Lolthazel Settlement in Solaria | World Anvil


Basic Information
Origin: Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to take advantage of desirable geographical features, like a strategic choke point, or an ideal high-ground posting. As the location proved itself, it grew.
Priority: Control. The city has established itself as a power in the region, establishing a network of patrolled roads, but also military presence, in other local settlements. The city itself is a strong and formidable presence. (+3 to law enforcement roll)
Age: Old. The city has been around for 300 to 1000 years. (+1 to population density roll)
Size: Very Large. Structures in the city are able to support around 40,000 people or more. (+6 to number of districts roll)
Stewardship: Disciplined. The city’s fundamental elements are firmly in hand, providing what it needs to perform at peak functionality. There is little to no room for improvement. Whoever is managing things is doing so expertly. (+5 to general condition roll, +6 to population wealth roll, +8 to law enforcement roll)
General Condition: Magnificent. The city is incredible. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished on as many aspects as is possible(+2 to district condition rolls)
Environment: Underground. The Skyless realms.
Fortification: Heavily fortified. The city is surrounded by a heavy wall of wood or stone, with several watchtowers built along its length. The gate is double-thickness and reinforced with metal bands. There are additional watchtowers built at various points throughout the surrounding countryside. (+5 to disposition roll)
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls.
Vendor Stall Acquisition: First Come, First Served, fee. Merchants line up prior to market day. Those at the front of the line are given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided they can pay the fee for the day.
Merchant overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this. (+1 to law enforcement roll)
Underground Passages: Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist beneath the city. This could be for maintenance, defensive, or clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have been purpose-built for the current settlement. They could potentially have need dug by enemy forces, either recently or long ago.
Population Density: Dense. There is a large amount of people living in the city. There are a few, if any, vacant buildings. In high traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but not much more. (+1 to night activity roll)
Demographics: Only one. 100% primary race. (Drow)
Population wealth: Affluent. The entire city is able to live comfortably, with a significant portion living in luxury. (-3 to general crime roll)
Visitor Traffic: Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are typically a few from outside the city, though not enough to impact congestion. (+0 to night activity roll)
Disposition. Hostile: Locals seem very unfriendly toward visitors, and would likely make out-of-towers feel unwelcome. This could manifest as coldness, passive-aggressiveness, or even violence.
Night Activity. Slow. Almost everything is closed except for taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, which stay open perpetually. If the city has a gate, it is closed, but guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
Leadership: Military Officer. Felynda. The city is controlled by a current or ex-leader of a military group. (+1 to law enforcement roll).
Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen regularly. (+2 to general crime roll)
General Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a mugging, or worse. (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
Arcane. This district has a focus on magical matters.
District Condition: Equal. Same as general condition level.
District Condition Crime Modifier. The district is incredible. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished on as many aspects as possible. (-2 to district crime roll)
District Entry. Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard presence. (+2 to district crime roll)
District Crime: Worse. 1 step worse than the city’s general crime level. (+4 to urban encounter rolls)
Housing: Limited. Only a few live here: the district may be predominantly a place of business or functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less innocent reason.
  Administrations. This district has a focus on government and civil matters.
District Condition: Equal. Same as general condition level.
District Condition Crime Modifier. The district is incredible. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished on as many aspects as possible. (-2 to district crime roll)
District Entry. Gated and Guarded. The district entrance is barred by a gate with guards. (+3 to district crime roll)
District Crime: Equal. Same as the city’s general crime level. (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
Housing: Limited. Only a few live here: the district may be predominantly a place of business or functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less innocent reason.
  Industrial. This district has a focus on large-scale production facilities.
District Condition: Equal. Same as general condition level.
District Condition Crime Modifier. The district is incredible. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished on as many aspects as possible. (-2 to district crime roll)
District Entry. Open. Entrance to the district is unrestricted. (+0 to district crime roll)
District Crime: Equal. Same as the city’s general crime level. (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the buildings in the district house residents.
  Temple. This district has a focus on religion and/or spiritual enlightenment.
District Condition: Equal. Same as general condition level.
District Condition Crime Modifier. The district is incredible. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished on as many aspects as possible. (-2 to district crime roll)
District Entry. Open. Entrance to the district is unrestricted. (+0 to district crime roll)
District Crime: Equal. Same as the city’s general crime level. (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the district’s buildings are housing for residents.
Large city
Location under


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