
Alchemist: A scientist dedicated to studying the interactions of Electrum with other elements. Alchemists spend their time experimenting with Electrum, developing new alchemical compounds, and performing attunement rituals to unlock the full potential of this remarkable alloy. They utilize specific sequences of vibrations, often in the form of chanting, singing, or uttering particular words at precise tempos, to enhance or alter the effects of Electrum-based mixtures.

In the world of Nyria, where the mystical and the scientific intertwine, the alchemists stand as both revered and enigmatic figures. These masters of Alchemy dedicate their lives to uncovering the secrets of elements and their interactions, particularly focusing on the extraordinary properties of Electrum. Their knowledge and skills, while often shrouded in secrecy, have brought profound advancements to Nyrian civilization.


Alchemical Practices

Being a practicing alchemist in Nyria is a demanding and multifaceted vocation, requiring a delicate balance between rigorous research, precise craftsmanship, and meticulous ritual preparation. For many alchemists, their day-to-day life is far removed from the romantic notion of solitary scholars discovering new alchemical secrets. Instead, their lives often resemble those of skilled smiths, dedicated to perfecting their craft and fulfilling client orders.

Most alchemists must divide their time between researching new methods and refining existing ones, and carefully preparing the forging and attunement rituals necessary to complete commissions from clients. The process begins with exact calculations, using precision scales to determine the exact ratios of metals required for each specific alloy they are trying to create. This is a meticulous task, demanding unwavering attention to detail.

Once the metals are measured and prepared, the alchemist turns their focus to the attunement rituals. This involves maintaining and fine-tuning attunement forks and watches to ensure they produce the correct sound at the precise moment needed during the ritual. Once everything is ready, the practitioner takes the metals, in their alchemical forge and begins the process of melding them into a single alloy. With the alloy heated to the right temperature for enough time so the metals completely combine, the amalgamation has to be poured into the mould to take its final form. It is at this time the ritual part of the process begins. The Alchemist starts their clock and prepares to expose the cooling metal to the correct frequency at the right time. Once a ritual is completed, the item is ready to be used or combined in the machines that utilize it. The success of the alchemical process hinges on these exacting standards, with even the slightest deviation potentially resulting in failure.

For researching Alchemists, intuition plays a critical role. The most talented alchemists often develop an uncanny ability to seemingly "guess" the proportion and type of metals used or the tunes and timing that might create a desired effect. This intuitive rather unscientific practice is sometimes described as a secret language called "The Voice", shared between the alchemist, the metals, and the sounds they work with. Many alchemists claim that these elements "speak" to them from the deep beyond, guiding their experiments in subtle, almost mystical ways.

The Voice

To foster this intuitive connection, some alchemists spend time in meditation, seeking to align their minds with the hidden rhythms of the universe. Others experience sudden bursts of inspiration, waking in the middle of the night with a clear vision of a new recipe or solution to a perplexing problem. These moments of clarity are treasured, as they often lead to significant breakthroughs.

The Alchemist's Grimoire

In their remaining time, alchemists spend hours upon hours in research. They delve into, ancient books filled with recorded knowledge, to refine known rituals, create experiments and iterate to refine their results. This involves experimenting with the proportions of metals, adjusting the tones, and fine-tuning the timing of the rituals. Each iteration is a step towards greater efficiency and efficacy, but it requires immense patience and precision.

All their notes, results, successes and failures are recorded in their Grimoires. These books are not merely collections of recipes and formulas; they are personal records of an alchemist's journey and achievements, from their greatest successes and thoughts to their most dangerous and explosive failures. Each Grimoire is unique, reflecting the individual’s path in the world of alchemy. For guild members, the guild’s Grimoire represents a vast accumulation of knowledge, a treasure trove of wisdom that spans generations. This Grimoires are the accumulation of the collective knowledge, thoughts and experiments of all the members that were and are members of that particular guild. The biggest known Grimoire belong to the Luminary Order protected and edited by the Guild Master Librarian.

The Heart

Some alchemists, or their colleagues, possess what is known as a perfect pitch and timing voice. This rare talent enables them to meticulously navigate through hundreds of possible iterations to create the ideal attunement melody, chant, or song. These individuals are highly valued for their ability to significantly enhance the power and stability of alchemical alloys. While, in theory, all necessary tones can be generated using precisely tuned forks at the right moments, many practitioners find that a song or chant producing the correct vibration frequency at the exact time is far more effective.

Where precision and focus allow alchemists to discover "The Voice," it is said that many performers and alchemists who create chants and songs use their intuition to find "The Heart." This metaphorical beating drum guides them from one note to the next, aligning their talent and charisma with the ritual. Some mystical and less scientific alchemical practices and texts even advocate the use of hallucinogenic concoctions to induce an exploratory trance, allowing the artists to connect more deeply with their creative and intuitive processes.


The Life of an Alchemist

Being an alchemist demands great focus, accuracy, and immense patience. The work is painstaking, requiring a steady hand and a disciplined mind. Each step, from measuring metals to performing attunement rituals, must be executed with flawless precision. Mistakes can be costly, both in terms of materials and their reputation.

Despite the challenges, many alchemists find profound satisfaction in their work. The creation of a successful alloy, the discovery of a new property, or the refinement of an ancient ritual brings a deep sense of accomplishment. For those dedicated to the pursuit of alchemical knowledge, the rewards far outweigh the demands.


The Journey to Mastery

Becoming an alchemist in Nyria is no simple task; it is a journey marked by dedication, expense, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. The path typically begins with an apprenticeship under an established alchemist. An apprentiship and be purchased by the parents of a young man or lady for a very substantial cost. In some cases, Alchemists will find someone that shows great promise and ask them to join them as their apprentice. As generations of Alchemists go by, Alchemist families create a legacies by having the sons and daughers carry the torch to the next generation. These apprenticeships can last many years, as the budding alchemist learns the foundational skills and theories of Alchemy. However, not all apprentices reach the status of a full-fledged alchemist. Many find themselves indefinitely in the shadow of their masters, denied access to the treasured Grimoires—books filled with vital alchemical recipes and secrets. Alchemy can also be very dangerous, especially for young inexperienced alchemists that push their luck. Some of the alloys and vibrations can create, quite literally explosive results, destroying everything in their path for several meters - including many of the apprentices..


For some, the apprenticeship is not an option. Driven by curiosity and an insatiable desire to understand the mysteries of the universe, these individuals become self-taught alchemists. They conduct their own experiments, often facing significant risks without the guidance of a mentor. These self-starters navigate the perilous path of Alchemy alone, driven by sheer determination and ingenuity.


The journey of an alchemist is also an expensive one. Each experiment requires Electrum, a precious and potent material. Although it is possible to separate alchemical alloys, the process is fraught with danger and complexity, typically undertaken only by the most experienced alchemists.


The Alchemist Guilds

Proving one’s worth in the field of alchemy can lead to an invitation to join an Alchemist Guild, a prestigious honor that carries significant benefits. Guild membership involves a vow to share one’s discoveries with the guild, ensuring the collective knowledge of alchemy continues to grow. In return, members gain access to the guild’s Grimoire, a repository of ancient texts and modern discoveries that far surpasses what any single alchemist could gather in a lifetime.

Most guilds also establish an internal hierarchy that defines the ranks of alchemists and prescribes daily rituals and codes of conduct that shape their members' lives. Some guilds adhere strictly to scientific theory, while others embrace mysticism and apocryphal practices, such as cleansing rituals, meditation, and deep introspection.

Almost all guilds also define specific attire and use secret symbols for identifying their members and their current status. Rings, handshakes, cloaks, brooches, and phrases are employed as means of communication and ritualization.

For example, members of the Luminary Order might wear intricately designed rings that change color based on their rank within the guild. These rings are often inscribed with alchemical symbols that represent their areas of expertise, such as energy storage or metal refinement. A secret handshake, involving a precise sequence of finger taps, allows members to recognize each other discreetly.

In the Azure Circle, alchemists may don distinctive blue cloaks with silver brooches that denote their level of achievement. The brooches might feature detailed engravings of the alchemical tools and elements they specialize in. Members often greet each other with a specific phrase in an ancient language, signaling their shared commitment to openness and collaboration.

The Iron Flame guild uses heavy, industrial-themed jewelry such as iron bracelets engraved with their guild's insignia. Their secret symbols include coded knocks on metallic surfaces, which can communicate complex messages about their current projects or statuses without using words.

For the Obsidian Brotherhood, members might wear dark, hooded cloaks with obsidian brooches that signify their involvement in more esoteric alchemical practices. Their communication often includes a subtle gesture, such as a specific way of holding their hands or a whispered chant, that indicates their rank and knowledge level.

These symbols and practices help maintain the guild's traditions and foster a sense of unity and identity among its members. They ensure that the alchemist’s affiliation and status are instantly recognizable to fellow members while remaining obscure to outsiders, thereby preserving the guild's secrets and integrity.


Role in Society

In the post-Burn world, alchemists have become indispensable across all facets of life. Their relentless pursuit of knowledge and refinement of techniques not only drives scientific and technological advancement but also shapes the very fabric of society. In most nations, the breakthroughs and innovations from local alchemist guilds significantly impact daily life, especially for those who can afford their specialized services.

Successful alchemists often achieve great wealth, allowing them to establish their own workshops and attract numerous students eager to learn the craft. These ateliers become centers of learning and innovation, furthering the reach and influence of alchemical science.

In recent years, some alchemists have been honored for their contributions with commissioned portraits and statues, which are proudly displayed in prominent buildings, private estates, and public squares. One notable example is Lord Grandmaster Ezekeil Neighton of the Luminary Order. His legacy is so esteemed that the main high street leading from the port to the main square of Edison City has been named in his honor, reflecting his profound impact on the community and the field of alchemy.

Revered and Feared

Alchemists occupy a unique place in Nyrian society. They are both revered and feared, admired for their profound knowledge and transformative abilities, yet viewed with caution due to the potential dangers of their craft. Their ability to manipulate and transform matter grants them a power that inspires awe and respect, but also fear and suspicion. The secrecy that surrounds their work only adds to this mystique. Many alchemists guard their discoveries closely, aware that the knowledge they possess can be both valuable and dangerous.

The Impact of Alchemists

The contributions of alchemists have brought significant advancements to Nyria. Their ability to create powerful alchemical compounds and perform attunement rituals has driven progress in various fields. For instance, the creation of alchemical batteries, capable of storing vast amounts of electrical energy, has revolutionized technology and industry.

Alchemists’ work extends beyond grand innovations; it touches everyday life as well. Their discoveries have practical applications that benefit the daily lives of Nyrians, from enhanced energy storage solutions to medical advancements.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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