
Cicilia Lockjaw- Needlenose

Cicilia is the eldest daughter of Aegytha and Albo Needlenose, and Cullen's sister.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cicilia is a Miinu with pale white skin marked with black stripes, and a long pointed nose. She has long dark hair with 2 significant white stripes in it, and it's usually kept in a high ponytail tied with a ribbon. She has teal colored eyes with yellow irises. She's often seen wearing a blouse with a black and teal rip striped vest and an emerald broach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cicilia was born to a wealthy family who ran a business selling nectar from the orchid farm her father ran. She hatched a whole minute before Aeda and 8 hours before Cullen, making her the oldest sibling despite all three children be laid in the same clutch. Like her sisters, Cicilia was coddled by their mother growing up, but she didn't mind. Even though everything from her clothes, her friends, the layout of her room, to where she was allowed to go was controlled by her mother; she was addicted to the attention that she got from it. She liked feeling pretty and being her mother's favorite. Because she was always so agreeable, she was also the most spoiled of the siblings.   She had a bad relationship with Cullen, that caused them to fight a lot growing up. This lasted until their father died, and he took over the farm. This was after the children were made to find a man to marry in order to keep the family from going bankrupt, and Cullen had been rejected; so she assumed he took over the farm out of spite. She'd end up meeting a handsome dobsonfly miinu named Cory and was set to marry him, and she wanted the wedding to be perfect, but Cullen was spending much of his time on the farm instead of helping prep the wedding. Multiple times Cullen would miss events like meeting the in laws, the bridal shower and picking picking out a dress. The final straw was when Cullen had missed the rehearsal dinner, and the two got into a very heated argument where both of them said some nasty things to each other.   However, after that day, Cullen would abandon the family by running off without a word. Cicilia would inevitably have the wedding with only one of her siblings attending. The business started to fail as Cory, nor the girls had any idea how to take care of the orchid farm, and the flowers started dying. With no other option, Cicilia moved out of the house to live with her husband's family. She had two children with Cory, a dobsonfly son and a mosquito daughter.  


Cicilia is often described as being a prissy and snobbish person. She cares about how other people perceive her and getting attention above all else. She tends to be a lot like her mother in the sense that she like having things go here way all the time and will get excessively angry if she doesn't. She's a perfectionist not just for herself but for the people around her, and often gives unwarrented advice to people.




Towards Cullen




Towards Cicilia



Cicilia and Cullen spent a lot of their childhood butting heads, as they were very different personality wise. Cicilia would often egg Cullen on by making fun of him, and Cullen would retaliate violently. Cicilia was always under the assuption that Cullen was jealous that she was the 'favorite', and that he often got in trouble for his rebellious nature. They often argued about life style and world views up until the day Cullen left the family for good.



Towards Aeda




Towards Cicilia



Cicilia and Aeda have been close since they were children, as they hatched very close to each other. They both had similar interests and enjoyed spending time together doing the same activities. Cicilia found Aeda to be much more agreeable than Cullen and thus they got along better.



Towards Cory




Towards Cicilia



Cory was one of Cicilia's suitors when she was looking for a partner after her father passed. Cory was handsome and charming, but more importantly, his family had a successful business of their own dredging clay and stone from the pond. They quickly got married and planned to stay at the orchid farm, but after the business went under, Cicilia moved in with Cory's family, where she ended up having two children with him.

Pictured: 20 years old.
Bug Kin
Yellow Fever Mosqutio (Aedes aegypti)
Date of Birth
June 10th
Year of Birth
1894 CE 35 Years old
Scuttlebug Bayou
Cory (Husband)
Cullen (Brother)
Aeda (Sister)
Teal with yellow irises.
Black with white streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with black stripes
4.8 cm
Known Languages


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