
Edison (Previously the Imperial City-State of Eld is a symphony of steam and stone, a beacon of Alsian ingenuity rising defiantly above the encroaching waves. From the Solspire celestial peak, where the stars themselves seem to whisper secrets to those who dare to listen, to the bustling heart of the Wall District, where the rhythm of industry and innovation beats tirelessly - this city is a testament to the resilience and brilliance of our kind. Each island, a jewel in a vast, tumultuous sea, is connected not just by bridges of steel, but by the unyielding spirit of its people. Here, in the interplay of shadow and light, of ambition and tradition, Edison stands as a luminous testament to what we can achieve when we harness the elements and our indomitable will.
— Lady Elara Thornfield, High Magus of the Azure Circle

The capital city of the Eldwell Empire is home to one and a half million Alsians. Built on the highest hills of the ancient city of Eldian, which is now mostly underwater, the city consists of one large and six smaller islands in the middle of the Edisonne Archipelago. The remnant of ancient Eldian can still be seen beneath the waves hidding in the crystal blue waters surrounding the modern city. Each island is protected by a flood defense sea wall standing 15 meters above sea level. The islands are interconnected by metallic bridges and a trainline called the Minotaur, a closed-loop, twin Monorail steam-powered system that facilitates quick, two-way transportation across each island's main hub.

The main island, Edison, is built around a tall hill rising 375 meters above sea level, topped by the world's tallest building, the Solspire. The smaller islands of the city —Terrawatch, Barrogate, Volirath, Rookhelm, and Gravenfall — are situated almost equidistant from Edison Island. Etherdrift, the second-largest island, stands a bit further afield, north of Solspire, with Rookhelm and Gravenfall between it and Edison. Besides the islands, the city extends into multiple platforms called enclaves, which are either anchored or floating around and between the islands. The city also extends into an underground and underwater network that, in some instances, connects the islands with some of the enclaves or the islands themselves.

Edison Island

Edison Island is the heart of the city, home to the Solspire, which serves as the political center of the city and houses the Eldwell Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Solspire District

Solspire District
Settlement | Sep 11, 2024

The highest district of the island and the entire city, the Solspire District encompasses the Solspire itself and the area inside the innermost and highest wall of the city. It is home to most of the city's politicians and wealthiest citizens. The Queen's three Highgarden Greenhouses are also positioned around the Solspire. Additionally, the "Lighthouse," the guildhouse of the Luminary Order, is located on the southernmost ridge of the Solspire District.

Stormwatch District

Stormwatch District
Settlement | Sep 9, 2024

Situated just below the Solspire District, the Stormwatch District is the most cosmopolitan part of the city. It hosts the city's Opera House, Grand Stadium, and the Academy of Sciences and Arts. The Azure Circle's headquarters are located just outside the grounds of the Academy.

Wall District

Wall District
Settlement | Sep 11, 2024

The Wall District derives its name from the flood defense sea wall that surrounds it. This 15-meter-high wall ensures the safety of the city and its citizens during the harshest storms or highest tides. It is the lowest overground district of the city and the most populous on the island. The three- and four-story buildings in this district are bustling with life, filled with the sounds of workshops, discussions, and the everyday activities that keep the empire running.

Ditch District

Ditch District
Settlement | Sep 11, 2024

Edison has an extensive network of underground neighborhoods, more so than any other island. These neighborhoods provide residences for those working in the Saltbreaker, the Forgeyard, and the Heart. The Ditch District extends deep into the hill and below it. Many residential parts of the Ditch are located 10 meters below water level, offering views of the ruins of the flooded city through portholes. Miners, engineers, and workers who keep the city and the Solspire operational reside here.

Terrawatch Island

Terrawatch Island
Settlement | Sep 9, 2024

Terrawatch, the industrial heart of Edison, is a hub of innovation and relentless productivity. The industrial district of Terrawatch is build on an island formed of two hills that form a tall white marble cliffside on its north. The air is tinged with the faint scent of metal and steam, a testament to the advanced Engineering that powers the city. Workers clad in sleek, functional overalls move purposefully through the bustling streets, their faces marked by determination and skill. Great smokestacks release clean, white steam into the sky, and the rhythmic clanging of hammers and whirring of gears creates a symphony of progress. Notable businesses like the Ironworks Foundry and Blackwood Engineering dominate the landscape, their contributions essential to the empire’s technological prowess.

Barrogate Island

Barrogate Island
Settlement | Aug 21, 2024

Barrogate, the smallest island, is a vibrant haven of entertainment and leisure. Outside of the flood walls, the west side of the island sports and artificially created long sandy beach which is mostly submerged for 10 days each month but does provide a beautiful idyllic and relaxing destination for everyone visiting the district. The air is alive with the tantalizing aromas of exotic foods and the sweet scent of perfumed air, mingling with the occasional whiff of pipe smoke. The cobbled streets are lined with brightly lit marquees and bustling cafés, where Alsian performers and patrons gather in lively conversation. The sounds of laughter, music, and clinking glasses create an atmosphere of joy and revelry. The Grand Theatre, renowned for its lavish productions, and the famous Leviticus Tavern are just a few of the attractions that make Barrogate the city’s premier destination for amusement and relaxation.

Volirath Crater Island

Volirath Island
Geographic Location | Jul 12, 2024

Volirath Island, the agricultural heart of Edison, offers a serene and pastoral landscape. Formed in the caldera of an ancient and long-now inactive volcano, Volirath had its own rocky flood wall, but also an exceptional basin that maintained its soil during The Burn. The air here is fresh with the scent of earth and growing things, complemented by the salty tang of the sea. Rolling fields of crops stretch out in neat rows, interspersed with clusters of greenhouses and fishery enclaves. The inhabitants are hardy and down-to-earth, their hands calloused from tending the land and sea. The gentle hum of hydroponic systems and the rhythmic splash of fish nets being cast and hauled add a soothing backdrop to daily routines. The Evergreen Farms and Poseidon Fisheries are notable establishments, providing the sustenance that feeds both body and soul.

Rookhelm Island

Rookhelm Island
Settlement | Sep 9, 2024

Rookhelm, the commercial hub of Edison, is a bustling center of trade and commerce. Tall, up to 12 stories buildings shape skyline of Rookhelm. The streets are filled with the sharp tang of spices, the rich aroma of roasted coffee, and the subtle hint of polished wood from countless crates and barrels. Market stalls and grand emporiums line the avenues, where merchants from all corners of the empire hawk their wares. The constant chatter of haggling and the clink of coins exchanging hands create an atmosphere of ceaseless activity. Rookhelm’s docks, teeming with cargo ships and airships, are overseen by influential trading houses such as the Maritime Exchange and Skylark Trading Company. The people of Rookhelm are savvy and ambitious, always on the lookout for the next great deal.

Gravenfall Island

Gravenfall Island
Settlement | Sep 9, 2024


Etherdrift Island
Settlement | Sep 9, 2024


  • Edison City
Founding Date
1250 AF / 1819 AF (Second Founding)
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Welcome to Solspire
Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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