
Kaiman is a large town situated at the top of the Minjung Yonki kingdom. It is one of the largest towns in this reclusive kingdom and is known for being a place of refuge during one Verinar's most heinous uproars.

The city was largely unknown until a large massacre took place in Joho Naji due to a coup attempted by the people. Those indirectly involved whom the oligarchs threatened to punish under treason fled to either Minjung Yonki or Jabok Borancion.

Minjung Yonki remained a neutral party for much of the uprising happening in Joho Naji and only turned people over if Joho Naji had specifically asked for a specific person. Jabok Borancion, on the other hand, did not, and hunted down those who had fled Joho Naji. This made Minjung Yonki a very popular place to hide.


Kaiman was originally a very small town. Most did not care for it, since it was in a strange location not close enough to see the beach, yet not far enough inland to get away from the terrible fishy smell. It felt like a poor town to live in, however during that heinous time in Verinar the reclusive kingdom seemed to be one of the only safe spots.

Most towns and villages in Minjung Yonki were on the coast and constantly in danger of storms or tsunamis, not to mention that most people there were fisherman, which would make it much harder for a peson who lived most of his life in the city to adjust. So, Kaiman was probably the next best choice, a small town that seemed to be in constant need of people.

Kaiman continued to grow from that point on, and is now a thriving town that is almost a city.


Kaiman can be a popular tourist spot, but most people only stay a day, since it is still an awkwardly placed town. However, it is still full of rich history and people that are worth exploring and learning about.


Kaiman sits along the coast and is high enough above sea level and far enough back inland that it typically does not have to worry about tsunamis. The town is built on a series of hills. Most of the houses are even built into the hills with the streets being narrow and winding.
Large town
Owning Organization


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Jul 9, 2024 18:43 by Seraph Abell

I like this quaint little settlement!

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.
Jul 9, 2024 18:52 by Jacqueline Yang

Thank you!