Inake Marka

Inake Marka was the first emperor of Hekao, establishing the Inake Dynasty. Ascending to the throne in their later years through a military coup after the Uhe-Epaula uprising, their rule has been a turning point in Hekao's history. As emperor they acted upon their beliefs of Hekaoan Succession, which posits that Hekao is the true and solitary successor to the ancient Laikolai empire. As such their rule was marked by introducing cultural and governmental elements in an effort of "Cultural Reclaiming". Their rule came to a premature end by assassination, which left Inake Drian I as the heir to the throne.
Officially, the group which organised the assassination was declared to be the White Hand. Their members were hunted down and executed without trial, even before the mourning period had finished. While a large proportion of Hekao's citizens see this as a triumph against a dangerous terrorist group, however many also became suspicious of just how common it was for the Ikane's political opponents to have been White Hand members. And how many of the public proponents of these rumours also ended up being White Hand members.
867 EI 929 EI 62 years old
they/them (deceased)
Female, at death
Female, at death