Sa'Luk Settlement in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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She is the Desert...and he is that single drop of water...

Welcome to Gehenna Paradise Region, an immersive adventure full of intrigue and danger that awaits you. Beyond the steep rocks of the Unending Agony Region lies a vast desert wasteland, offering bustling Markets and Shops with plenty of fresh Resources, Wares, and amazing flavors. The locals tend to keep to themselves, but the Sa'Luk are infamous for their sly and crafty schemes. Stories circulate about masked shadows from the west, riding through the desert on black horses and stealing from Factions in the night. Dark-complected and beautiful, the Sa'Luks are creatures of charm and charisma, and it is not wise to get on their bad side. Here, you can join the ranks of the Region's Citizens and explore the many Factions that make up Gehenna Paradise Region. Whether you're looking to find a home, build a business, or embark on a new adventure, there is something here for everyone. Come explore the hot sands of Gehenna and experience all that this vibrant Region has to offer!


Far to the East, beyond the steep rocks of the Unending Agony Region lies a vast desert wasteland known as Gehenna Paradise Region. Hot sands stretch for miles, while bustling Markets and Shops boast plenty of fresh Resources, Wares, and amazing flavors. The demographics of the Region are varied and dynamic, with a mix of species, ethnicities, wealth classes, and professions represented in the population. Fae greatly outnumber the humans in the Region, who serve as Daor (slaves) to their masters. Fae-types such as Brownies, Pixies, Redcaps, Sprites, and Dryads also have a large presence in the Desert Region, adding to its unique charm and atmosphere. The Faes tend to be more magically inclined, while the Fae-types have more mundane abilities. Additionally, there are many wealthy merchants, skilled craftsmen, and adventurers who call the Region home. In terms of diversity, the Region is quite cosmopolitan, with a wide range of cultures, beliefs, and traditions. Come explore the hot sands of Gehenna and experience all that this vibrant yet oppressive Region has to offer!


Phylarch - Head of the Sa'Luk Faction. Ruler of the Gehenna Paradise Region.   Officer - Governs and manages the Sa'Luk Fiscus and Faction owned Businesses.   Soldier - Manages the Sa'Luk Faction owned Businesses.   ~The Plebiean's (nor Children) within the Sa'Luk Faction do not hold any Judicial Power.~  


  The Phylarch is the leader of the Sa'Luk Faction and has the power to appoint an Officer to oversee the Faction's Treasury. This Officer is responsible for managing and hiring Workers for Faction-owned Businesses, as well as appointing a worker to oversee each individual Stall, as the Faction's population increases. The Officer, along with the Workers, acts as a steward of the Faction's finances and resources in order to ensure its continuing prosperity.  

In the matter of disputes between members in the Sa'Luk Faction

  The Sa'Luk are normally quite judicious when it comes to Faction disputes, but occasionally disagreements can erupt that require the attention of the entire Kingdom. Whenever a Region or Kingdom Law is broken or a dispute arises that must be settled, the Sa'Luk call upon their knowledge and experience to ensure a swift and fair resolution of the conflict. It is in these moments that the true strength of the Sa'Luk's wisdom is revealed, and their justice is seen by all.   Kingdom Law: When a Kingdom Law is broken, the Phylarch can send an Officer or Soldier to detain the suspect, escorting them to the Kingdom Carcer (prison) where they will receive their due process. If the suspect cannot be found, the Phylarch will issue a "Kingdom Warrant" (available on the Shivtr Website) with the Crowned Head(s). This ensures that justice is served and no one is exempt from the rules of the Kingdom. For roleplayers looking for a challenge, a Kingdom Warrant provides a tantalizing opportunity for adventure, intrigue, and justice!   Faction Law: When a Faction Law is broken, the Phylarch can send a Soldier to detain the suspect and escort them to the Faction Vincula (Jail), where they will receive their due process. Should the suspect prove elusive, the Officer can issue a "Faction Warrant" with the Phylarch. This ensures that the justice of the Region is upheld, while allowing the suspect a chance to prove their innocence. It is also a testament to the strength of the Region's judicial system, and a beacon of hope for those seeking fairness and justice in a difficult situation.   Region Law: In the case of a suspect evading judgement by their Faction for two weeks or more, a Phylarch may issue a "Regional Warrant" with the Crowned Head(s) as a form of justice. This ensures that no one is exempt from the Region's Laws and serves as a reminder that all individuals are equal under the law. It stands as an example of the Region's commitment to justice and upholding the rights of all its inhabitants.  
For roleplayers looking for a thrilling adventure, chasing down a suspect who has evaded justice in another Region can be a great challenge. The apprehending Faction has the right to detain and extradite the suspect back to their home Region (via Soldier or Officer) in order to fulfil the "Warrant" imposed on them. It's an exciting journey with a satisfying conclusion, as justice is finally served!


The Region of Gehenna Paradise is heavily fortified in order to ensure the safety of its inhabitants and the wealth of the Sa'Luk Faction. To guarantee this, the Region utilizes several layers of defense suited to its desert environment. The first layer is a palisade made up of thick wooden logs and reinforced stone slabs surrounded by strategically-placed sand dunes. Additionally, the outer wall towers are spaced evenly and armed with powerful catapults and ballistae. In order to deter ground-based attacks, the Region is equipped with a complex network of defensive moats, which run alongside bridges spanning the dunes. Furthermore, strategic lines of fortifications help to keep any hostile forces from infiltrating the walls and towers. All of these measures help to ensure the safety of Gehenna Paradise, creating an impenetrable defense against any invading forces. The Region of Gehenna Paradise is a testament to the ingenuity of the Sa'Luk Faction, combining traditional defensive structures with creative adaptations to the desert environment, creating a safe haven for its Faction's Citizens.

Industry & Trade

The Sa'Luk Faction are a unique and diverse group. They value honor and tradition, which can be seen in the bustling market Stalls and vibrant music that fill the streets. To stay afloat, the Faction relies on various sources of income and defenses. With four mines providing an abundance of raw materials – such as tungsten, oil, sand, and clay – and two farms producing a variety of crops, the citizens have access to an array of resources. Additionally, the Region is home to a Vincula, a Fiscus, a Bibliotheca, and a Hostel, ensuring that the Citizens have access to the services they need to live comfortable and prosperous lives. Furthermore, the four major Markets – Macello, Pistrina, Apotheca, and Armamentarium – provide Citizens with Wares and services, while also providing additional sources of income for the Region. All of these elements come together to create a vibrant culture steeped in Eponian faith and values. The Sa'Luk Faction rely on their trade with other Regions for their most important imports and exports, while also manufacturing a variety of goods from the materials found in the desert mines. The Region of Gehenna Paradise is a place of hostility towards Outsiders, with its ancient customs and modern infrastructure creating an unforgettable experience. Visitors should heed caution when wandering through this land of danger, as the Sa'Luk Faction is fiercely loyal to their own Citizens and protective of the Region's heritage. With its bustling markets, incredible architecture, and vibrant culture, the Sa'Luk Faction ensures that their Citizens live a life of comfort and security in the Region of Gehenna Paradise.


The Sa'Luk Faction rules over the Region of Gehenna Paradise in the Kingdom of NereidLykandos. This magical desert land is renowned for its vibrant culture, steeped in Eponian faith and values. Citizens value loyalty, honor, and tradition, expressed through traditional crafts such as pottery, jewelry-making, and weaving. The Region is home to various Fae-types such as Brownies, Salamanders, and Dryads, who have adapted to the extreme temperatures that make them suited to the Region. Furthermore, the Region is home to incredible architecture, with palaces looming in the horizon of its wide deserts. All of these components come together to create a vibrant culture, making the Sa'Luk-governed Gehenna Paradise a unique and lively place to explore. Combining ancient customs with magical elements, the Sa'Luk Faction create an unforgettable experience for all who visit.


The Sa'Luk Faction owns the following Businesses

  • 4 (four) Mines -
(The following are the pre-set Raw Resource yields, for a specific Sa'Luk's Mine, click the specific Mine on the Map to read the current yields. You can find the entire list of available Raw Resources, for the entire Region, under " Gehenna Paradise" (in the Regions section))   Underground: Tungsten   Surface: Oil   Placer: Sand   In-situ: Clay    
  • 2 (two) Farms -
(As a pre-set, each Farm will start small and grow with the Faction. Small Farms yield 3 crops each Farm. The following are the pre-sets only. You can find the entire list of available Raw Resources, for the entire Region, under "Gehenna Paradise" (in the Regions section)   Farm #1: Chickpea, Basmati, Clove   Farm #2: Pistachio, Potato, Pomegranate    
  • 1 Vincula -
(Vincula means Jail.) You can learn about the Brethren Vincula, by clicking on the Building in Maps.    
  • 1 Fiscus -
(Fiscus means Treasury) You can learn about the Brethre Fiscus, by clicking on the Building in Maps.  
  • 1 Bibliotheca -
(Bibliotheca means Library) You can learn about the Biblitheca, by clicking on the Building in Maps.  
  • Hostel -
(The Hostel is considered lodging) You can learn about the Hostel, by clicking on the Building in Maps.  
  • 1 Ludi Litterarii -
(This is a MANDITORY School for members under the age of 16 (irl) You can learn about the Ludi Litterarii, by clicking on the Building Maps.  
  • 1 Hunting Ground -
(The Brethren Hunting Grounds are indicated on the Map) You can learn about the Bethren's Faction Hunting Grounds, by clicking on the Building Maps.  
  • 4 (four) Markets -
For each Faction owned Market listed, there is a limit for Purchases and Sales. This is determined by the size of that specific Market. Below are the listed sizes and their amounts for each Market (per month):  
Small: 200 Items Max (per week) Buy and Sell   Medium: 500 Items Max (per week) Buy and Sell   Large: 1000 Items Max (per week) Buy and Sell
    Macello (Butcher Market): (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Sa'Luk Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Macello, on the Map.   Pistrina (Bakery Market): (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Pistrine, on the Map.   Apotheca (Apothecary): (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Apotheca, on the Map.   Armamentarium (Armory & BlackSmith Market) (The pre-set for this Faction owned Market is small, but will grow with the size of the Bethren Faction population) To learn more about the available items(reset each week), click on the Bethren Armamentarium, on the Map.

Guilds and Factions

The Sa'Luk Faction is a unique and diverse group based in the Region of Gehenna Paradise. They value tradition, which can be seen in the bustling market Stalls and vibrant music that fill the streets. To stay afloat, the Faction relies on various sources of income and defences. With four mines providing an abundance of Raw Wares – such as tungsten, oil, sand, and clay – and two farms producing a variety of crops, the Citizens have access to an array of resources. Additionally, the Region is home to a Vincula, a Fiscus, a Bibliotheca, and a Hostel, ensuring that the citizens have access to the services they need to lead comfortable and prosperous lives. Furthermore, the four major Markets – Macello, Pistrina, Apotheca, and Armamentarium – provide Citizens with Wares and services while providing additional sources of income for the Region. The Region is also home to a Ludi Litterarii, ensuring that all citizens receive a quality education. To further strengthen the Region, various organizations have made their presence known in the Region, including the Osofean Trade Company and the Sa'Luk Economic Committee. Through these organizations, the Sa'Luk Faction is able to access a variety of services, facilitate trade with other Regions, and contribute to the overall economic development of the Region. All these elements come together to create a vibrant culture heavily influenced by their Eponian faith and values, making the Region of Gehenna Paradise a safe and prosperous place for it's inhabitants. Combining ancient customs with modern infrastructure, the Sa'Luk Faction ensure that their citizens have access to everything they need to live a life of comfort and security.


The Region of Gehenna Paradise has a long and storied history, dating back to before the time of the Ancient Eponians of Midgard. This mysterious desert land is now home to a thriving Faction known as the Sa'Luk. Their predecessors valued loyalty and tradition, which can be seen in the market Stalls and heterophonic music that still fill the Hub's streets today. The Sa'Luk Faction relied on a variety of resources such as tungsten, oil, sand, clay, crops, and services to stay afloat. As the years went on, the Faction slowly grew in power and influence, often trading with external Regions. Over time, the Sa'Luk Faction formed a unique culture emersed in Eponian values.   In their current state, the Sa'Luk Faction are able to provide their citizens with a safe and prosperous living amidst the non-changing medieval era. They have adapted to outside influences, incorporating modern infrastructure such as four major Markets, a Vincula, a Fiscus, a Bibliothecas, and a Hostel in order to ensure their Citizens have access to all the necessary services for a comfortable and secure existence. All of these elements came together to create a vibrant culture heavily influenced by their faith, making the Region of Gehenna Paradise a unique and unforgettable experience for all who visit.

Points of interest

The Sa'Luk Faction of the Gehenna Paradise Region lies at the heart of the bustling Kingdom of NereidLykandos. While the rest of the Kingdom is comprised of lush and green regions, blessed with ample natural resources, Gehenna Paradise stands in stark contrast as a desert of burning sands and barren rocks. Despite the inhospitable terrain, the Sa'Luk Faction has carved out a living as ruthless traders, dealing in both common and exotic goods from around the world.   The centerpiece of the Sa'Luk Faction is the Hall of Vices, an impressive structure situated at the highest point of the region. It serves as a temple amid the forbidding terrain and stands as a testament to the Sa'Luk's cunning and strength. It is both a sanctuary for those seeking to take advantage of their vast network of contacts and an intimidating building that dominates the skyline, ensuring that the Sa'Luk have the upper hand when it comes to negotiations and deals. With the Hall of Vices at its heart, the Sa'Luk Faction has established itself as a powerful presence in the Kingdom of NereidLykandos, and is poised to continue to grow and thrive despite the challenge of a desert homeland.   The Sa'Luk are a fixture of the NereidLykandos Kingdom and have become renowned for their innovative and daring trade deals, which often involve goods from far off lands. A visit to the Hall of Vices serves as proof of their success, as merchants from all over the realm come to sell their Wares and exchange ideas. The Sa'Luk are not only known for their trading prowess, but also their wealth of knowledge, which they share with some of the other Regions in the Kingdom. From the mystifying secrets of the desert to the bustling markets of the oasis, the Sa'Luk have made Gehenna Paradise a crucial part of the Kingdom and an important Hub of commerce and culture.


The Sa’Luk Faction in Gehenna Paradise is a must-see destination for all travelers visiting the Realm of Tir Na Nog. The bustling markets and impressive architecture of the Hall of Vices provide a unique glimpse into the culture of the Region. Visitors can explore the desert sands, marvel at the exotic items on display in the bazaar Stalls, or take part in the lively festivals that are held throughout the Tirna year. For a truly memorable experience, travelers can also arrange to take a guided tour through the tantalizing depths of the Sa'Luk Fortress, where they can learn about the history and customs of the Citizens of the Region.   Beyond the obvious attractions, visitors to Gehenna Paradise can also enjoy a wide range of activities and sights. They can bask in the beautiful oasis waters, explore the mysterious ruins under the hidden Nereyda River, or join in the traditional celebrations of the Kufiema Festival. However, for those looking for a more relaxing experience, there are also beautiful beaches where you can bathe in the sun-soaked waters, or take part in a variety of traditional rituals such as bowing before the Epona shines or throwing coins into a sacred pool. With its rich culture, mysterious nature and stunning architecture, a visit to Gehenna Paradise is an experience that will stay with travelers for years to come.


The Sa’Luk Faction of Gehenna Paradise boasts an impressive array of architecture that reflects the region's turbulent past and vibrant culture. The structures of the Region are built primarily from sandstone, sourced from the nearby desert and carefully sculpted into ornate pillars and walls. It is common to see intricate carvings and patterns adorning the walls of both public and private buildings, with each structure providing a glimpse into the traditional artistry of the Region.   In addition to the impressive stone structures, many buildings feature wooden doors and balconies, lined with colorful mosaics, as well as domes and minarets that soar high above the landscape. The Sa'Luk are known for their unique style of decoration, adorning the walls of their buildings with colorful fabrics, tapestries and drapery which add to their charm. Every structure in Gehenna Paradise has its own story to tell, from the imposing Halls of Vices to the quaint huts of the Sa'Luk villages. No matter where you look, it is clear that these ancient buildings have withstood the test of time, a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Region's citizens. The buildings of Gehenna Paradise are also the site of many cultural celebrations throughout the year. From traditional festivals that honor the gods and goddesses of the Realm, to weddings and other happy occasions, these structures serve as the backdrop for many of the Region’s most cherished traditions and customs. No matter what the occasion, a visit to Gehenna Paradise is always a memorable experience, thanks to its stunning architecture and vibrant culture.


The huge, golden sun rises over the edge of the barren world. The cruel sun beat down, it's one malevolent eye unblinking, and the sky was it's co-conspirator with not even a wisp of cloud to soften the harsh rays. The lizards took shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand is not hot enough to roast them, but there was no shade large enough for anyone. Each step sunk into the searing sand, the air is thick and hazy, each breath like drowning in larva. As the Moon takes over the sky the desert is a vast undulating sea, punctuated by the shadowy silhouettes of cactus, like great ghost ships upon the sandy waves. The laboring journey of this region makes travelers dehydrate and hence hallucinate. In this case Camels come to great use for travelling. However the city of this region can be the last hope of a traveler. The walls of the city are built by thick sand stones. There remains no gates and the thick warm air flows less inside the city thanks to the thick walls. Stalls crowd the market place and dark-skinned children play. The Sa-Luk greet with dazzling smiles, with cruel intentions hoping you will buy their wares. Their stalls are covered with magnificently bright cloth. They sell jewelry mostly consisting of bangles, perfect bangles, each one untouched and glittering. Together, in their solid rows, they were like pipes whose water flowed on the outside instead of within. Dancers, dressed in a gauzy white tunic, twirls in the streets and the crowd tosses golden coins to them. The girls filed into the streets, clad in bells and silk. Their luxurious skirts swam about their slender feet and the scanty tops jingled softly with each slight movement. As the music began, so did the dancers. With each swaying movement of their hips, with each alluring twist of their body, they told a story. Their story was one of entrapment yet beauty, bringing the audience to tears. No one knew of the horrors the young girls had endured, no one knew this was not their desired path in life. All the crowd saw was beauty as they gracefully twirled around each other, seductively moving their torsos. Welcome to Gehenna’s Paradise: Heaven inside hell.


Gehenna Paradise Region is a desert climate that never changes. Its environment is dominated by the relentless sun, with dry heat and unrelenting sandstorms occurring from time to time. It is also home to numerous ancient villages, bazaars, and monuments. The desert is often a peaceful and serene place, but it can also be filled with danger and mystery. The dry heat and nearly constant sun can provide a surreal and calming atmosphere, perfect for those looking for a unique roleplaying experience. So join us in Gehenna Paradise Region and explore its unique desert climate!

Natural Resources

Gehenna Paradise Region is home to a vast array of natural resources for the Sa'Luk Faction. With a total of four Mines, two Farms, one Vincula, one Fiscus, one Bibliotheca, Hostel, and one Ludi Litterarii the Sa'Luk Faction have the means to resource and grow. The four Mines produce Tungsten from underground, Oil from surface, Sand from placer, and Clay from in-situ deposits. The two Farms yield a variety of crops including Chickpeas, Basmati, Clove, Pistachio, Potato, and Pomegranate. In addition, the Sa'Luk Faction has four Markets to purchase and sell goods - The Macello Butcher Market, Pistrina Bakery Market, Apotheca Apothecary, and Armamentarium Armory & Blacksmith Stalls all feature a variety of items ranging from crafting materials to ready-made products. Each Stall has their own size limit on purchases and sales, with Small Markets offering up to 200 items per week, Medium Markets offering up to 500 items per week, and Large Markets offering up to 1000 items per week. So if you're looking for resources or supplies Gehenna Paradise Region is the place to be!
Welcome to the majestic desert known as Gehenna Paradise, where the huge golden sun rises at the edge of a barren world. The merciless sun brings with it a haze of heat and sand that can leave adventurers parched and hallucinating. Travelers can rely on sturdy fauna to carry them through the harsh terrain, and find solace in the city walls of the Faction Hub. Here, the thick sandstone walls offer some respite from the burning desert heat, and the bustling Stalls of the market gives travelers an opportunity to admire the vibrant and captivating crafts of the locals. From the glittering bangles in the jewelry stalls to the mesmerizing dancers in the streets, adorned in bells and silk, a visit to Gehenna Paradise is a feast for the senses. As the sun sets, the desert takes on its own unique beauty, becoming an undulating sea of sand that glitters in the moonlight. No matter how hostile the terrain may seem, within the walls of the Sa'Luk Faction lies a paradise, where travelers can find respite and be mesmerized by the captivating culture and charming array of sights.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Gehenna Paradise Region has a long and storied history, but it was not until the arrival of Phylarch Malachi Shadowalker that the Region came under the rule of one Fae. Born into a life of poverty, Malachi fought his way with the Ranks of the former King's militia and eventually concurred the Region. He established himself as a powerful ruler and an unstoppable tyrant.   Malachi is known for his mercilessness and viciousness. To enforce his will, he created a well-trained militia of loyal followers and deployed them throughout the Region to quash any dissent. He also created elaborate laws, designed to keep the people of Gehenna in line. His rule is oppressive and his punishments are swift and merciless.

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