise from corrupted souls. Standing four feet tall, their grotesque forms serve higher demons in various capacities, contributing to the chaotic tapestry of the Abyss.

Species | Mar 16, 2024

Erinyes, infernal enforcers of the Nine Hells, are striking figures with crimson skin, bat-like wings, and barbed lashes. Lawful evil in alignment, they hunt down souls, enforcing infernal contracts and tempting mortals into damnation with their wiles.

Maw demon
Species | Jun 29, 2023

Maw demons, abyssal vermin of limited intellect, dwell in the layers of the Abyss. Driven solely by hunger and fear, they voraciously consume fresh meat and can occasionally reach towering heights.


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