The Radiant Shield

The Imperial Guard of Empress Sophronia II, known as the Radiant Shield, is an elite unit of highly trained warriors dedicated to the protection of the Empress and the stability of the Eldwell Empire. Their origins, duties, and rigorous training regimen have made them a symbol of loyalty, discipline, and honor throughout the realm.


The Radiant Shield was established by Empress Sophronia II's father, Emperor George III, during his reign to ensure the safety and security of the Empress amidst the growing political unrest and external threats facing the empire. Over time, the unit evolved from a small contingent of 25 trusted knights appointed by Emperor George III into a formidable force of a full batallion of 1000 active Guards, renowned for their prowess in combat and unwavering loyalty to the crown. Empress Sophronia II has further refined and expanded the Guard, The original Radiant Shield Imperial Guard remained numbering 1000 Knights, but the organization now numbers over 6000 Shields, making them an integral part of the empire's defense and governance.


The primary duty of the Radiant Shield is the protection of Empress Sophronia II. This includes guarding her residence, escorting her during public appearances, and ensuring her safety during travel. The Guard is also responsible for the security of key government officials and the stability of critical imperial functions.

Beyond their protective duties, the Radiant Shield serves as the Empress’s eyes and ears across the empire. They conduct intelligence operations, investigate threats, and provide critical information to the Empress. Additionally, they play a ceremonial role, participating in state events, parades, and diplomatic receptions, showcasing the strength and unity of the Eldwell Empire.


Recruitment into the Radiant Shield is highly competitive, drawing candidates exclusively from the lower and middle classes, particularly those who have shown valor in combat or the protection of the people. Prospective guards undergo a rigorous selection process, including physical endurance tests, combat trials, and psychological evaluations to ensure their loyalty and resilience.

Once selected, recruits enter an intensive training program at the Academy of the Radiant Shield, located within the fortified walls of Gravenfall. Training includes advanced combat techniques, strategic planning, espionage, and crisis management. Recruits are also taught the intricacies of court etiquette and diplomacy, preparing them for the diverse challenges they will face in service to the Empress.


Candidates for the Radiant Shield are typically recommended by high-ranking military officers or current members of the Guard. Exceptional soldiers, as well as public servants such as police officers and firefighters who have demonstrated exceptional bravery and dedication, are scouted during major incidents and exercises. A select few are chosen through annual tournaments and competitions that test their skills and valor.

The recruitment process is overseen by the Grand Marshal of the Radiant Shield, a position currently held by Sir Aldric Voss, a seasoned warrior and close advisor to Empress Sophronia II. The Grand Marshal ensures that only the most capable and loyal individuals are inducted into the Guard.

Recruitment Tournaments

The Radiant Shield, the elite personal guard of Empress Sophronia II, is known for its rigorous selection process, which culminates in the famed Recruitment Tournaments. These tournaments are not just tests of physical prowess but also of character, honor, and tactical acumen. Each year, individuals who have demonstrated exceptional valor and received commendations in their line of duty—whether as soldiers, guardsmen, firefighters, or other public servants—are invited to participate in these prestigious events. The invitation alone is considered a great honor, as it is a recognition of the individual’s bravery, dedication, and potential.


The tournaments are held at the grounds of the Radiant Shield Academy in Gravenfall, a location steeped in history and tradition. The academy’s expansive grounds provide the perfect setting for the various challenges that make up the tournament. Crowds of spectators gather to witness the trials of these potential future members of the Radiant Shield, their excitement palpable as the participants engage in the competition. The events themselves are a series of grueling challenges designed to test the limits of the participants. Competitors engage in combat drills, obstacle courses, and tactical simulations that push their physical and mental endurance to the breaking point. However, the tournaments are not solely focused on brute strength. Participants must also demonstrate leadership, quick thinking, and the ability to remain composed under pressure—qualities essential to serving in the Radiant Shield.


In addition to the physical challenges, the tournaments include tests of loyalty and moral integrity. Competitors are placed in scenarios where their decisions reflect their values and their commitment to the principles upheld by the Radiant Shield. These tests are closely observed by the Shield’s senior officers, who assess not only the participants’ actions but also their motivations and adherence to the ideals of the Empire.


Only a select few from these tournaments will receive the coveted invitation to join the Radiant Shield Academy, where they will undergo further training and evaluation before being fully inducted into the organization. For those who succeed, the tournament is just the beginning of a journey that will see them rise to the ranks of one of the most respected and formidable forces in Nyria. The Recruitment Tournaments serve as a reminder that the path to the Radiant Shield is one of relentless dedication, courage, and an unwavering commitment to the protection of the Empress and the Empire.

Additional Duties

In addition to their primary role of protecting the Empress, the Radiant Shield undertakes several other responsibilities that serve the interests of the empire:

1. Diplomatic Missions: Members of the Guard often accompany ambassadors and envoys on sensitive diplomatic missions, providing both protection and strategic advice.

2. Crisis Response: The Radiant Shield is deployed during times of crisis, such as natural disasters, civil unrest, or military conflicts. Their presence helps to maintain order and provide relief efforts.

3. Training and Mentorship: Experienced members of the Guard frequently return to the Academy of the Radiant Shield to mentor new recruits and conduct training exercises, ensuring that the high standards of the Guard are maintained.

4.Espionage and Intelligence: The Radiant Shield operates a network of informants and agents across the empire, gathering intelligence on potential threats and providing valuable insights to the Empress.

5. Public Relations: The Guard plays a vital role in fostering the Empress’s image among her subjects. They engage in community outreach programs, participate in public ceremonies, and serve as role models for the empire’s youth.



A simple silver chevron pointing upward.
Entry-level trainees selected based on valor and potential from lower and middle classes, including soldiers, police officers, and firefighters.

Undergo rigorous training at the Academy of the Radiant Shield, learning basic combat techniques, strategic planning, and court etiquette. No formal authority; focus is on training and preparation for advancement to Knight.



A crossed sword and shield in silver.
Completion of Squire training and demonstration of competency in basic duties.

Perform regular guard duties, participate in operations, and protect key locations and individuals. Limited authority over Squires and minor decision-making in operational duties.



Three silver chevrons pointing upward.
Proven performance as a Knight and recommendation from a superior officer.

Lead small squads, oversee daily operations, and ensure discipline among lower ranks. Authority over Knights and Squires within their squad; can make tactical decisions during missions.



A single silver bar with a star above it.
Demonstrated leadership and success in previous roles; completion of advanced tactical training.

Command larger squads, plan and execute specific missions, and assist higher-ranking officers. Significant authority over Knight-Sergeants, Knights, and Squires; involved in strategic planning.



Two silver bars with a star above them.
Exceptional leadership and operational success as a Knight-Lieutenant; completion of leadership training.

Command significant units, manage operations, and coordinate with other units. Broad authority over lower ranks; responsible for major tactical decisions and mission planning.



A silver oak leaf with a star above it.
Extensive experience and proven leadership in previous ranks; strategic acumen.

Oversee multiple units, develop strategic plans, and mentor lower-ranking officers. High authority in strategic planning and operational oversight; key advisor in mission execution.



A silver crown with two crossed swords below it.
Distinguished service and strategic leadership; selection by high command.

Lead large-scale operations, oversee critical missions, and manage substantial sections of the Guard. Command authority over significant forces; involved in high-level strategic decisions and planning.



A silver crown with three vertical silver bars below it.
Exemplary service and high-level strategic insight; recommendation by superior officers.

Manage major sections of the Radiant Shield, advise on critical decisions, and ensure operational effectiveness. Senior command authority; involved in shaping policies and overseeing large operations.



A silver laurel wreath surrounding a star.
Extensive command experience and strategic vision; selection by the Empress or Grand Marshal.

Lead brigades, develop high-level strategies, and coordinate with top military and political leaders. Command authority over brigades; significant influence in strategic planning and execution.



A silver eagle with a star above it.
Outstanding service and exceptional strategic leadership; appointed by the Empress.

Oversee broad operations, advise the Empress directly, and manage the overall strategic direction of the Guard. Top-level authority; involved in all major decisions affecting the Radiant Shield and its operations.


Grand Marshal

A silver imperial crown above a crossed sword and scepter.
Supreme leadership and unmatched service record; appointed by the Empress.

Lead the entire Radiant Shield, serve as the primary advisor to the Empress on matters of security and defense, and ensure the Guard's overall effectiveness and readiness. Ultimate command authority; directs all operations, policies, and strategic decisions of the Radiant Shield.

Honor, Valor, Vigilance

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024

Articles under The Radiant Shield


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Jul 29, 2024 22:38 by Polina "Line" Arteev

I really love "Honor, Valor, Vigilance" as a slogan!

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