
The Alsians, the predominant species of Nyria, have a rich and storied history that has been profoundly altered by a catastrophic event known as the Burn. This disaster led to a dramatic reduction in their population, leaving less than a tenth of their original numbers. The survivors were forced to abandon their flooded homes and seek refuge on the high peaks of mountains and hills, where they began to rebuild their lives.

Physical Characteristics

Alsians are diverse in appearance, exhibiting a wide range of skin tones, hair colors, and physical features. They possess a remarkable adaptability, which has enabled them to thrive in various environments across Nyria. Typically, Alsian males and females are similar in stature, with an average height ranging from 1.6 to 2.4 meters.



Alsian eyes, come in shades of blue, green, purple, yellow, black, brown, and more rarely, violet or gray. Alsian Eyes in general are double-lid oval shaped with a steep edge on the outer sides but vary greatly.


Alsian hair varies greatly across the groups populating the planet, with little to no exception it is glossy in appearance and it tends to desaturate with age. Hues like, Gold, Lemon, Sapphire, Cerulean, Teal, Jade, Emerald, Scarlet, Grimson, Ruby, Magenta, Lilac, Amethyst, Violet, Purple and most rarely almost exclusively to the Leiden people, Obsidian. Traditionally, hair colors are named by either metals, precious stones or flowers.


Similarly Alsian skin can vary from, most commonly tinted, silvery, to golden, copper, brass and less commonly patina bluish or greenish and rusty,


Another common differentiation between the population groups of the Alsian species is their ears, They are typically elongated, extending vertically beyond the top of the head. They taper to a fine, pointed tip. This tapering effect gives them their characteristic pointed appearance, often extending at an angle from the head. THe lower curve of their ears tends to be wide closer to its base and flip and curve towards their tip but in many north east groups this tends to be replaced by a sharp and straight curve, creating slim and long ponted ears. Maybe above every other morphological characteristic the ears of an Alsian separates and defines their origin.


It is long supposed, that the Alsian species comes from a completely lost carnivorous relative. Alsians have 28 teeth, 8 molars, 8 incissors, 8 premolars and, most discrinctly, 4 sharp and protruding from the rest of the crown, canines. Canines tend to vary in position and vector across population groups but they are always prominent.

Morphology and Societal Beliefs

Although there is not a single belief across all alsians, in different societies, Alsian people hold different beliefs regarding the least common to their group characteristics. "Racism", The color of ones, eyes, skin and in most cases shape of ears can significantly change the way they are seen by others. In many societies these differences are established as laws. A good example of this the exclusion of all non-sharp lobed ears Alsians from any position of power in the Leidenstein Consortium.

Culture and Society

Before the Burn, Alsian society was characterized by its rich cultural diversity and intricate social structures. They lived in sprawling cities and lush valleys, where art, music, and literature flourished. The Burn, however, forced a dramatic shift in their way of life. With the sudden flooding of their homes, Alsians had to quickly adapt to their new reality.

Communities that once spanned vast plains and coastal regions were now concentrated in the elevated areas of Nyria. The survivors formed tight-knit societies on the peaks of hills and mountains, where cooperation and mutual support became essential for survival. These highland refuges became the new centers of Alsian culture, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Technological Adaptation

The technological advancements of the Alsians were both a blessing and a curse during the Burn. While their previous reliance on sophisticated infrastructure proved vulnerable to the sudden environmental changes, their ingenuity also enabled them to develop new solutions for survival. The Alsians quickly adapted their technology to harness the natural resources of their new high-altitude homes.

One of the most significant developments was the use of Electrum, a rare element with unique properties. Alsians discovered that Electrum could store and release energy, which proved invaluable in their efforts to rebuild. The element's luminescent deep blue glow became a symbol of hope and resilience, guiding the Alsians through the darkest times. Further study into the properties of Electrum brought to light the forgotten and hidden knowledge of Alchemy that focuses on combining Electrum with other elements and vibrating them on specific tones of attunement to create incredible effects.

The Burn and Its Aftermath

The Burn was a period marked by extreme heat, relentless solar storms, and the complete melting of Nyria's ice caps. The resulting floods reshaped the planet's geography, submerging entire regions and rendering vast areas uninhabitable. Alsians, who had thrived in diverse environments, now faced the challenge of surviving in a drastically altered world.

The survivors, driven to the highlands, found themselves in a harsh and unforgiving environment. They had to contend with limited resources, extreme weather, and the constant threat of further natural disasters. Despite these challenges, the Alsians' inherent resilience and adaptability allowed them to persevere.

The New Alsian Way of Life

Life in the highlands has reshaped Alsian society in profound ways. The once individualistic culture has given way to a more collective mindset, where community well-being takes precedence over personal ambition. The shared experience of loss and survival has forged strong bonds among the Alsians, leading to a renewed sense of identity and purpose.

Education and knowledge sharing have become vital components of their new way of life. The Alsians place great emphasis on learning from the past and applying those lessons to build a sustainable future. Their innovative use of Electrum and other natural resources reflects a deep understanding of their environment and a commitment to living in harmony with it.

Looking Forward

As the Alsians continue to adapt to their new reality, they remain hopeful for the future. The highland communities, though isolated, are connected by a shared vision of rebuilding and thriving. They work tirelessly to restore what was lost, not only in terms of infrastructure but also in terms of cultural heritage and societal values.

The story of the Alsians is one of resilience, adaptability, and hope. Despite the overwhelming challenges brought about by the Burn, they have shown an extraordinary capacity to overcome adversity and rebuild their lives. As they look to the future, the Alsians remain committed to preserving their heritage, fostering innovation, and ensuring the survival and prosperity of their species for generations to come.

Reaching Maturity
22 years
Fertility Period
From 16 to 75 years of age
Gestation Period
16 Months
Multiple Births
Hair Color Variation
White, Blond, Red, Brown, Hazel, Ginger, Red, Black, Purple, Green, Cyan, Emerald (Light and Dark)
Skin Color Variation
A spectrum of yellowish orange hues from pale to deep dark, quite rare, white or deep gray
Scientific Name
Alsius Habilis
100 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Attribute Points: 58
STR 2-12
DEX 6-16
CON 2-12
INT 4-14
WIL 4-14
PER 6-16

Plus Ethnicity Attributes
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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Aug 8, 2024 14:10

This article is really inspiring on how to write a good species article. Either I just have not seen it or this one just isn't a hybrid that was bred for a specific purpose?