
Electrum, an alloy created by high-temperature smelting of gold and silver, took on new significance after The Burn. This catastrophic event transformed all electrum on Planet Nyria, making it alchemically active and the baseline for all alchemical compounds and attunement rituals. The science of observing and exploring the properties of electrum and its interactions with other elements under specific vibrations is called Alchemy. Alchemists, who were once mere scholars of ancient texts, became pivotal figures in this new age of discovery.



In its pure form, electrum shines with an iridescent blue hue and has the remarkable ability to convert sunlight into electricity. When mixed with other elements, its effects can be significantly altered. However, these effects remain faint unless the mixture is exposed to specific sequences of vibrations during the process of solidifying the smelted material. These sequences, which can take the form of chanting, singing, or specific utterances at a particular tempo, are essential for activating the alchemical properties of the mixture.


The Discovery of Electrum’s Alchemical Properties

Before The Burn, electrum was merely an intriguing historical curiosity, often referenced in ancient texts but never fully understood. Alchemists had long attempted to unlock its secrets, but their efforts were in vain until the cataclysmic events of The Burn. The solar flares and subsequent environmental upheavals seemed to awaken the latent potential within electrum, making it a cornerstone of alchemical science.


Applications in Alchemy

Alchemists quickly realized that electrum’s unique properties could revolutionize many aspects of life on Nyria. The alloy became


Alchemical Attunement and Rituals

The practice of alchemy expanded dramatically with the understanding of electrum’s properties. Alchemical rituals, which involve the precise combination of elements and specific sequences of vibrations, became central to harnessing electrum’s full potential. These rituals often require a perfect pitch and timing voice, a rare talent that allows alchemists to meticulously go through hundreds of possible iterations to create attunement melodies, chants, or songs.


Electrum in Daily Life and Industry

Electrum’s versatility made it indispensable in various industries. Everywhere, Eldwell, Leidenstein Yin


Cultural and Symbolic Significance

Beyond its practical applications, electrum holds a deep cultural and symbolic significance. In many Alsian societies, it is seen as a gift from the gods, a material that connects the physical and spiritual realms. Alchemical artifacts made of electrum are treasured as heirlooms and symbols of wisdom and power. The process of working with electrum is often accompanied by rituals and ceremonies, reflecting its revered status.


Only for the rich

The rise of electrum-based technologies also inadvertently widened the social gap between those that could afford it and those who could not. .


The future of Electrum

As alchemists continue to explore the depths of electrum’s potential, the future promises even more remarkable discoveries. The quest to refine alchemical recipes, discover new properties, and develop innovative applications drives the field forward. The balance between utilizing electrum’s incredible capabilities and ensuring sustainable practices remains a critical focus for the alchemists of Nyria.


Light golden with Iridescent blue shine
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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Aug 11, 2024 11:50

A nice idea for a metal that generates electricity with vibrations. I liked that you incorporated some culture and history into the article, which gives the whole thing more reality. Unfortunately, there are two unfinished sentences in your article, which was a pity.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 21, 2024 02:03 by Paul

So when does the entire orchestra get hired by the alchemists?   Great read Dimi!

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