
A solider of the Aeternus Imperium stationed in Dunwell with noble aims.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

**Gaius of Aralria - Soldier of the Aeternus Imperium**   **Background:** Gaius hails from the bustling streets of Aralria, the heartland of the Aeternus Imperium. Born to a family of humble means, he grew up listening to stories of honor, valor, and the might of the Imperium from his grandfather, an old legionnaire who took part in countless campaigns. However, Gaius's life took a tragic turn when his family's small dwelling caught fire. Though he managed to escape the blaze, he lost both parents that fateful night. The cause of the fire was never determined, but whispers in the neighborhood spoke of it being set intentionally due to a minor dispute his father had with a local corrupt official.   Haunted by the loss and feeling the weight of responsibility, Gaius decided to join the Imperial army, drawing inspiration from his grandfather's tales and in hopes of finding a new purpose. He believed that wearing the uniform would not only protect him from the clutches of corrupt individuals but would also give him the means to seek justice and uphold the true values of the Imperium.   **Why He Volunteered for the Imperial Army:** Gaius's reasons for volunteering were twofold. The tragic loss of his family weighed heavily on him, and he saw the army as a refuge, a place where he could find structure, discipline, and a way to channel his grief and anger. He wanted to ensure that no one else would suffer the way he did because of corruption and injustice. Further, he also held onto the dream of elevating his family name, hoping that by serving with distinction, he could bring honor and respect to the memories of his loved ones.   **Motivations:** Upon being stationed in Dunwell, Gaius quickly realized the myriad challenges the region presented. While the land and its people were undeniably captivating, the presence of corruption within the garrison's ranks dismayed him. However, instead of succumbing to disillusionment, Gaius saw this as an opportunity to make a difference.   1. **Restoring Honor:** Deep down, Gaius believes in the vision of the Aeternus Imperium. He aims to root out corruption from within the garrison, hoping to reshape it into a force that genuinely serves the people and symbolizes the Imperium's noble ideals. 2. **Building Bridges:** Gaius is keenly aware of the tension between the Imperium and the native Eldorians. He wishes to foster mutual respect and understanding. By helping bring genuine civilization and infrastructure to Eldonia, he believes he can bridge the cultural gap, ensuring a brighter future for both sides.   3. **Personal Redemption:** Every action Gaius takes is, in some way, driven by his tragic past. He strives to honor his family's memory by being the best version of himself, proving that even in the face of personal tragedy and external corruption, one can stand tall and remain true to their convictions.   As Gaius interacts with the party, he'll be seeking allies who share his vision of a just and united Eldonia under the Aeternus Imperium's banner. Every step he takes, every decision he makes, is a stride towards that ideal future.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Brown Eyes
Curly Brown Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skinned
Aligned Organization
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