Kingdom of Anvika Geographic Location in Skålnir | World Anvil

Kingdom of Anvika

The Calmlands

  The Great Kingdom of Anvika propers in the modern age, a reasonably isolated nation away from the frozen norths or the political challengers of the south, Anvika have thrived on their strong bonds with their neighbours, namely Kingdom of Midgering and Vencantia
Although tensions are high between Anvika's northern border with war brimming against Principality of Durlia and the long-lasting sense of betrayal from the Roglian Empire present from their days as The Holson Union, times are, as the people would say, full of tranquillity and peace. The people have full faith in their monarch to defend them and even more faith that Durlia would never engage in war-play, additionally, The Great Eastern Rail that runs from Menroy (The Capital of The Roglian Empire) through to Laudar (The Capital of Anvika) has progressed relations between the two nations and lead to a flourishing trade line for merchants of all sorts of goods and contraband.

United through the night

  Anvika is the product of the earliest indoctrination of the Pantheon of Nightbreak and from this rise in the Night Pantheon grew the current laws that govern the country. Anvika is a true anarchist community, albeit one that followers their crown with loyalty and love. Houses of law are rare to find, and most often seem more like duelling grounds than any sort of place for discussion, and the loosely placed laws that govern the country are primarily applied to those who follow other religious beliefs.
The Nightlings of Anvika are a social group of people, they utilise their communities to frown upon those who would harm others and ultimately use social pressure to keep everyone following in line with what is seen as good or evil. If someone were to harm another then the community would support the 'criminal' in meditation and guide them through self-evaluation as to the effects of their actions. If a person was to refuse to admit their evil actions then actions are usually settled with duels, either till forfeit or death.
This lack of a hierarchal law governing system may seem problematic, but everything hinges on respect for members of the community, and respect is built from being good people. Military men hold as much power as a commoner, yet they may gain respect from their showing of service to the crown or dedication to holding others responsible for their actions.
An Image of Selûne upon the walls of Castle Étoile-Noire
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