Dunwell (Dun-well)

The village of Dunwell: a sense of quiet foreboding fills the air. The dirt streets, worn down by years of use, meander through the heart of the town, mirroring the footsteps of weary fishermen and miners. The rhythmic creaking of fishing boats echoes from the nearby docks, where weathered vessels sway gently on the dark waters, their hulls marked with the scars of countless voyages. Seagulls circle overhead, their cries a haunting melody that seems to carry the weight of forgotten tales.   Dunwell's modest buildings, constructed from timeworn timber and worn stone, stand as testaments to the resilience of its inhabitants. Here and there, remnants of bygone grandeur can be glimpsed—a weathered emblem etched into a dilapidated doorway or a faded glass window on the occasional storefront, but not most. The town's people, their faces etched with the lines of toil and struggle, move about with a quiet determination, their lives bound to the ebb and flow of the sea and the riches hidden deep within the mountain mines.


95% Eldorian, with a garrison of Imperial Troops and a smattering of immigrants, foreign traders and prospectors from other nations.

Industry & Trade

Mining Furs Grains and Agriculture Lumber


A Watermill nearby services the town with processed grain. Mostly dirt roads, 1 bridge to cross the nearby river, a dock system with minimal inspections, lighthouse, open air sewer draining into the Sea


History of Dunwell   The city, on which Dunwell was built was once called Cathair Nádúir. The Daoine Roimhthe Ancient People's built it.
Daoine Roimhthe
Myth | Oct 8, 2023


Misty, rainy most of the time with cold snowy winters and blistering summer days.


  • Dunwell

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