StormPeak Settlement in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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StormPeak's have amazing hearing. They use whistling as a main form of communication, in fact. Because the Mountains of Unending Agony are far and wide, their deep ravines echo well. This makes whistling a big part of their cultural communication background and is often seen as it's own language, by some. They are often hesitant of outsiders, but once you are considered a friend, you are family to them. They host amazing parties and are avid hunters, posting their trophies of pelts and heads across their Faction's business and residential walls. While they aren't the best at cooking, they can make a flavorful tobacco. Most days they tend their farms and mines, but when the work is done, they sit on their porches, smoking and drinking, while whistling back and forth across the land, to each other. This Faction is sometimes thought of as loners. They don't like doing business with other Factions, or their member, more than necessary. When it comes to War, this Faction is a bit on the wild side. They don't play fair and will try to find loopholes at every turn. They are a stubborn Faction and deals with them will often result in a take it or leave it option. They can and will always find a better deal elsewhere. They are patient and enduring. They tend to be more in touch with nature than most other Factions, as well. Any business you deal with them, needs to be made with witnesses, as they could easily try to swindle you for more than you thought you could be. Everything, to them, has a price; even your soul.
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