Blue NM-2 is a Sentinel; a living weapon. It has been provided for Project Ikarus from Neptune. Even in the low humidity atmosphere of Mercury it poses a notable threat, but has been deemed acceptable considering the consequences of failure.
Squadron Leader Eun is an ex-mercenary fighter pilot employed in Penumbra under the aegis of Project Ikarus. Eun has an irregular history, like many of the pilots of Penumbra, but has shown competency and good fit to a military structure.
Commodore Pallas Steradian is a Martian commodore and the officer in command of the defenders of Mercury.
Roseah is a study in contradictions. They move mountains to help Mercurians flee, but disdain them for abandoning their home. A misanthrope who has built the most welcoming Oasis there is on Mercury.
Eun's commanding officer and a Martian. Sciah does not come from a pilot background and it shows in her interactions. Bookish and by-the-rules, she is at least dependable.
Tray is a tray. He works at Oasis, serving the drinks and meals. Please rate your satisfaction.
In the shadows of the Iron Spires, migrating along the terminator, walks Penumbra. Soldiers, mercenaries, and civilians alike warily watch the sky, always prepared for another Solar Pulse.
As Penumbra settles her people gather around Oasis for liquour and company. The gentle melodies of the hydraulophone spill out from the fountain and, for a while, it feels like the world isn't on fire.
A trio of blindingly bright fighters cut through a sunbeam. The mirror-clad Sunbreakers take the fight to the solar abominations, outnumbered but not outgunned, and beat back an incursion once more.
At Penumbra, the uniform was meant to be seen. Grey was a given, who would offer their life unless there was something to atone for? White was justified when you tallied monsters rather than men. Blue cleansed the red out of the ledger.
Penumbra and Caduceus together defend Mercury from the solar incursion.
Each one was like a star spilled from the waistpouch of a hunting goddess, divine and deadly. They whirled around Mercury, waiting for the word to kill.