House Tannik Organization in Soldaana | World Anvil

House Tannik


House Tannik is the ruling family of Ebonrock and is responsible for the political and economic presence of Ebonrock on the grander Soldaana scale.

Public Agenda

House Tannik seeks to always bring ingenuity and prosperity to the city and people of Ebonrock, always lloking for new opportunities and means to do so. House Tannik has created three generations of brilliant minds behind many of the inventions and movements in Ebonrock industry.


House Tannik has been ruling over Ebonrock for the past few centuries under Ebonaster, Winston, and Altinna Tannik. Rule seemed mainly benelovent, but 20 years ago the House became more reclusive and strict under Altinna as she refocused industry of the city and failed to properly distribute resources throughout Ebonrock.    Recent events have removed Altinna from power and the seat of rule currently has been passed onto her younger brother, Orso Tannik.
Family Leader
Controlled Territories

Articles under House Tannik


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