Ring of Abelar

One of the Six Rings of Manan.   Treasure: Olludinosul, colloquially called Foison. Foison is a type of fertilizer that can bring life to even the most barren, rocky soil. It is far more commonly used in elite cuisine, however, where it lends some of the most unique and even addictive qualities to the rarest dishes in the known galaxy. It is also a key ingredient in Noxweed, a poison that can destroy fields, rivers, and all life-giving elements of virtually any planet.   Clan: Blood Scathmar. Rumors will sometimes connect the Blood of Scathmar to the Sarthi, for no other reason than a rough similarity in their names. The Scathmar have only been around for about two-thousand years, however, and only rose to power within the last millennium. Chiefs among their ranks have been known to both loudly deny and quietly encourage these rumors, as it suits their purpose. It is true that many powerful Ruunspeakers have hailed from Blood Scathmar, yet this is true to varying degrees of every great family in Manan.   Current Primarch: Lugan Scathmar
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