
Alchemy is the branch of science concerned with the effects that electrum-based alloys and emitted sonic, light or electric frequences can have to said alloys and substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances and effects..

The Emergence of Modern Alchemy

Before The Burn, alchemists existed mainly as scholars who read apocrypha and studied texts found in archaeological excavations. Despite their extensive studies and experiments, the formulas and rituals described in these ancient documents never produced tangible results. This changed dramatically after The Burn. Initially, the success of these rituals was sporadic, but within a few years, they began to work consistently. Alchemists formed secret Alchemist Guilds to safeguard their newfound knowledge, sharing their secrets only with trusted members.


Types of Alchemy

Alchemy in Nyria is divided into three main branches: Founding, Infusing, and the most enigmatic, Bioanimation. Each branch explores the manipulation of matter through the use of Electrum, frequencies, and alchemical reactions, pushing the boundaries of science and discovery.

Founding Alchemy (Transmutation)

Founding, often referred to as Transmutation, is the foundational branch of alchemy concerned with the creation of alloys. It involves smelting Gold, Silver, and other metals to form alloys that are then attuned using specific sonic frequencies at calculated intervals to enhance their effects. This precise attunement process activates the alchemical properties of the newly formed alloy. Founding Alchemy is the cornerstone of many industrial and practical applications. A well-known example of this branch is the creation of the Alchemical Battery, an alloy formed with Lithium and Electrum that can store vast amounts of energy when correctly attuned. Founding Alchemy is often considered the most accessible of the branches, yet still requires meticulous precision and knowledge of metals and vibrations.

Infusing Alchemy

Infusing Alchemy focuses on the interaction of Electrum with liquid substances, metals, metalloids, nonmetals, and noble gases under specific heat and light frequencies. This branch explores how these reactions create potent solutions and materials with specialized properties. Infusion is more fluid and complex than Transmutation, as it often requires controlling and balancing reactions in liquid form. Common examples of Infusing Alchemy include the creation of the Asclepius Salve (also known as the Bian Que Gel), a healing gel used widely across Nyria, and the feared Altian Fire, a deadly substance used in warfare that burns hotter and longer than conventional fuels. Infusing Alchemy requires a detailed understanding of both alchemical reactions and the subtleties of light and heat interactions.

Bioanimation Alchemy

Bioanimation Alchemy is the most mysterious and difficult of all the branches to master. It explores the use of Electrum in biochemical compounds, merging organic and artificial components using electricity to create biogel agents with unique properties. The pinnacle of Bioanimation is the creation of Biomemetic Gel, a highly complex substance that allows biological organs to seamlessly connect and communicate with mechanical devices, enabling neurons to control artificial limbs, organs, or even entire bodies. This branch of alchemy requires not only a deep understanding of Founding and Infusing techniques but also advanced knowledge of biology and chemistry. Because of its complexity, it is extremely rare for a single Alchemist to master all the facets of Bioanimation, and most Bioanimators work in collaboration with other specialists to develop new compounds and technologies.

Alchemical Recipes

Alchemical recipes generally consist of a combination of Electrum, one or more elements, and specific tones or sequences of sonic, light, or. The simplest recipe involves Electrum and a single element. The addition of the correct tone can enhance or even alter the original effect. More complex recipes can involve multiple elements. It is rumored that recipes incorporating up to four additional elements have been discovered.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Sep 6, 2024 17:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a fun take on alchemy. I like how you have split it into three separate schools. I think my favourite might be Infusing.