
The Lumin are the remnants of the human population left on the surface of Ayinel after the catastrophic event known as the Siphoning Ascension. This tragic event stripped them of their innate magical prowess, leaving them to fend for themselves in a world where magic once permeated every aspect of their existence.  


  The Lumin retain a typical human appearance but have evolved subtle, distinct traits due to their susceptibility to natural energies. Their eyes, once dull after the loss of their innate magic, now reflect the types of magic they are exposed to. When harnessing Solaether energy, their eyes glow a radiant gold. Exposure to the re-emerging Sight magic causes their eyes to shimmer a deep blue. Other types of natural energies impart their own hues, making the Lumin's eye colors a living testament to the magical forces influencing them. Their skin sometimes shows faint traces of luminescence, particularly in moments of strong emotional or magical activity.  

Geographic Distribution:

  The Lumin are spread across Ayinel and can be found in nearly all regions. They have adapted to a variety of environments, from the scorching desert equator to the nourishing polar regions. Their presence is most notable in the domed cities of Arktalas, which they, with some assistance, have ingeniously designed to shield themselves from the harsh elements and to facilitate their daily lives with major magics and inventions.    


  The Lumin's history is marked by the Siphoning Ascension, an event orchestrated by the floating cities of the Magisterium. This act of cruelty left the Lumin powerless and at the mercy of the elements and creatures of Ayinel. Over time, they have rebuilt their society, forming alliances and creating new ways to harness the minimal magic that remains accessible to them.   Gradually, with the innovations in Solaether energy pioneered by the Solis Aeternum, the Lumin began to see a slow return of their magical abilities. Solaether energy, derived from the celestial power of the twin suns, Ayin and Yesh, became a crucial resource in revitalizing the Lumin's connection to magic. This resurgence was further accelerated by the emergence of "Sight," a form of magic that allowed the Lumin to perceive and manipulate the latent magical energies in their environment.

Interesting Facts

  Most Prevalent Race: The Lumin are the most widespread race in Ayinel, found in nearly every region and integrated into various cultures, from the deserts of the Shifting Sands of Yesh to the polar regions of Borealas.   Story Circles: A tradition where Lumin gather to share stories from different cultures they have encountered, preserving and honoring the rich tapestry of Ayinel’s heritage.   Night Whispers: A common Lumin superstition holds that whispers heard at night are messages from ancestors, guiding them through their dreams and daily decisions.  


Genetic Descendants
Average Height
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