Church of Solis


The Church of Solis is the most widespread and influential religion across Nyria, revered by countless Alsian nations and peoples. Unlike many organized religions, the Church of Solis does not have a singular head or centralized authority. Instead, it is comprised of numerous sects, each rooted in the traditions and cultures of the various nations and regions that follow the faith. Despite this decentralized structure, the core beliefs of the Church remain remarkably consistent, thanks to the simple yet profound nature of its dogma, which emphasizes love, kindness, and the nurturing light of Solis, the life-giving star of Nyria.

Decentralized Structure and Global Conventions

The decentralized nature of the Church of Solis has allowed it to flourish in a variety of cultural contexts, with each nation and community developing its own unique practices and rituals. These sects are often led by councils of spiritual leaders or philosophers who interpret the teachings of Solis according to local traditions. Despite the differences in practices, the sects are united by the shared belief in Solis as the divine source of life and energy.

Over the centuries, leaders of the various Solis sects have periodically convened in global philosophical conventions to discuss matters of faith and ensure unity in their core beliefs. These conventions, held before The Burn, were seen as moments of spiritual alignment, where representatives from different sects gathered to share their interpretations, debate theological nuances, and find common ground. The outcomes of these gatherings helped maintain a remarkable degree of consistency across the Church, even as local practices continued to evolve independently.

Dogma and Beliefs

The dogma of the Church of Solis is brilliant in its simplicity, centered around the idea that Solis, the star of Nyria, is the life-giver—a divine being that nurtures all life on the planet. Unlike many other religions, Solis is not seen as the creator of the universe but rather as the sustainer of life. The core beliefs emphasize virtues such as love, compassion, patience, charity, and hard work. These principles are designed to guide believers in their daily lives, helping them cultivate a spirit of kindness and resilience.

The teachings of Solis are embodied in the figures of Eldi and Diene, the symbolic children of Solis. Eldi (she) represents the highest virtues—wisdom, strength, and moral integrity—while Diene (he) symbolizes the vices—ignorance, weakness, and vice. These dual figures serve as moral compasses for believers, reminding them of the constant internal struggle between good and evil. The simplicity and universality of these teachings have allowed them to resonate across different cultures, making the Church of Solis accessible and relatable to a wide audience.

Practices and Rituals

While the core beliefs of the Church of Solis are consistent across all sects, the practices and rituals associated with the faith vary widely depending on the region. In some nations, followers of Solis may gather at dawn to offer prayers as the first rays of sunlight touch the earth, symbolizing the renewal of life. In others, the worship of Solis might involve elaborate festivals during the summer solstice, celebrating the longest day of the year and the height of Solis’s power.

Rituals surrounding birth, marriage, and death are also deeply influenced by local customs. For instance, in the Eldwell Empire, it is customary to light a candle at the birth of a child, symbolizing the spark of life gifted by Solis. In the Kingdom of Espen, followers may participate in a ritual of “Sun Cleansing,” where believers bathe in the light of the rising sun, seeking spiritual purification. Despite these differences, all practices are united by the shared reverence for Solis and the belief in the star’s divine influence on life.

The Afterlife

The Church of Solis teaches a concept of the afterlife that is both cyclical and redemptive. Believers hold that those who live according to the teachings of Solis will be granted the opportunity to join the Great Fire—a metaphorical representation of Solis’s divine energy—upon their death. Within this Great Fire, souls are reborn, entering a cycle of reincarnation where they live again and again, each time gaining more wisdom and spiritual fulfillment.

The ultimate goal for a soul is to achieve complete enlightenment, at which point it becomes one with Solis, merging with the divine light and ending the cycle of reincarnation. However, those who fail to adhere to the teachings of Solis risk being cast into the Great Void—a dark, desolate place beyond the life-giving light of Solis. Here, souls may become lost, disconnected from the warmth and guidance of Solis, taking a step away from the circle of life and the possibility of rebirth.

The Burn and Its Significance

For the followers of Solis, the Burn was a cataclysmic event with profound spiritual implications. Many believers interpreted the Burn as either the beginning of the end or a new start—a final chance for humanity to return to the fold of Solis’s light. Some viewed it as a divine warning, urging the faithful to renew their commitment to the teachings of Solis, while others saw it as a purifying trial, a test of faith that would ultimately Lead to a new era of enlightenment for those who remained true to the faith.

In the aftermath of the Burn, the various sects of Solis found themselves united in their interpretation of the event as a spiritual trial, even as they continued to practice their faith in different ways. This shared understanding of the Burn further solidified the bonds between the different sects, reinforcing the idea that, despite their differences, they were all followers of the same divine light.

Influence and Power

The Church of Solis wields significant influence across Nyria, not only as a spiritual guide but also as a moral and ethical authority. Most rulers, from emperors to kings and presidents, swear their oaths of allegiance to their people, their kingdoms, and Solis. The Church’s teachings are deeply embedded in the cultural fabric of many nations, shaping laws, social norms, and governance practices.

Despite the lack of a central authority, the decentralized structure of the Church has allowed it to adapt to the unique needs of each society it serves, making it a unifying force across diverse cultures. The sects of Solis, while independent, often collaborate on matters of great importance, ensuring that the light of Solis continues to guide the world of Nyria through both prosperous and troubled times.


The Church of Solis stands as a testament to the enduring power of faith in Nyria. With its simple yet profound teachings, the Church has united countless followers under the light of Solis, guiding them through both personal and collective trials. Its decentralized structure allows it to thrive in diverse cultural contexts, while the shared core beliefs ensure a sense of unity among its followers. In a world shaped by cataclysm and renewal, the Church of Solis remains a steadfast beacon of hope, offering comfort and guidance to those who seek the warmth of Solis’s light.

In Light & Love

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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