
Aeda Needlenose

Aeda is the daughter of Aegytha and Albo Needlenose, and Cullen's second eldest sister.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aeda was born into a wealthy family of mosquitos who made their fortune through selling nectar from their orchid farm. Aeda was the middle child, due to hatching between Cicilia and Cullen. She, like her siblings, were raised by an overbearing and overprotective mother who treated the girls like props to dress up and show off to friends. While she appreciated the nice clothes and compliments, her stance on it leaned closer to Cullen's more rebellious and individualistic personality that Cicilia who basked in the attention. However, Aeda always made sure to do as she was told as to not get in trouble.   She chose to do whatever it took to keep the piece in the house, even if it meant being the mediator between Cullen and the other members of the house. Even though she was empathetic to Cullen's struggles, she would often side with her mother and older sister to keep from making the situation worse. If following the rules kept things quiet, she was happy. As a result, she ended up being closer with Cicilia than she was with Cullen.   Around the time they all came of age, tragedy struck as their father was eaten by a toad, leaving them scrambling to find a means of keeping them a float financially without him. Aegytha and Cicilia were well on their way to trying to find spouses to take the load, and Cullen was sacrificing a life with a partner to take care of the farm, meanwhile Aeda was left feeling like the only one who was left lost and grieving their father. She tried to distract herself by putting all of her attention into Cicilia's recent engagement and wedding plans, which caused her to lose track of how Cullen was doing before it was too late.   Overnight, Cullen would leave the family with nothing more than a note saying that he was going to start a new life. Once again, there was no one to take care of the farm, and Cicilia's partner did a poor job managing it himself. With no one with the right skill set to run the farm, they were forced to sell it.   Aeda would eventually meet a suitor picked out by her mother and marry him, but she wound up falling out of love with him soon into their relationship. One night she would run off to participate in a orgy swarm to let out some pent up energy and to be a little more rebellious than she was allowed to be as a kid. She immediately regreted it when she would end up laying fertilized eggs from a miinu that was very likely not her husband. Before he could even ask who the father was, Aeda asked for a divorce, and the two went their separate ways. Only one of her eggs would hatch, leaving her with her son, who oddly enough ended up being a caterpillar. Later she would get a new partner this time a woman who was willing to help her raise her son.  


Aeda has always been an agreeable person. She doesn't like to start conflict and will usually do whatever she must to keep the people around her happy, even if it's at the expense of her own needs or values. She is a natural mediator in arguments, but has a bad habit of taking the path of least resistance, aka the path that deescalates the situation the fastest, regardless of if it makes everyone in the party happy. In that sense she has often been accused of being a doormat or a coward. As she got older and moved away from her oppressive family however, she began to loosen up and think about what she really wanted out of her life, which lead to manic rebellious decisions like her infidelity to her husband and subsequent divorce. She even experimented with her sexuality and ended up with a woman.




Towards Aeda




Towards Cicilia



Cicilia and Aeda have been close since they were children, as they hatched very close to each other. They both had similar interests and enjoyed spending time together doing the same activities. Cicilia found Aeda to be much more agreeable than Cullen and thus they got along better.



Towards Cullen




Towards Aeda



Aeda and Cullen's relationship was lukewarm for a majority of their childhood. While Aeda was generally an agreeable person that didn't start fights with Cullen, they didn't have a lot in common, and she would hang out more with Cicilia than Cullen. The many times she attempted to find a middle ground, Cullen would reject, as he had no interest in participating in the traditionally feminine activities his sisters did.   They're relationship wasn't helped by the fact that Aeda rarely defended him from their mother or Cicilia when tensions rose and often encouraged Cullen to humor them just to stop the fighting, a suggestion that often frustrated him.   Even though Cullen abandoned the family, Aeda never stopped caring about him and wondering what he was up to.

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She was also the first one to accept his new gender identity when they reunited.

Pictured: 20 years old.
Bug Kin
Mosquito Yellow Fever/Tiger Mix
Date of Birth
June 10th
Year of Birth
1894 CE 35 Years old
Scuttlebug Bayou
Cicilia (Sister)
Cullen (Brother)
Purple with Yellow Iris
Split Black and White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with Black stripes
4.8 cm
Known Languages


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