
Aegytha Needlenose

Aegytha is the wife of Albo and the mother of the Needlenose triplets; Cullen, Cicilia, and Aeda.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aegytha is an older, elegant mosquito woman with pale, stripped skin and permed black hair with white streaks in it. She has dark pink eyes with yellow pupils and a long nose. She's often seen wearing a heavy amount of make up, especially as she's gotten older in order to make herself appear younger.   She's often seen sporting a duo-tone black and white blouse with a high neck collar, often adorned with pearls, and a long crosshatch skirt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aegytha was born in a poor mosquito family in a village far away. Her family was subject to a lack of opportunities that often came with Miinu who weren't high on the social hierarchy. Female mosquito's were often treated as blood sucking parasites and whores. Wanting to escape this life, she left home as soon as she could to seek out new opportunities elsewhere. But, with no practical skills of her own, she settled with her plan B.   She sought out Scuttlebug Bayou one of the few villages with thriving business ran by mosquitoes, and she went after Albo, the son in line to inherit the orchid farm that brought the Needlenose family so much wealth. The two quickly fell into passionate fling and got married quickly.   Aegytha made sure to lay eggs as soon as possible to anchor him down, and they hatched three daughters. Aegytha was immediately in love with her little girls and was quick to dress them up in cute dresses like they were dolls. So strong was her affection for them that the became very protective of them, becoming overly concerned with their development and whether or not they were getting dirty, or unkept. She rarely let them outside in fear of them getting hurt outside, and while they were still water dependent, she'd have their tank on display in the middle of the home so she could always keep an eye on them, and even show them off to guests. She often nitpicked her daughter's appearances if they weren't to her standards, such as pointing out if they were getting chubby. She even insisted on the children's outfits being color-coded even into their adult years.   She often had the hardest time with Cullandra, who would fight against her controlling nature at every opportunity. Cullandra often got in trouble with her mother due to being more rebellious than her sisters, and rejecting the felinity standards that Aegytha always tried to impose on her.   After her husband's sudden death, she immediately insisted on her children looking for a partner to support them financially, as with no one to tend to the farm they'd start losing money. Instead, Cullandra started taking farm duties, much to Aegytha's disappointment, as she found working in the dirty farm unfitting for her daughter, but with money hemorrhaging otherwise, she had no choice to to let it happen. Instead she started focusing on her older daughters and their suitors, eventually finding a man for Cicilia to marry.   During the wedding preparations, growing conflict between her and Cullandra would result in her leaving the farm and running off before the wedding. This left no one to tend to the farm, as Cicilia's husband did a poor job tending it. With no other choice, they sold the farm, and Aegytha got remarried.  


Aegytha was known to be a bit of a gold digger, and flaunt the wealth and luxurious life style that her marriage with Albo provided for her. Despite her appearance as a loving housewife and mother, she was actually very self centered, materialistic, and arrogant. She often saw her children as props to make herself look good, and was overprotective of them in order to maintain their delicate, pristine beauty; perhaps also in fear that if they weren't considered beautiful, they would not be able to find a partner as adults. She saw love as a transactional thing, and it showed in her poor relationship with her husband and her children.




Towards Albo




Towards Aegytha



Aegytha and Albo met at a young age and got married quickly, a little under a year of meeting, as they were eager to start a family. In short time, Aegytha would lay eggs that would hatch into their three children.   Although Albo and Aegytha seemed like a perfect, happy couple, there were a lot of problems in their relationship under the surface. For a start, the marriage was one of convenience than love. Aegytha simply wanted to marry a man who had a good career and could promise her the life of wealth and luxury she'd always wanted, and Albo simply wanted someone who would bare his children. The two weren't very compatible, with Aegytha being overbearing and bossy.   She would often be the one to establish the rules around the house and push her husband around. She'd often make decisions raising their children that Albo didn't agree with, but he'd never visibly push back in front of her, even if her actions were hurting their children. He preferred to break her rules in private, often pushing her boundries for the sake of his kids, only to tell them to keep is a secret from their mother. This inadvertently caused a rift between him and his eldest daughters, as they would often tattle to their mother and get him in trouble, and as a result he was less likely to break the rules for them in the future.   Shortly after his death, Aegytha was already on the hunt for another man who would support her lifestyle.

Pictured: 40 years old.
Bug Kin
Yellow Fever Mosqutio (Aedes aegypti)
Year of Birth
1876 CE 53 Years old
Scuttlebug Bayou
Albo (Husband)
Dark Pink and Yellow
Black with White Streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White with Black Stripes
4.7 cm
Known Languages


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