Ashwall Republic

The Ashewall Republic, formerly known as the Kingdom of Ashewull, was once a feudal state renowned for its wine production and vast vineyards. Historically, Ashewull was one of the first kingdoms to break away from the powerful Empire of Alada, establishing itself as an independent realm. Its rolling hills of vineyards and olive groves became symbols of prosperity and cultural pride, making Ashewull a prominent player in trade across Nyria for nearly a millennium.

However, the winds of change swept through Ashewull just before the Burn. A bloody revolution erupted, driven by a growing dissatisfaction among the lower classes. Over decades of inequality, a radical uprising toppled the ruling nobility and royalty, with most of the aristocracy either hanged or slaughtered. In its place, the revolutionaries established a short-lived anarchist-communist regime. The transition was sudden, and while idealism filled the air, the new nation struggled to establish stability.

When the Burn struck in 1819, the young and fragile state was woefully unprepared for the calamities that followed. The Burn brought with it catastrophic droughts, famines, and eventually, the floodwaters that ravaged Nyria. The population of over 3 million Alsians was decimated, with less than 75,000 surviving the onslaught. Entire cities were washed away, and the grand vineyards that had once defined the nation were severely damaged.

Those who survived retreated to the Marsail Island, a small mountain-now island once home to minor oilive oil trading post. It was here that they built a new society, transforming the remnants of their anarchist-communist ideals into a more stable form of direct democracy. The Republic of Ashewall was born out of this tragedy, a small yet resilient city-state focused on rebuilding and maintaining the values of equality and shared governance. Every citizen has a voice in the new republic, with decisions being made through direct voting and public debate, a stark contrast to the feudal hierarchy of old.

Today, the Ashewall Republic is a junior member of the Thierry Free States, working alongside its fellow member nations in rebuilding the world after the Burn. Though small, the republic has maintained its reputation for producing some of the finest wines and olive oils in Nyria, exporting these goods as its main source of income. The vineyards and olive trees, many of which were re-planted after the Burn, continue to grow on the fertile slopes of Marsail Island. These crops remain not only economically vital but also a point of cultural pride for the citizens of Ashewall, a testament to their perseverance through hardship.

The republic’s position in the Thierry Free States grants it some protection and resources, but it remains a fiercely independent and democratic society. The scars of revolution and the devastation of the Burn are still felt, but the people of Ashewall have proven themselves to be survivors, determined to build a brighter future on the foundations of their tumultuous past.

1814 AF (Republic) 1359 AF (Kingdom) - 1814 AF (Kingdom)

Alternative Names
Previously Kingdom of Ashenwull
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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