Claudia Beaumont

The elder of Jacques and Verity Beaumont’s two daughters, Claudia Beaumont is a solemn, introspective girl of eight years. While her younger sister, Ophelie, finds joy in lively social interactions, Claudia finds grace and comfort in solitude. She is a contemplative child, spending much of her time absorbed in the quiet pursuits of reading, painting, and writing poetry. Even at her young age, Claudia’s passion for the arts is profound, and she is constantly striving to improve her skills, whether it be through refining her brushstrokes on canvas or experimenting with verse.

Claudia’s admiration for her father, Jacques, is unwavering. He is her guiding star, and she often seeks his presence, asking him an endless stream of questions about everything she can think of. From the workings of the family winery to the history of the Burn, she is insatiably curious and always eager to learn. Jacques, patient and loving, indulges her curiosity, and the two share a deep bond that often leads to long, quiet conversations in the family library—a place that Claudia cherishes above all else.

The library is Claudia’s sanctuary, a refuge where she can immerse herself in the world of books and let her imagination soar. She finds immense comfort in the pages of the many volumes housed there, often losing track of time as she explores new stories and ideas. It is in this quiet, book-lined room that she feels most at peace, content to dream and create away from the hustle and bustle of the household.

When it comes to her relationship with her half-sister, Morgana, Claudia is filled with awe and admiration. To Claudia, Morgana is everything she aspires to be—strong, capable, and wise beyond her years. In Morgana’s presence, Claudia becomes quiet and observant, studying her older sister’s every move. She watches how Morgana handles the responsibilities of the family business and admires the way she carries herself with grace and intelligence. While Claudia remains reserved when Morgana is near, the deep admiration she feels is always present, fueling her own dreams of one day becoming as accomplished and poised as her beloved half-sister.

Claudia’s solemn nature and love of solitude make her stand out in the bustling Beaumont household. Her love for her father, her passion for the arts, and her quiet admiration for Morgana shape her into a unique and introspective child, already wise beyond her years.


Ophelie Beaumont


Towards Claudia Beaumont


Claudia Beaumont


Towards Ophelie Beaumont


Claudia Beaumont


Towards Morgana Cornelia Selina Beaumont


Morgana Cornelia Selina Beaumont


Towards Claudia Beaumont


Verity Chloe Blenkinsopp-Beaumont

Mother (Vital)

Towards Claudia Beaumont



Claudia Beaumont

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Verity Chloe Blenkinsopp-Beaumont



Year of Birth
1867 AF 2 Years old
Ophelie Beaumont (Sister)
Welcome to Solspire
Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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