Desert Settlement in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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Behold Gehenna Paradise


A Desert Dream Unveiled

  Imagine standing on the threshold of a desert both familiar and fantastical—a Region named Gehenna Paradise, nestled within the embrace of the Kingdom of NereidLykandos. As you gaze upon this enchanted spectacle, a fusion of marvels unfold before your eyes, painting a scene that defies the mundane and beckons you to takes flight in your imagination.   The sands that stretch beneath your feet are no ordinary grains; they are the Astral Sands of Tir Na Nog, a terrain imbued with the resonance of cosmic energies. These sands, adorned with luminescent particles, twinkle like miniture diamonds in the sun, as if the very stars had descended to grace the desert floor. Each step you take creates ripples of radiant light, a testament to the otherworldly nature of this Region.   The sky above Gehenna Paradise is a canvas of wonder—a dome that mirrors both the Midgard Realm's familiar sun and moon and the ethereal constellations of Tir Na Nog. The celestial bodies weave tales of the cosmos, painting stories that transcend time and space. The single moon, its glow embracing both day and night, casts an enchanting glow upon the landscape, a shimmering reminder of distinctions between Realms.   As your eyes wander across the desert expanse, you'll encounter the four settlements that make Gehenna Paradise a Region of diversity and magic. Luminth, a city aglow with starlit crystals, stands as a beacon of cosmic dreams realized. Sylvora, an oasis of life's melody, cradles you in its lush embrace, a haven where nature and sentient beings harmonize in serene unity. Eclith, a village cloaked in twilight's enigma, enchants with its illusions and mysteries, where reality itself dances to the tune of Fae creativity. Ethiril, a bastion of balance, reflects the delicate equilibrium between light and shadow, a testament to the cosmic forces that govern this land.   And so, Gehenna Paradise unveils itself—a desert of dreams and wonders that transcends the boundaries of your perception. It is a Region where Fae, both mythical and mystical, call home, where Essence intermingle with the sands beneath your feet, and where each settlement is a jewel in the crown of Atabey. As you embark on your journey through this Astral pastiche, prepare to be captivated by the splendors that await, and to uncover the layers of mystery and magic that define Gehenna Paradise in all its resplendent glory.


Species Distribution and Cultural Diversity:

  Gehenna Paradise stands as a captivating testament to the harmonious coexistence of diverse species and the culture they weave together. The Umbralas species – for example - embody both fire and smoke. They traverse the scorching heat and whisps of smoke, that come from wildfires, with grace. The Derkimores species are adorned with ephemeral wings. They fit perfectly between dusk and dawn, embodying a full transition between light and darkness. Sandsirens are born from the desert's secrets. They enchant with their angelic voices and ethereal songs, carried through the Region by the wind. The Phantomkin species are guardians of forgotten knowledge. They resonate deeply with echoes of the past, often reliving it in their present, for those present to witness. The Noctivores however, emerge from the embrace of night. This species embodies the mysteries of pure darkness and everything hidden within its grasp. The Thrupores species are silent and elusive. Known to camouflage within the desert's beams, they are keepers of the Regions most sacred treasures. The Ashveils, radiant creatures with bluish-green auras, illuminate the desert with their presence. They are intended as guiding lights of hope, but are also heralded as the most deadly species in the entire Region. Hennawans are the architects of Astral reality. They manipulate Gehenna Paradise's land to suit their own needs.   These varied ethnicities bring unique traditions. Eclipsians, entwined with twilight and shadow, embrace enigma and illusion; Luminairians, linked to starlit lore, embody the ethereal beauty of dreams and visions; Sylvanites, born from the hidden desert oasis, nurture a connection with flora, fauna, and life's sustenance; Ombrekind, merging light and dark, celebrate balance and mediation; Noctivores, guardians of darkness, revere the unseen.  

Wealth Classes and Professions:

  Within Gehenna Paradise, the distribution of wealth classes and professions reflects the intricate dynamics of a thriving society. The Sandwhispers are comprised of mostly traders, artisans, and Academy scholars, and they influence the Region's prosperity. Traders facilitate the exchange of Wares, ranging from precious desert gems to exotic spices, enriching the Region’s economy. Artisans create intricate crafts, blending creativity with skill to offer unique Wares that both capture and hide the truths of Gehenna Paradise. Scholars, driven by curiosity, study the Region's mysteries, unveiling hidden truths and contributing to its intellectual wealth.   Professions are as varied as the desert's shifting sands. Within the bustling marketplace, merchants tout their Created Wares, draped in brilliantly colored fabric, offering bracelets, bangles, and other adornments that reflect the desert's beauty. Performers adorned in diaphanous tunics dance in the courtyards, captivating audiences and earning a livelihood through their artistic prowess. Inhabitants engaged in agriculture tend to the farms, mines, and hunting grounds, nurturing life in the heart of the desert. The Oasis Keepers, as their name suggests, hold the responsibility of maintaining the well known -but hidden - life-sustaining haven, serving as stewards of the Region's most precious life source.  

Faction Influence and Societal Dynamics:

  The Sa'Luk Faction is a clandestine assembly of Shadow Court Fae. They exert a subtle, but noticed, influence on the Region's affairs, weaving their presence throughout each of the settlements in the Region. This shadowy influence has proven to affect both social and political structures. The Sandwhispers - through their trading - hold the majority of economic sway, while the Oasis Keepers play a vital role in sustaining life within the Region.  
Cultural Melange and Identity:
  Gehenna Paradise's cultural mélange resonates deep within each of the Region’s settlements, blending together unique traditions seamlessly. The diversity in species, ethnicities, wealth classes, and professions shapes the inhabitants' identities. The symphony of unity and diversity reflects the Essence of the desert itself, capturing the balance between harsh conditions and the hidden beauty that thrives within it.   Gehenna Paradise's demographics are a symphony composed of species, ethnicities, wealth classes, professions, and influences. This harmonious blend of elements contributes to the richness that defines life within this captivating desert Region, in the NereidLykandos Kingdom.


Governance of Gehenna Paradise: A Delicate Choreography


Legislative Symphony:

  Gehenna Paradise epitomizes a governance predicated upon a symphonic convergence of ancient principles and dynamic adaptation. The codification of laws, reflective of both ancestral wisdom and contemporary exigencies, forms the very backbone of this Region's societal fabric. These legislative harmonies, meticulously etched into the annals of the Realm, Kingdom, and Regional Laws, stand as a testament to the Akashan Dynasty's hereditary monarchy—a lineage that interweaves Realms under the aegis of sanctified decree.  

Taxation and Financial Nexus:

  The Region's financial equilibrium pivots upon the fulcrum of taxation, a quintessential facet that fuels the collective enterprise. Imbued with the prescience of sustaining communal well-being, taxation is calibrated with judicious equilibrium, designed to facilitate growth and cohesion. A mural of taxes, meticulously calibrated and aligned with societal hierarchies, is channeled into the Phylarch’s Regional exchequer (Bank/Fiscus). This reservoir of fiscal vitality, consecrated by taxation, is channeled toward the development of communal infrastructure, social upliftment, and the perpetuation of a harmonious continuum.  

Organizational Constellation:

  At the center of Gehenna Paradise's vitality lies an intricate line of hierarchical orchestration—a constellation of Roles and Ranks that coalesce into a sublime mechanism for governance. From the Kingdom’s Royal Heads, custodians of the crown, to the astute Aois-Dana, the Kingdom's paragons of wisdom, each echelon adorns the governance panorama with distinctiveness and purpose.   Gehenna Paradise’s Phylarch is a luminary custodian of Regional dominions. They hold sway over the expanse of the desert Region of the NereidLykandos Kingdom, donning the mantle of Regional guardianship. These custodians bear the mantle of lawgivers, enacting Region-specific Laws and mandates that resonate with the intricate nuances of their designated territories.   Ridiri, embodiments of vigilant valor, shoulder the mantle of guardianship—both protectors of Royalty and custodians of fiscal prudence. Their vigils extend to the Kingdom's Citizens, overseeing the administration of justice and vigilantly maintaining the sanctity of order.   Embedded within this organizational agglomeration are Sagarts, venerable spiritual overseers who tread the ethereal threshold between temporal and metaphysical Realms. Their guidance transcends the mundane, invoking the sacredness that binds the spiritual and societal dimensions of this Fae Realm.  

Adjudication and Penal Pedagogy:

  The jurisprudential weaving within Gehenna Paradise is an embodiment of equitability and conscientiousness. Accused individuals face a journey marked by meticulous proceedings, replete with nuances that encapsulate the Region's commitment to justice. Arrests, carried out under the purview of Regeard, Ridiri, and/or hired Bounties, act as the initiatory steps in this judicial symphony.   Suspects, ensnared within the tendrils of investigation, may partake in Interrogation meetings—a prelude to the gathering of evidence. The fulcrum of fairness is upheld as evidence accumulates, potentially leading to arrests. These detentions, both temporal and jurisdictional, adhere to a process intricately linked to the scheduling of hearings and trials—a symphony orchestrated to ensure due process and equity throughout the Region, and even in the larger scale of Kingdoms held within the Astral Realm of Tir Na Nog.  

Juridical Proceedings and Sentential Dynamics:

  Arraignment emerges as a pivotal juncture, where the accused confronts the edifice of their alleged transgressions. Legal representation is extended either through the Kingdom Judiciary or through the accused Resident’s Regional Judicairy, channeling the voices of oratory in the hallowed precincts of justice. At the arraignment, an accused's plea of guilt, innocence, or abstention resonates with nuances that reverberate through the hallowed halls of Royal Fae legality.   Noteworthy is the stratagem of admitting guilt—an act that may proffer the clemency of transmuting a maximum offense to a minimum one. Admittance, an artful dance between contrition and strategic calculation, exemplifies the desert Region's tenets of discerning pragmatism.  

The Luminary Dimension of Detainment:

  Detainment, an inevitable phase of the judicial process, metamorphoses into a medium of pedagogical luminescence. The concept of "PC of Consequence" is an embodiment of this paradigm—a premade character bestowed upon the accused, imbued with narrative continuity. This character becomes an instrument for immersive roleplaying, unraveling the narratives of detainment with enlightened fervor.  

Oversight and Confluence of Equity:

  The architectural symmetry of oversight emerges as a vital pillar within Gehenna Paradise's governance. The rubric of "Kingdom Oversight" is a fulcrum for appeal—a conduit for review by Royal Heads and Aios-Dana. This aegis of discernment mirrors the Region's commitment to equitability, channeling the spirits of monarchic prerogative to ensure justice is rendered with unfaltering rectitude.  

Epochal Boundaries and Prismatic Governance:

  Within the Gehenna Paradise's precincts, governance transcends mundane prosaicness, ascending to an epochal state where laws resonate with ancient echoes and contemporary clarion calls. Taxation, an alchemical conduit, metamorphoses societal contributions into communal prosperity. Organizational hierarchies, intricate as constellations, illuminate the governance panorama with purposeful distinction. Juridical symphonies entwine due process with equitable outcomes, celebrating the nuances of legalities in both IC and OOC knowledge and understanding.


Ensuring the Astral Oasis's Security

  At the heart of the NereidLykandos Kingdom, the desert enclave known as Gehenna Paradise finds itself encompassed in ethereal grandeur within the astral embrace of the Realm, Tir Na Nog. Its Settlements, each a bulwark of distinct cultural life, are fortified by an intricate amalgamation of enchantments, mystical sentinels, and pragmatic measures, assiduously weaving a seamless shield to safeguard their Citiizens. In this exposition, we venture into the profound intricacies of the defenses that cocoon this enigmatic Region.  
The Celestial Citadel
The fulcrum of Luminth's defense is its celestial warding. These radiant ethereal protectors are meticulously wrought from the very fabric of astral stardust, evoking a luminescent aura enfolding the city. Astral custodians, known as Luminairians, ascend as both vigilant sentinels and precognizant oracles, harnessing their Astral prowess to proactively discern and thwart looming threats.  
The Verdant Eden
In Sylvora, defense harmonizes intimately with the luxuriant verdancy of its environs. Bewitched vines and thorny arboreal defenses form living, sentient barriers, swiftly ensnaring and immobilizing intruders. The custodians of Sylvora, master druids versed in the arcane arts of Earth and Flora, stand as protectors, manipulating the very sinews of nature to repel intrusions.  
The Twilight Enigma
Eclith's defenses are an opulent tapestry of illusion and mystique. Layers of chimeric warding cloak the township, an ever-fluctuating visage designed to confound and dissuade potential assailants. Eclipsian sorcerers, known as Shadowmages, bear the mantle of enigmatic guardians, weaving veils of obscurity and beguilement to ensconce their cherished abode.  
The Guard of Equilibrium
Ethiril's safeguard is predicated upon the delicate equipoise inherent in its very core. Luminescent Balance Essense Crystals beget a sphere of symmetry, deflecting the tumultuous torrents of chaotic energies. Vision seekers, Dreamweavers, and Enchanters, revered for their enigmatic faculties, preside as the silent sentinels, maintaining Ethiril's equanimity and warding off extrinsic threats.  
Region-wide Defenses:
The energies of Gehenna Paradise's desertic sands serves as its foremost natural protector. Interlopers navigating the treacherous, starlit dunes are met with an inscrutable labyrinth, confounding their progress. A sophisticated array of mystical wind chimes and aetherial sensors, christened the Aetherial Gale Alert System, keenly perceives impending dangers through the tempestuous aetherial gusts, ensuring Settlements stand vigilant.   During crises, emissaries from each Settlement convene to form the Regional Council of Defense, orchestrating the utilization of esoteric assets, including the coveted Stardust Crystals and the Ethereal Silks of Dreamweavers, to proffer a unified, Region-wide shield. Profound runes and esoteric wards adorning the inter-boundary interdict unwarranted ingress from the Mortal Realm of Midgard.   These defenses of Gehenna Paradise artfully conjoin the arcane with the pragmatic, transcending the ordinary to embrace the extraordinary. Each settlement's distinctive heritage commingles seamlessly within the Region's collective aegis, forging an unparalleled sanctuary for its inhabitants. The Astral Desert stands awe-inspiring, to the unyielding ingenuity and unwavering resolve of the Gehennians in the perpetual safeguarding of their cherished homeland.

Industry & Trade

Industry and Commerce in Gehenna Paradise - The Cosmic Echelons

  Nestled within the ethereal embrace of the Astral Realm, Gehenna Paradise, stands as an exemplar of celestial and astral ingenuity and resplendent trade. Its Settlements, each an epitome of their distinctive Fae lineage, choreograph their existence through a symphony of mystical arts, ancient craftsmanship, and judicious trade practices. This narrative peels back the layers of the complex tapestry of industry and commerce that form the veritable lifeblood coursing through this enigmatic desert Region.  
The Celestial Nexus
Luminth, the preeminent among Gehenna Paradise's Settlements, unfurls as an iridescent tapestry of celestial artistry. Here, gifted artisans, imbued with ethereal talents, conjure starlit crystals of unparalleled beauty and potency. These radiant gems, with multifaceted applications ranging from the crafting of esoteric Created Wares to the enkindling of astral thoroughfares, are tirelessly sought after across the expanse of the entire Realm. Luminth, a supporter of Cosmic and Astral divination, beckons seekers of celestial truths from the farthest reaches of the Astral Cosmos.  
The Verdant Sanctuary
Sylvora, cradled within its verdant bosom, blossoms as an arboreal haven of unparalleled vitality. The Sylvanites, guardians of the primordial secrets embedded in their hallowed soil, cultivate exotic flora whose mere presence exhales the elixir of life. In the heart of Sylvora, celestial herbs and fruits are cultivated with fervent devotion, their Essence distilled into elixirs and Potions that breathe rejuvenation and vibrancy into weary souls. These natural panaceas are treasured commodities in the Astral Realm, often invoked to mend the tattered threads of existence.  
The Enigmatic Emporium
Eclith, composed of the elusive cloak of twilight and shadows, conceals within its enigmatic precincts a bustling Region Market suffused with the arcane and the ephemeral. Eclipsian traders, masters of illusion and artifice, barter esoteric curios imbued with chimeric enchantments. Shimmering silks - their weaves spun from the very fabric of dreams - and elusive relics endowed with an ephemeral allure, bedeck the stalls of this mystical agora. Eclith thrives as an epicenter of covert trade, embracing the shadows to broker enigmatic treasures that tantalize the senses.  
The Fortification of Artistry
Ethiril, an enclave of artists and visionaries, unfolds as a haven where creative endeavors take flight. Artisans and craftsmen within this fief ascend to unparalleled heights of excellence, channeling their creative fervor into the crafting of exquisite masterpieces. From intricate sculptures that capture the very Essence of Astral energies to enchanting artifacts that transcend the mundane, Ethiril's creations stand as exemplars of artistic virtuosity. These unique marvels are much sought-after by collectors and connoisseurs, drawing travelers from distant corners of the Realm.  

Region-wide Trade

The very sands of the Astral Desert, shrouded in a cloak of mystique, serve as a source of endless intrigue. Gehennian merchants engage in the trade of stardust crystals, harnessing their quintessential Essence to fuel mystic rituals and construct arcane wonders. These elemental resources, wrought from the very Essence of the desert, stand as prized commodities that find their worth within Enchantments, Spells, and other metaphysical enterprises.   Imports into Gehenna Paradise encompass a cornucopia of exotic materials sourced from distant Kingdoms and Regions. Rare elemental crystals, ethereal flora, and other esoteric Raw Wares are essential ingredients for crafting potent artifacts and enhancing the Region's mystical mastery.   Exports from Gehenna Paradise, conversely, include starlit crystals of resplendent brilliance, elixirs infusing vitality, chimeric relics that defy conventional wisdom, and peerless masterpieces born of sublime artistry. These commodities, coveted as they are, foster enduring trade relations with neighboring Regions, elevating Gehenna Paradise into an epitome of prosperity amidst the astral dunes.   The thriving industry and commerce in Gehenna Paradise form an opulent curtain, one that marries the arcane with the pragmatic, resulting in a thriving domain amidst the astral sands. Its populace, the keepers of an ancient Fae lineage, continue to illuminate the Kingdom with their innovation, craftsmanship, and metaphysical aptitude, securing the enduring opulence of their beloved homeland.


Exemplary Infrastructure in Gehenna Paradise:

Triumphs of Fae Ingenuity

  Within the enchanting confines of Gehenna Paradise, the creative spirits of its Settlements have kindled remarkable structures that seamlessly blend myth and reality. These monuments to Fae ambition stand as paragons of visionary construction, each a testament to the ingenious aspirations of its Citizens. Allow the senses to be your guide through these ethereal Settlements, and behold the astonishing infrastructure woven into this enigmatic desert Region.  

Luminth's Celestial Masterpieces

  Luminth, the radiant haven, is home to ethereal infrastructure that mirrors the cosmic tapestry above. Among these celestial wonders, the Astrocrystalium Palace stands as an iridescent gem of Fae ingenuity. Its crystalline spires reach for the heavens, adorned with constellations that come alive under the starlit skies. This regal abode is where the celestial monarchs hold court, basking in the resplendent glow of starlit crystals.   Wandering its streets, you'll come upon the Selenic Observatory, an architectural marvel perched high above the city. This observatory, graced with a spiraling heliosphere, is where astronomers and dreamweavers delve into the mysteries of the night sky. It is said that the universe itself reveals its secrets within these walls.  

Sylvora's Verdant Oasis

  Sylvora's infrastructural symphony harmonizes with the lush oasis that cradles it. The Verdant Arborium is a prime example, a mesmerizing complex of living structures intricately woven from the boughs of ancient trees. These dwellings, like the branches they sprout from, sway gently with the breezes of the oasis, providing both shelter and a profound connection to nature.   As you stroll along Sylvora's trodden Floral Paths, you'll come upon the Cascading Arcanis Spring, a mystical water source whose ripples sing melodies known only to Sylvanite ears. This natural wonder, surrounded by flora that blooms in iridescent colors, is a site of serenity and rejuvenation.  

Eclith's Enigmatic Illusions

  Eclith's enigmatic infrastructure challenges the very nature of reality. The Ecliptic Illusory Colosseum beckons, its ethereal walls appearing and disappearing in a mesmerizing dance of illusion. Within its hallowed arena, Eclipsians engage in contests of perception and enigma, where reality itself becomes a captivating enigma.   Wandering through Eclith's labyrinthine lanes, you'll discover the Penumbral Bazaar, a bustling marketplace cloaked in twilight's embrace. Here, merchants peddle goods that blur the line between dream and reality. Strange trinkets and illusion-crafted wonders fill the stalls, making it a place where fortunes are both gained and lost with a mere blink of the eye.  

Ethiril's Balanced Oasis

  Ethiril, a bastion of equilibrium, finds its soul reflected in the infrastructure that graces its landscape. The Spectrum Sanctum, a marvel of harmonious design, stands as a testament to the Ombrekind's reverence for balance. This crystalline sanctuary is a place of meditation, where visitors can contemplate the unity of opposing forces while bathed in the soothing glow of ethereal light.   The Eidos Gardens, a network of meticulously tended arboreal groves, dot Ethiril's terrain. Here, each tree is a living testament to the balance between light and shadow. Within these enchanting gardens, one can find mysterious Mellori Scribes, scribing tales that unravel the secrets of existence itself.   These are not mere structures; they are living embodiments of ancient Fae beliefs and customs. They inspire awe and contemplation, beckoning Roleplayers to immerse themselves in the heart of Fae heritage as they explore these wondrous settlements in Gehenna Paradise.


Eminent Settlements Within Gehenna Paradise


An Epitome of Mystical Ingenuity

  Embark on an odyssey through Gehenna Paradise, an ethereal desert expanse ensconced within the Astral Realm of Tir Na Nog. Traverse the arid dunes and encounter the unique settlements that grace this enigmatic landscape. Each of these bastions stands as a testament to the reveries and aspirations of its Citizens, collectively weaving a tapestry of mysticism and enchantment.  

Luminth: The Celestial Metropolis

  Nestled at the very heart of Gehenna Paradise, Luminth emerges as a celestial metropolis, enveloped in the resplendent radiance of starlit crystals. It reigns supreme as the Region's paramount and most populous conurbation, serving as the preeminent haven for Luminairians – beings intrinsically intertwined with celestial energies.   Luminth's architectural marvels transpire from the very fabric of cosmic dreams, a symphony of crystalline edifices that resonate with the constellations above. Streets adorned with bioluminescent flora unfurl before you, forming a surreal labyrinth that guides wanderers through this resplendent urban panorama.   Luminth's festivities manifest as orchestras of prophecy, where seers and dreamweavers ignite the aether with their visionary prowess. Here, the celestial firmament above and the terrestrial city below engage in a harmonious ballet, epitomizing the profound symbiosis between Luminth's Citizens and the Universe.  

Sylvora: The Oasis of Verdant Vitality

  Sylvora, an opulent oasis ensconced within the desert's enigmatic embrace, extols the union of Sylvanites and the vibrant Essence of the Oasis itself. Though it may masquerade as diminutive when viewed from afar, Sylvora reveals itself as a sprawling village Oasis upon traversing its verdant borders. Dwellings adorned with living walls seamlessly meld with the luxuriant environs, mirroring the Oasis's serenity and effulgent vitality Essence.   Each edifice stands as a living testament to harmony, inextricably intertwined with the verdant life it nurtures. Festivals within Sylvora burgeon as vibrant effusions of life's cyclic rhythms, from the bloom of desert flora to the hushed susurrations of zephyrs through the foliage. Sylvorans, fervent stewards of their Oasis abode, celebrate the sacred symbiosis between their community and the thriving flora and fauna that prosper in their benevolent presence.  

Eclith: The Enigmatic Twilight Enclave

  Eclith, a beguiling village concealed within the enigmatic shroud of twilight and shadow, reflects the very Essence of Eclipsians - mystery. In this surreptitious Settlement, illusion and verity engage in a mesmeric waltz, fashioning architectural marvels that shimmer with resplendent luminance akin to iridescent specks of stardust.   Streets themselves partake in an enigmatic ruse, with structures appearing and vanishing in a mesmerizing ballet of light and obscurity. Eclith's revelries are spectacular illusions, where reality undergoes an ethereal metamorphosis, and the perceptions of Citizens take flight.   Eclipsians find profound delight in life's paradoxes and mysteries, with their culture steeped in a perennial dance of intrigue and duality. Eclith is an ever-evolving canvas where imagination and actuality intertwine, painting an evocative landscape perpetually bathed in wonder.  

Ethiril: The Citadel of Equilibrium

  Ethiril, a bastion of equilibrium cradled within the desert's tender clasp, radiates with the quintessence of Ombrekind. This tranquil hamlet manifests as a harmonious confluence of light and shadow, artfully capturing the fragile Essence of Equilibrium, intrinsic to Ombrekind culture.   Architectural ingenuity seamlessly melds brilliance with obscurity, mirroring the delicate balance that characterizes Ombrekind's way of life. Festivals celebrated here mark the solstices and equinoxes, wherein the luminance of the sun's rays intertwines seamlessly with the gentle luminescence of the moon's ethereal glow.   Ethirilians personify the very Essence of Equilibrium, serving as mediators and luminaries within the captivating Region of Gehenna Paradise. This Settlement bears testament to the timeless ballet that unfolds between contrasting forces, a sanctuary of eternal harmony.   As you navigate the Crystalline Roads of Transcendence that interlace these Settlements, remember that Gehenna Paradise is an ethereal embodiment of dreams and aspirations. These communities are not mere brick and mortar; they are the living embodiments of the hopes, cultures, and mysteries that define the Fae who inhabit them.   Allow your senses to be guided by the ethereal whispers of desert winds, and embark on an odyssey to uncover the profound mosaic of mysticism and enchantment that characterizes Gehenna Paradise within the Astral dance of Tir Na Nog.


Within the mystical expanse of Gehenna Paradise, a desert Region nestled in the South end of the Kingdom of NereidLykandos, lies a treasure trove of remarkable assets, each infused with its own unique Essence. These Essences are sought after by mages, alchemists, and enchanters throughout the entire Realm of Tir Na Nog, for their potent properties.  
Stardust Crystals
Renowned for their celestial beauty, stardust crystals contain Celestial Essence. Skilled mages utilize this essence to weave spells of divination, starlight manipulation, and celestial protection. Celestial Essence is a crucial component in the creation of celestial Enchantments and stargazing Potions.  
Dreamweaver Silk
Produced by ethereal arachnid, native to Gehenna Paradise, dreamweaver silk is infused with Dream Essence. This Essence enhances dream-related magic, allowing Enchanters to craft garments that grant dreamwalking abilities. It is also used to brew potent dreamwalking Potions and create Enchanted dreamcatchers.  
Verdant Essences
Sylvora, a lush oasis within the desert, is home to some plants infused with Vital Essence. Healers and alchemists utilize Vital Essence to create life-restoring Spells, Chants, and rejuvenating Potions. It is also a key component in Created Wares that promote growth and fertility.  
Eclith's illusionary arts give rise to Shadowglass, imbued with Illusion Essence. This unique Essence is used to create illusions and invisibility Spells, Potions, and Chants. Illusion Essence is also employed by Shadowmages to manipulate the shadows for various magical effects.  
Equilibrium Crystals
Ethiril, the town of balance, is known for its equilibrium crystals containing a Harmony Essence. This Essence harmonizes and stabilizes magical energies, making it highly sought after by many. It is also used in crafting magical weapons that promote inner balance and mental clarity.  
Aetherial Gales
Gehenna Paradise experiences aetherial gales, powerful windstorms infused with Aether Essence. Air mages harness Aether Essence to power Spells related to wind manipulation, flight, and energy generation. It is also employed in the creation of wind-infused Potions and airship Enchantments.   These Essences, deeply woven into the fabric of Gehenna Paradise, hold the key to unlocking a myriad of magical possibilities. Adventurers and Volsung scholars alike journey to this desert Region to uncover the secrets of these assets and harness their mystical powers.

Guilds and Factions

In the arid expanse of Gehenna Paradise, where the shifting sands harbor ancient mysteries, a trajectory of settlements is subtly steered by a web of enigmatic Factions that intertwine politics and prosperity. Within this Region, the following Factions wield influence.


A clandestine collage of mystery, intrigue, secrets and shadows, the Sa'Luk ensconces themselves within Gehenna Paradise's very soul. Comprising beings as ethereal as whispers and as enigmatic as twilight, this Faction of Shadow Court Fae weave their presence through the desert's grains like silken threads, their influence echoing across dunes and settlements alike. Veiled in obscurity, the Sa'Luk sway destinies from the periphery, their maneuvers resonating like an ocean of secrets.   Masters of the imperceptible, the Sa'Luk are adept at orchestrating outcomes that reverberate through the multifaceted fabrics of the Region. Whispers of their unparalleled prowess in the shadows lend an air of mystique to their influence—a symposium of concealed knowledge that leaves every Region’s settlements at their mercy.  


The Sandwhispers are a living testament to the desert's allure—an assemblage of traders, artisans, and Volsung Academy scholars that find themselves drawn to the enigma Gehenna Paradise presents. This Faction paints a canvas of economic and intellectual pursuits, navigating the perilous terrains of both commerce and cognition. Within the shifting sands, the UnSeelie Court of Sandwhispers embody the essence of adaptability, fostering prosperity by trading not only in Wares but also in knowledge and favors.   Their small encampments have been known to either blossom into thriving villages and towns or thrive in illegal Markets - acting as epicenters of vibrant exchange in either case. Legends speak of a subtle connection between the Sa'Luk and the Sandwhispers—a tenuous liaison that weaves intrigue and curiosity through their interactions, leaving onlookers to wonder about the depths of their collaboration.  

Oasis Keepers

In the heart of the desert's unrelenting embrace, the Oasis Keepers emerge as custodians of life amidst the scorching, arid expanse. These stewards of the well-known, verdant paradise, nurture the desert oasis that has flourished—a lifeline amid the shifting sea of sand. Their influence transcends the mere sustenance of the land; it extends to the very spirits that find solace in the embrace of this life-sustaining haven.   The equilibrium they maintain, akin to a delicate dance with nature's rhythms, resonates throughout Gehenna Paradise. The Seelie Court Fae of the Oasis Keepers Faction embody a harmony that extends beyond the physical, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the land, its inhabitants, and the elusive spirits that weave through Gehenna Paradise's narrative.   As the desert sun rises and casts its radiance upon Gehenna Paradise, these Factions awaken, each poised to guide the Regions' destinies in their unique and intricate ways. The Sa'Luk, the Sandwhispers, and the Oasis Keepers—their stories intertwine to form a narrative tapestry that shapes the politics, prosperity, and enigma of this captivating Region within the Kingdom of NereidLykandos.


Astral Sands and Fae Legacies


The Chronicles of Gehenna Paradise

  Gehenna Paradise, nestled within the Astral Realm of Tir Na Nog, whispers enigmatic sagas that transcend the bounds of temporality, intricately woven into the very tapestry of the astral desert. Its historical archives, much like the sands that appear to stretch into infinity, constitute a timeless and profoundly mystical narrative, steeped in Fae legacies with both Astral and Cosmic confluences.  

Celestial Cradle

  Luminth, the radiant nucleus of Gehenna Paradise, traces its venerable lineage to an epoch when starlight flowed as ethereal streams. The Luminairians, progenitors of celestial bloodlines, unearthed starlit crystals of unparalleled puissance, meticulously shaping a Region atop luminescent dunes of Astral Sand. Architectural marvels of extraordinary sophistication, hewn from the very substance of dreams, stand as an enduring testament to the profound communion shared between Luminairians and the celestial cosmos. The city persists as an indomitable bastion of celestial divination, a hallowed Settlement where Seers and Dreamweavers unfurl the Cosmic enigma, elucidating its secrets amidst the shimmering constellations.  

Verdant Respite

  Sylvora, cradled in the amiable embrace of the desert's arid expanse, cradles time-honored secrets that trace their genesis to the inception of the Astral Sands. Sylvanites, custodians of primordial wisdom, nurtured an Oasis teeming with vibrant life amid the celestial dunes. Their dwellings, adorned with living walls that blend harmoniously with the fecund surroundings, mirror the serene vitality of this Oasis. Festivals within Sylvora bespeak vibrant celebrations, honoring life's perpetual cycles, from the effulgent blossoms of desert flora to the lilting zephyrs that carry the desert's silent truths. Sylvorans, dutiful stewards of the symbiotic synergy between themselves and the thriving ecology, embody the innate vitality that pulsates within this mystical Settkement.  

Twilight Riddle

  Eclith, concealed in twilight's beguiling enigma, conceals its storied history beneath layers of charming illusion. Eclipsians, adepts of the arcane arts of deception and duality, have meticulously crafted a village that shimmers with an allure akin to stardust. The festivals held within Eclith epitomize enigmatic celebrations, where reality's boundaries blur and illusions unfold their captivating wings. The village, a clandestine nexus of business and intrigue, serves as a stronghold where fortunes and clandestine secrets intermingle. Eclith's paradoxical charm beckons the inquisitive and the attentive alike into its mysterious folds, echoing the ineffable intricacies of existence itself.  

Sanctuary of Artistry

  Ethiril, an enclave wherein artists and societal castaways find solace, reverberates with chronicles of exile and artistic redemption. It is here that kindred souls, who sought refuge within the expressive fervor of their craft, have channeled their passions into the creation of exquisite masterpieces. Ethiril's sculptures, suffused with astral energies, transcend the boundaries of mundanity, while enchanting artifacts infuse their allure into the otherwise prosaic. Outsiders and Denizens, magnetized by the seductive mystique of these unique marvels, convene to bask in the enduring testament of artistic virtuosity. Ethiril remains a sanctum where creativity flourishes amidst the commonplace, where the mundane metamorphoses into wonderment.   Throughout epochs and Astral eons, Gehenna Paradise steadfastly held its luminous sway within the Astral expanse, its Settlements harmoniously interwoven into the very fabric of existence. The annals of the Region's history, replete with celestial marvels, enigmatic legacies, and unwavering vitality, stand as eternal chronicles etched upon the sands of time, quietly murmuring their secrets to those intrepid souls who dare to lend an ear.

Points of interest

The inexorable prosperity of Gehenna Paradise is intricately woven into its celestial geographic mysteries, an intricate mosaic of marvels and conundrums that meticulously script the destiny of this otherworldly enclave.

The SiTara Celestial Marvel

  Among the Region's most breathtaking spectacles resides SiTara, a colossal, suspended island ensconced above Gehenna Paradise. In stark deviation from typical islets, SiTara refracts and scatters the lunar brilliance of the celestial moon upon its underside, lavishing the territory with perennial radiance. This astral phenomenon incessantly nourishes the lifeblood of Gehenna Paradise, invigorating existence and heightening arcane proclivities within the Astral Sands.  

Architectural Utopias

  The architectural splendors of Gehenna Paradise transcend typical NereidLykandos structures, manifesting as citadels of ancestral legacies and celestial affiliations.  

The Resplendent Spires

  Luminth, the celestial citadel, stands bedecked with starlit crystal spires and edifices, their incandescent gleam suffusing the city with an transcendental sheen. These crystals, exceeding mere aesthetic ornamentation, serve as conduits for Astral Essence, amplifying the capacities of its Citizens and nurturing a profound symbiosis with the Cosmic Realm of Akasha.  

Mysterious Commerce Enclaves

  Gehenna Paradise shelters Underground Markets and shadowy trading quarters where fortunes and destinies intertwine, often shrouded in a perilous uncertainty.  

Obsidian Emporia

  Eclith, a hamlet veiled in the nebulous cloaks of twilight and enigma, conceals covert trading precincts where contraband and enigmatic truths exchange hands beneath the veil of beguiling illusions. These secretive, illegal Markets are celebrated not solely for their coveted curiosities but also for the treacherous intrigues that infiltrate their covert transactions.  

Artisanal Sanctuaries

  Ethiril, the sanctuary of artistic souls, harbors vibrant Stalls, where one-of-a-kind Rare Wares, suffused with Astral Essences, are bartered and extolled. These sanctuaries of artistry often serve as the genesis of potent Enchantments and esoteric relics, a rise to the Region's enchanting heritage.   The destiny of Gehenna Paradise, as complex as the constellations that dot its skies, is spun from the very Essence of its infinate Astral Sands, its architectural grandeur, and the enigmatic trade havens that beckon explorers and adventurers from distant lands to unveil its mystic revelations.


Erudite Explorers of Gehenna Paradise

Gehenna Paradise, cocooned within the embrace of the Kingdom of NereidLykandos, beckons a select cadre of sagacious Outsiders and Denizens. These individuals are galvanized by an unquenchable thirst for esoteric knowledge, a profound affinity for the celestial enigmas that drape the region, and a yearning to partake in its beguiling cultural dossal.
Astrological and Arcane Aficionados
  Enthralled by the resplendent Astral Sands, which bestow an iridescent luminescence upon Gehenna Paradise's terrain, seasoned astrologers and adept thaumaturgists converge upon the realm. Their pilgrimage is imbued with a fervent aspiration to delve into the sands' mystical essence, harboring the tantalizing prospect of unearthing latent truths and potent arcane incantations within the grains of this ethereal desert.  
Discerning Cultural Aficionados
  Discerning aficionados of culture, whose predilections gravitate toward the mystical, are irresistibly drawn to Gehenna Paradise's four distinct Settlements: Luminth, Sylvora, Eclith, and Ethiril. Their sojourns are animated by an ardent desire to immerse themselves in the idiosyncratic traditions and enchanting festivals of each Settlement. These cognoscenti are propelled by a thirst to witness the ineffable beauty and intricacies that constitute the cultural diorama of Gehennian society.  
Travelers of Architectural Grandeur
  Savants of architectural brilliance and scholars of extraordinary structures undertake pilgrimages to Gehenna Paradise with the singular intent of speechless at Luminth's architectural marvels. Their objective is to dissect the starlit crystal spires and celestial-inspired designs that adorn the cityscape. These nomads are driven by the aspiration of gleaning inspiration and enlightenment from these breathtaking edifices, masterpieces of architectural virtuosities.  
Daring Seekers of Enigma
  Bold and audacious travelers, undaunted by the enigmatic shroud that envelops Gehenna Paradise, embark on expeditions to unearth its concealed mysteries. With unwavering resolve, they navigate the twilight-shrouded avenues of Eclith, resolute in their pursuit of labyrinthine intrigues. In contrast, they venture into the cryptic depths of Ethiril, fueled by an unquenchable thirst to unearth time-honored relics and artifacts that echo with enigmatic tales.  
Residential Sanctuaries in the Celestial Sphere
  During their stay within Gehenna Paradise, these sagacious explorers find accommodations that seamlessly assimilate with the Region's celestial allure and cultural opulence. Mystical encampments, laid out with groups of Tents - fashioned from silkweavers thread and the thick hides of beasts that roam the Region - are often safer for travelers, than the unknown perils that come in a Settlement stay.  
Celestial Sanctuaries
  The crème de la crème of lodgings is discreetly entrenched within Luminth's Astral confines. Here, opulent crystal resorts provide lodgings suffused with Astral Essence. Discerning patrons are afforded unparalleled views of the firmament, with lodgings featuring private observatories for surveillance, meditation, and the contemplation of Cosmic and Astral phenomena.  
Verdant Oasis Retreats
  Within Sylvora, Outsiders may luxuriate in the embrace of Oasis retreats, where accommodations open onto luxuriant gardens and tranquil lagoons. These abodes are thoughtfully designed to harmonize with the lush environs, providing a serene sanctuary amidst the arid embrace. Verdant luxuriance beckons in Sylvora's omphalos.  
Twilight Enigmas
  Eclith caters to the more venturesome wanderers, with twilight enclaves characterized by Boutique Inns suffused with illusionary Enchantments. These accommodations, draped in layers of enigma, promise an unparalleled experience to those intrepid souls who seek intrigue, audacious escapades, and a taste of the enigmatic.  
Mystical Retreats
  Ethiril, a haven for artists and dispossessed souls alike, hosts mystical retreats that exude an ambiance of magic, artistry, and riddle. These Inns are celebrated for their thematic rooms, each meticulously crafted to immerse lodgers in the ethereal Realm of Fae Enchantments, artistic reverie, and contemplative wonder.   In traversing the intricate fabric of Gehenna Paradise, these astute Outsiders find themselves mezmerized by an enclave of celestial wonders, cultural extravagance, and architectural splendors. Their chosen lodgings, mirroring the magical allure of this Region, enhance their profound connection with Gehenna Paradise's rich mural of experiences.


Gehenna Paradise, a paragon of architectural eclecticism, proudly presents a breathtaking array of styles interwoven into its Settlements. Each settlement, nestled within the aridness of this desert Region, radiates a distinct architectural allure, elegantly articulating its unique cultural nuances. Yet, overarching this symphony is an exalted infusion of celestial motifs, elegantly resonating with the pervasive astral energies that imbue this enigmatic Region.
Luminth - Celestial Grandeur
  Gehenna Paradise, a paragon of architectural eclecticism, proudly presents a breathtaking array of styles interwoven into its Settlements. Each, nestled within the aridness of this desert Region, radiates a distinct allure, elegantly articulating its unique cultural nuances. Yet, overarching this architectural symphony is an exalted infusion of celestial motifs, elegantly resonating with the pervasive Astral energies that imbue this enigmatic Region.  
Sylvora - Nature's Elegance
  Sylvora, cradled within the heat of the desert, extols the virtues of an organic and harmonious architectural lexicon. Dwellings, forged from the seamless fusion of living walls and verdant materials, flawlessly meld with the luxuriant oasis. These structures manifest as extensions of the Oasis itself, with each edifice exquisitely adorned by indigenous flora and fauna. Architectural embellishments, though elegantly understated, keenly commemorate the profound kinship between Sylvanites and the Region of Gehenna Paradise.  
Eclith - Illusory Enigma
  Eclith, emclosed within the enigmatic shroud of the twilight and its shadow, unveils a paradigm that shimmers with the Chants of illusion. Structures oscillate with fluidity, casting a spellbinding spectacle of light and dark. The architectural ballet is orchestrated to produce a bewildering interplay where structures materialize and vanish like ephemeral specters. Eclith's very thoroughfares conspire to deceive, weaving a seductive web of illusionary enchantment, epitomizing the paradoxes and enigmas that pervade Eclipsian culture.  
Ethiril - Equilibrium's Embrace
  Ethiril, amidst the desert's harsh dominion, venerates a design philosophy that mirrors the cherished minds of the Ombrekind. Architectural opulence here seamlessly reconciles brilliance and obscurity, crafting an ambiance of exquisite balance. Inhabitants revel in the embrace of light and shadow, as structures are meticulously designed to embody the delicate equipoise fervently upheld by the Ombrekind. In Ethiril, harmonious coalescence reigns supreme, elevating it as a testament to the timeless dance of opposing forces.   Traditionally, Citizens of Gehenna Paradise reverently garnish their structures with celestial motifs. Architectonics reverberate with Cosmic symbols, including stars, constellations, and varied other patterns. Crystalline mosaics, depicting astral phenomena of profound import, adorn facades, while luminescent materials, reminiscent of the astral sands, cast an enchanting spell upon observers.   Sylvora's dwellings proudly embrace living walls, nurturing lush foliage as a testament to the symbiosis between architectural elegance and nature's bounty. In Eclith, structures are imbued with beguiling illusionary enchantments, crafting an entrancing spectacle that defies conventional perception. Ethiril champions a minimalist approach, with architectural aesthetics honoring the delicate equilibrium between luminance and shadow.   Gehenna Paradise's architectural diversity stands as an indomitable testament to the eclectic cultural tableau of the realm and its profound communion with the astral energies that permeate its very essence. Each settlement, through its architectural opulence, weaves a unique narrative, rendering this desert Region an enchanting canvas upon which celestial wonders unfurl.


A Sojourn through the Enchanted Sands


Unveiling the Splendors of Gehenna Paradise's Four Settlements

  As you embark on a transcendental journey through NereidLykandos, each footfall ushers you into a new chapter of the Kingdom’s enchanting geography. Your path now leads you to the desert expanse known as Gehenna Paradise—a Region where mystique and reality entwine in a dance as old as time. The Astral Sands stretch out before you like waves of slick glass, inviting you to explore its four distinct settlements, each a radiant gem in the heated crown of the Realm.  

Luminth: Radiance Woven in Dreams

  Before your eyes, Luminth emerges, bathed in the luminous glow of starlit crystals. The city's resplendent aura stems from the ethereal gems that adorn its glass-like, sandy structures, casting an otherworldly luminance akin to celestial constellations. Luminairians, intricately attuned to celestial energies, have crafted this haven from their dreams and aspirations. Bioluminescent flora illuminate the cracks of the winding streets, guiding you on a journey through this radiant haven. The festivals of Luminth are a symphony of prophecy, where seers and dreamweavers paint the aether with visions. Here, the skies above and the city below dance in harmonious union, embodying the profound bond between Luminth's residents and Akasha.  

Sylvora: Oasis of Life's Melody

  Sylvora beckons with its lush embrace—a verdant oasis cradled within the desert's arms. The settlement is a testament to the symbiosis between Sylvanites and the vibrant pulse of the oasis. Homes adorned with living walls meld seamlessly with the lush surroundings, echoing the oasis's vitality and tranquility. Within Sylvora's festivals, life's rhythmic cycles are celebrated—the bloom of desert flowers and the whispers of the wind through cacti needles. Sylvorans, stewards of this oasis, embody the harmony shared between sentient beings and the tapestry of nature.  

Eclith: Twilight's Enigmatic Embrace

  Eclith emerges as a village veiled in twilight's enigmatic allure—a reflection of the very Essence of Eclipsians. Illusion and reality entwine in an entrancing spectacle, giving rise to architecture that shimmers like stardust. The streets seem to play tricks on the eyes, buildings flickering like fleeting shadows. Eclith's festivals blur the lines between reality and illusion, where the fabric of existence itself becomes a canvas for wonder. Eclipsians embrace the mysteries of life, their culture imbued with intrigue and duality, creating a thriving village that resonates with the very Essence of Akasha.  

Ethiril: Balance's Eternal Dance

  Ethiril stands as a bastion of equilibrium—a harmonious blend of light and dark that mirrors the spirit of Ombrekind. Architecture seamlessly melds brilliance and obscurity, a testament to the delicate equilibrium that defines Ombrekind culture. Festivals, aligned with solstices and equinoxes, capture the celestial duet of the sun and moon, embodying the Essence of balance. Ethirilians, with predained, scholarly equilibriums, act as mediators and guides within Gehenna Paradise, standing as a testament to the timeless dance between opposing forces.   As you traverse Gehenna Paradise's settlements, each unveils a unique facet of the NereidLykandos’s profound connection to cosmic energies. Your journey through this radiant desert Region beckons you to delve into the rich tapestry of Fae heritage and the celestial marvels that grace Atabey's landscape.


Gehenna Paradise, unfolds a climatic narrative that defies Atabey conventions. It is a veritable masterpiece of atmospheric unpredictability, where each meteorological facet is orchestrated by the hand of capricious Astral forces.
Cosmic Impulsiveness
  Gehenna Paradise, with an uncanny ability to keep its Citizens, Denizens, and Outsiders perpetually intrigued, defies climatic predictability. Days here often swelter under an unrelenting sun's fiery gaze, while the veil of night ushers in an abrupt plunge into a surreal, chilling embrace. The very whims of the desert Region seem to dictate when the land will bask in radiant luminance or be enshrouded in an elusive twilight.  
Seasons of the Astral
  Unlike the mundane terrestrial seasons, Gehenna Paradise adheres to its own celestial calendar. Monsoons, though they resemble their Midgard counterparts, bear an aura of mystique and grace. These Celestial Storms, awaiting with bated breath, herald the arrival of extraordinary phenomena and enigmatic transformations. Each tempest of Cosmic forces, enveloping the Region in an iridescent cloak of Astral resplendence.  
Eternal Cosmic Duality
  The climatic spectrum of Gehenna Paradise perpetuates an eternal cosmic duality. It oscillates between the relentless blaze of the solar orb, imbuing the landscape with scorching radiance, and the soothing caress of astral moonlight, bestowing an ephemeral coolness. This oscillation, echoing the celestial pas de deux of light and darkness, is intrinsic to the climatic energies of this desert Region. It is an ever-shifting ballet that keeps both inhabitants and visitors attuned to the celestial rhythms of change.  
Astrally Abstruse
  Gehenna Paradise's climatic disposition is an astrally abstruse enigma. It spurns terrestrial conventions, endowing the Region with an ethereal allure that remains inexplicable to mortal logic. Prolonged periods of arid desolation are punctuated by the advent of astral monsoons, unveiling an oasis of breathtaking beauty. This climatic paradox, where the arid and the luxuriant coexist harmoniously, underscores the mystical tapestry of this desert domain.   In summation, the climatic temperament of Gehenna Paradise is an ode to the Astral enigma that pervades this Realm. It is a Region where cosmic forces playfully script meteorological symphonies, rendering each day a bewitching and unforeseeable encounter. The climate here is a tangible manifestation of the ever-fluctuating energies that define the very Essence of this enchanting desert expanse.
Alternative Name(s)
Gehenna, Paradise, Hell
Luminth: Approximately 80,000. Sylvora: Around 25,000. Eclith: Approximately 30,000. Ethiril: Around 20,000. Overall population: Nearly 155,000 inhabitants.
Inhabitant Demonym
Gehennians, with their roots deeply embedded in the mythic soil of Tir Na Nog, are the mystical guardians and stewards of Gehenna Paradise, embodying the union between ancestral Fae lineage and the desert's ethereal Essence.
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