
The Luminari are a rare and evolved subset of the Lumin who possess a unique connection to the celestial forces of Ayin and Yesh, the twin suns of Ayinel. These beings are equally composed of flesh and light, embodying the duality of creation and destruction inherent in their world.  


  Luminari have an ethereal quality, with skin that seems to shimmer with an inner light. Their eyes are particularly striking, reflecting their deep connection to celestial powers. The color of their eyes shifts based on the type of magic they are channeling or exposed to: a radiant gold when drawing on Solaether energy, a deep blue when utilizing Sight, and other vibrant hues for different natural energies. Their skin glows faintly, enhancing their otherworldly appearance, especially during rituals or moments of heightened emotion.  

Geographic Distribution

  The Luminari are almost entirely concentrated around the borders of the Shifting Sands of Yesh, a vast desert region that spans the equator. This area, influenced strongly by the twin suns, is where they feel most connected to their celestial patrons. Their settlements are typically centered around sacred sites and temples dedicated to Ayin and Yesh, where they conduct their rituals and ceremonies. The harsh desert environment has further strengthened their resilience and deepened their spiritual practices, making their communities vibrant centers of worship and celestial magic.    


The Luminari emerged as a distinct group shortly after the Siphoning Ascension. Those among the Lumin who were more attuned to the remnants of celestial magic began to transform, becoming the Luminari. This transformation was catalyzed by their natural openness to the energies of Ayin and Yesh, which imbued them with their unique characteristics. Over time, they have become spiritual leaders and are revered by many for their perceived closeness to the divine. Many of the original Luminari were founding members of the Solis Aeternum.

Interesting Facts

  Dual Nature: The Luminari are beings of both flesh and light, their bodies glowing with an inner luminescence. Their unique markings are thought to be specific to each individual Luminari, and they often judge their kin based on the shape and design of these markings.   Innate Spirituality: The Luminari's profound knowledge and deep connection to Ayin and Yesh are passed down through a process known as Anamnesis, making each Luminari incredibly intelligent and wise.   Healing Powers: Many Luminari possess extraordinary healing abilities, believed to be gifts from Ayin and Yesh.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
250 Years
Average Height
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