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The Daemonic Language

Writing System

The alphabet is structured by the shape languages for each letter. The shapes of each glyph are made with sharp, straight lines, as both hand and foot should be able to write them. The glyph categories are as follows:  

The Foot | The Hook | The Feather | The Tooth | The Ancestor   A E I O U -- The Foot, an anisodactyl foot [as they are avian creatures].   B M L N P W -- The Hook, a fishing hook [as their ancestors primarily fished].   D F R V Y Z -- The Feather [as their ancestors were partially feathered].   G H J K NG -- The Tooth [as they evolved teeth for biting through flesh].   S T SH CH TH ZH -- The Ancestor [as it looks like a beaked person].
  There exists no "C", "Q", or "X", as their sounds are taken up by different letters (and letter sounds). When written in a different writing script, however, Daemon do opt towards using these letters, and letters like it, as shorthand, to better relay the consonant sounds to non-Daemonic speakers.

Geographical Distribution

All the inhabitants of Typhon's Teeth speak Daemonic. This page's Daemonic is written with the standard form of Daemonic, though there are a few derivatives of the language that are not well-documented.  
  1. Standard Daemonic: The default Daemonic dialect with two variants: formal and informal. Formal Standard is near-exclusively spoken by the elites, usually The Kin'ra. Formal Standard speakers are mostly located in the Upper Castes of Typhon's Teeth, and Informal is spoken everywhere else.
  2. Old Daemonic: The original Daemonic language, still spoken by The Im'pe. Far more simplified than standard Daemonic, it is sometimes called Daemonic Pidgin. Pidgin speakers are mostly located in the Lower Castes of Typhon's Teeth.
  3. Avian Daemonic: A modified version of Daemonic, spoken by The Si'rin. Avian Daemonic is far more breathy, with a huge emphasis on tone and a wide variety of glottal stops. Avian speakers are mostly located in the Middle Castes of Typhon's Teeth.
The Daemonic dialects, naturally, have some overlap in where they can be understood by one another. Avian speakers are understandable to Pidgin speakers, and Pidgin speakers are understandable to Standard speakers. Standard can be understood by both Avian and Pidgin speakers, but the comprehension of words varies.


Daemonic phonology is a combination of real-world Germanic, Slavic, and Hellenic languages and phonics, as a vast majority of the vocabulary pulls from these three groups to form words. Due to a centuries-long war brewing, the Daemon were exiled to a relatively small island, and thus its language is a result of that.   Daemonic is supposed to function like an English derivative, but without any of the Romantic influence. As such, Daemonic words can cover the same meanings, and pull from different language trees. The only rule is to not rely on Romance languages at all, as Romance languages are associated with the humans that exiled them.


Daemonic word morphology is fairly simplistic in design, but difficult to properly execute if untrained. This morphology makes it easy for Daemon to pick up on languages that include their mother tongues' quirks, such as glottal stops and particulate vowel placement. As such, Daemonic words follow these simple rules:

  1. Vowels never touch, and should be surrounded by consonants;
  2. Vowel sounds are never repeated, unless separated by a different vowel;
  3. Same consonants never touch, and are usually replaced by an apostrophe [']; and
  4. Apostrophes indicate glottal stops, and usually are followed by a consonant.

Most of these rules apply to a majority of the language, though many of the outliers are due to the vast amount of compound words in Daemonic vocabulary. Two real-world languages that were drawn from when structuring Daemonic morphology are Japanese and Hawaiian, due to studies in the former and a rabbithole of the latter.


Daemonic sentence syntax, anticlimactically, is based on Subject Verb Object, and adjectives come before nouns. The interesting thing about Daemonic syntax, however, is how much root word "mashing" there is, especially with the negative connotations of words. An example sentence, from one [of the many] children's songs written:  
Daemonic Sentence Venkim, venkim, thir genter, Dakfo nehel kimeno?
Direct Translation Water-sky, water-sky, will going, since not-light sky?
Formal Translation Rain, rain, will you go, since you make the sky turn dark?

In the Daemonic rendition of the classic children's song Rain Rain, Go Away, you can see how the word for rain [venkim] is a compound word of ven [water] and sky [kim], and how dark [nehel] is just not-light [ne-hel]. Is there a word for dark? Yes [vak]. Using "not-light", however, cements the idea that the rain is causing the sky to darken.

Another thing you may notice in the song is the lack of pronoun "you" [which is "ic" in Daemonic]. This is a language quirk inspired by multiple sources, where the subject does not need explicit mentioning in order for it/them to be talked about. With the proper context, pronouns are ultimately unnecessary in Daemonic.


Below is the IPA [International Phonetic Alphabet] for each of the Daemonic characters.
"Foot" "Hook" "Feather" "Tooth" "Ancestor"
Very rarely, however, there are alterations to the phonetics of certain letters, usually while in the presence of specific consonants, or on the off chance that a vowel is repeated. This phonetic alteration is usually expressed in the formal rendition of the Standard Daemonic dialect. Below are the most common phonetic modifications.
Standard Example Words
Modified Example Words
kalum [good]
milne [apple]
venkim [rain]
gost [voice]
minkuven [brain]
kalbat [childhood friend]
shekenan [closed]
zimfrita [sprout]
zakto [therefore]
zilus [Heart]


254 Words.
Successor Languages
Common Phrases
Let the enemy borrow your Blade.
Look at it from the other person's perspective.
Mind you not look into the Seer's gaze.
Do not tempt fate; abstain from recklessness.
When the moon is golden.
A very rare occurrence [informal]
When Lune and Mors meet.
A very rare occurrence [formal]
A song is best repeated.
Practice makes perfect.
Not all Fruits bear Seeds.
Not everything needs a proper conclusion.
The Blade replaces the talon.
Make use of what you've got.
Catch it with the net you'll carry it in.
Do two things at once.
Put grain before water.
To spoil something, or make something worse.
The eye is sharper up close.
Problems appear when you look into them.

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