Ring of Thonn

One of the Six Rings of Manan.   Treasure: Echtrav, colloquially called Wellspring. The Scions of Ash have created several means of traveling the vast distances that separate their planets, but Wellspring is by far the most potent. It creates portals or wormholes between two points, allowing a person (with the proper precautions) to complete in a few minutes a journey that could take years by other means. It is rumored that Wellspring not only connects two points in space, but can grant access to other realities by secret rituals, guarded jealously by the great families of Thonn.   Clan: Blood Condatis. Blood Condatis has been engaged in a perennial conflict with Blood Rhiann, with one clan gaining primacy over the other every generation or so. Neither has maintained control of Thonn for more than a century at a time, and some Chief Magisters have ruled for less than a tick. Yet despite this conflict, itself being at least a thousand years old, neither family has succeeded in wiping the other out, and indeed alliances are often formed between them, more than once cemented through marriage, meaning that the claims of blood divergence between them are largely meaningless.   Current Primarch: Paran Condatis.
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