Grand Duchy of Tranina

A United Folimia

The head Traninian Family believes that the segregation of the three nations of Folimia is simply holding the island back from greatness and becoming a great nation of Skålnir. They preach of teamwork and strength in union, of one great ruling family; power in numbers and one colour to stand out vibrantly on world maps. However, the biggest object in the way of this goal, is that the head of Tranina, The Watersprung Family, are pompous, rich, arrogant bureaucrats. Although they have grand ideas, they are willing to sacrifice the poor and bet all their coins that simply appearing as royal and powerful will be enough to grow respect from not only their people but the nations of the world.
Tranina is hard for the poor, they receive little care from their ruling family and often only find shelter and support under the work of The The Council Of Justice, because of this, many poor folk will move to one of the neighbouring kingdoms of Vencantia or Etaria leaving a sizeable wealthy population in Tranina to continue to fuel the echo-chamber of greatness and status.
It is good to have an understanding of the queer political formation in Folimia, you can read about it in The Grand Folimian Truce  
Border Of Colour
Folimia is uniquely native to 3 flowers that are not found anywhere else in the world, furthermore, each flower is only found in one of the three Folimian nations. The borders of the nations were dictated by where these flowers grew giving each flower a distinct nationality.
In Tranina their national flower, and symbol, is the Purple Rose also known as Opulant Wonder. It symbolises Tranina's wealth and royalty and the growth of a further developing and expanding single nation of high regard.
These flowers also provide beautiful and vibrant dyes, another large trade item for Folimia.    

Magic In Tranina

Traninian's are surprisingly quite accepting of modern magic, they'll adhere to the The Aether Prohibition, but as far as blessings and enchanted batteries they do not mind them. As long as they don't see magic as a threat to their personal status or the status of Folimia then they will accommodate you.