
Hekao, viewing itself as the spiritual successor to the ancient Laikolai Empire, is a nation defined by its martial prowess, deep-seated nationalism, and strict adherence to tradition. Embracing values of honor, loyalty, and self-reliance, Hekao prides itself on its disciplined approach to governance, military affairs, and social order.


Hekao’s political system is hierarchical, with an Emperor at the apex. The structure is clearly an pale imitation of the fallen empire, yet the dynamics of power are very different. For instance certain branches hold more or less power, and the manner in which one gains a seat has greatly shifted. One other great change is the prominence of great noble houses, which are closely intertwined with the military, which is much more of a central pillar to Hekao than it was in Laikolai.
A clear caste system dictates social hierarchy and roles, with an emphasis on maintaining traditional values and positions. The system plays a crucial role in determining almost every aspect of a Hekaoan life, from the very moment it begins. It is rigid, and enforced by law in addition to heavy social pressure.


Modern Hekao's culture is steeped in rituals and traditions derived from the old Laikolai Empire. The reintroduction of such practices is a fairly recent change to Hekaoan culture, which coincided with the rise of the While the original meanings of most of these traditions have been lost with the fall of the old empire, they continue to be observed in Hekao with a sense of reverence and national pride.
As for demeanor, the populace is characterized by their disciplined and stoic demeanors, mirroring their militaristic and traditionalist values. These traits permeate their way of life, from education to public service. However, this is a facade, a mask put on to repress the true Hekaoan spirit, which still shines through in some situations. One of them being the battlefield, upon which the usually emotionless Hekaoan troops are transformed, letting their unreleting rage guide their weapons.

Demography and Population

Hekao's population is largely homogeneous, being composed of almost 95% of Sase-Anor, with a strong sense of national identity. The society is organized according to its caste system, which dictates the roles and responsibilities of its citizens from birth. This caste system is partially hereditary and partially follows a genetic pseudoscience which aims to predict one's abilities based on phenotypal traits such as skin tone or hair form. Minorities and outsiders have a very difficult time integrating into the society permanently. Since the caste system does not account for non-Sase-Anor, they are all automatically places in the lowest caste, legally speaking.


The military is not just a defense mechanism but a symbol of Hekaon pride and capability. It is well-funded, with a highly trained standing army. It is also currently a government body great authority. Military training and service is mandatory for all able bodied Hekaoan citizens regardless of what caste they are in, though the caste determines their rank. Excellence in the military is also the only way one rises above one's initial station in the Hekaoan caste system.
There are numerous specialised divisions in the Hekaoan military. Unlike many other militaries of the verdant sea, a distinction is made between a navy and an army. In addition Hekaoan intelligence was feared throughout the sea.
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Trading Partners

Kaolao's ingenuity and technological might is revered in Hekao. Conversely, Hekao's blind traditionalism and hierarchical governmental structure is looked down upon in Kaolao. The two nations depend on each other as partners in trade.

At War

Hekao declared war upon Barion as soon as the latter claimed the Ai-Mobai Isles. The Commonwealth has recognised Hekao as a priority target due to its military strength.