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Cattle-Bone (kad(ə)l bōn)

Realm of Aeo

Cattle-Bone, a thriving city surrounded by treacherous jungles. The circumstances that brought it to existence made way for a famously fascinating and complex culture. Known to many for beautifully crafted wears, religius devotion, but we like highlighting its undeniably natural beuty. Any way you spin Cattle-Bone, they are a powerful and interesting city worth traveling to.   -The Gulls Tourism Book, 151 AC

Cattle-Bone, also known as Cathar, is a powerful and influential city in the heart of the Wikimi Jungle. Its spires stand tall and its religious loyalty only higher. It is a civilization perfectly intertwined with the natural world yet still functioning perfectly. The marvels that you may find within the streets of the mighty city are like no other within South Saadour or possibly the whole of Alaria. The people of Cattle-Bone are a nationalistic type, noticeable by their prominent expression, 'May Slivanus Watch over him'.  


Cattle-Bone is somewhat of an oddity throughout the jungles of Wikimi. A —particularly holy— magic-rich utopia. Though Wizards are clearly rare in this area. Most of the magical power in Cattle-Bone is through clerics and more generally holy magic sent from the gods (mostly Silvanus ) Though Wizards are rare, they are generally accepted by Cattle-Bone. They are sometimes treated with suspicion, though this is a rare occurrence. The common people of Cattle-Bone see Holy Magic as a literal blessing, a great thing that they adore and cling to daily. This attachment is derived from almost everything powerful in Cattle-Bone is run by this power. From the government to the laws, Holy Magic is respected. This is slightly different for arcane magic, where it is rare to find a practitioner of this way of magic. A few people find this arcane magic wrong and bad, but overall it is seen as only rare.   Magic Items in Cattle-Bone are rare, and the few there are commonly old and weak knick-knacks. Even rarer are religious items, these are few, and these items are relics rarely used or seen. These are ceremonial or powerful. Magic items do flow through Cattle-Bone however, and the markets see many a season. They are completely legal inside of Cattle-Bone, and these items are one of the friendly goods to be sold and traded. It is common to see the Highest level of society in Cattle-Bone practicing (divine) magic regularly, warshipping Silvanus . Many priests and clerics teach those of high status in large groups, almost as if they were in a school. Arcane magic is scarce in Cattle-Bone, and almost impossible to find a competent caster, and those who do originate from elsewhere. Mostly anyone who follows what is necessary to become a truly devoted follower of Silvanus can grasp a large sum of magical power.  


Cattle-Bone is quite odd in this regard, as a currency Cattle-Bone uses small scale-like Brass tablets named ‘Lannx’ these Brass tablets do not have any worthwhile worth, you could make a quarter of it's imposed by selling a large one, but these tablets hold another value. These small tablets of Brass all have a rune carved upon them. These runes dictate the value. Without Cattle-Bone, these nuggets of Brass would be almost worthless. But with it they are used as a common currency around South Saadour. The Lannx, as talked about before, has many values depending on the inscription. The Cheapest Lannx ‘ᛉ’ is worth one fortieth Tabbardian Gold (TG = ~200USD), this payment type is typically used in groups for market outings, short travel, and daily life. second is the ‘ᛟ’ worth one-twentieth TG (Approximately worth 10USD), another staple of Cattle-Bone wallets, this one is brought for more substantial purchases, city-wide travel, and general padding just in case. Third is ‘ᚨ’ worth one-tenth TG, seen somewhat uncommonly, though still seen and used. Fourth is “ᛞ’, worth one-fifth TG, this one is taken out of storage (whether bank, mattress, or even rarely arcane storage) consciously for large purchases. Lastly ‘ᛊⅠ’, the most valuable of its kind, worth a conversion close to one Tabbardian Gold, this Lannx is kept safe within the owner’s preferred storage mechanism. As to be talked about more, Cattle-Bone is thriving economically, with the common folk spending on luxury, and the poor are a rarity. The comfortable people have cozy, large-enough homes luxuriously decorated, and they have enough spare money to afford interesting foods, bobbles, and a bright future for their children. Many have what would be considered a ‘summer home’ upon one of the many jungle’s beauties. This all to say that the common folk of Cattle-Bone are very comfortable in the current economic climate.


Cattle-Bone is home to an almost full human population, though around forty percent of it are the others of the realms. Particularly Wild Elves and Bog Gnomes. Bog Gnomes are especially valued inside of Cattle-Bone for their expertise with alchemy, they are commonly hired by the Hollowsin Guild when they need an especially quality brew from Ashenrot dubbed: Change's Vail. These gnomes are paid handsomely for their talent, leading many to be found in the High City.  
Cattle-Bone seems to mainly concist of Humans at 64.3 percent of the currect [estemated and studied upon] twenty thousand population. The 14 some percent is an arguable group as they are seemingly half-breeds between the elves and humans, while not all of them are fully half which is what makes this certain statisic so debatable. Around 12.6 percent of this population are elves of sorts (seemingly an almost perfect three-way split between High, Wood, & Wild). About six percent are Bog Gnomes, a very influental group even with their small numbers. The 3.1 percent or so left over is seemingly spread wide throughout the races.   -Cattle-Bone Demographics Cencus, 535


Jungle City by Jordan Grimmer
Laws   Within Cattle-Bone’s origin lores, they say the laws of the city were crafted by their God, sent through the High Priest of the time. This is skepticised by some throughout South Saadour, but the people of Cattle-Bone take it as fact. Some laws are made by the government of Cattle-Bone in the recent past, but these are small amendments and additions.   Cattle-Bone doesn’t have a true military, and has few “guards” (truly highly skilled paladins who are loyal to Cattle-Bone). These “guards”, with their experience and skill, are most commonly guarding the highest officials of Cattle-Bone, from the High Clerics, to the Grand Mage, to even the High Priest. It is a rarity to see one walking the streets alone, but if you do, you better behave. Though obviously this can’t be the way that Cattle-Bone keeps their peoples in check, and what they actually do is a tactic used throughout Cattle-Bone, Religion. As we talked about before, Cattle-Bone’s laws are supposedly made by the God Silvanushimself (even the small auditions and amendments still have powerful religious ties as they are made by the High Clerics and Priest) this fact means going against these rules would be accountable to outwardly hating the god (and therefore the country). This simple fact keeps most Catharians in check. If any truly heinous in nature, the High Clerics will do what is known as an ‘Aeogen’, a concept similar to a court. Aeogen roughly translates to ‘His Eyes’ (within Cartharian Culture, the word Aeo means ‘His’, but in reference to Silvanus). In this ceremony, the commoners' prayers, taking place in the morning, are canceled. This leaves time for the High Clerics, with help from the High Priest, to contact Silvanus (or more likely a celestial servant) through ritual, to listen to the perpetrator's story. Unless intervention (ie sudden storm, bad news, or anything unexpected) most times the High Clerics decide the fate of the perpetrator, whether exile, being thrown into a dungeon, or let free.   Politics   Cattle-Bone is a true Theocracy, a form of government where religious leaders hold political power, and the legal system is based on religious law. Though there are hints of a Monarchy & even democracy, when the current ruler (known as the High Priest) dies, or feels unfit (the latter being completely on their own accord) to rule, they will pass the metaphorical throne down to one of the three High Cleric. If a High Priest is not, in any way, able to continue ruling, whether killed, missing, stolen, or anything else, and they do not appoint a High Cleric beforehand, it will be decided by the City in a democratic vote (though this is very rare).   Cattle-Bone is Authoritarian, though it is not overly such. They control much of the city, and hold power over trade, religion, and the people themselves in a quite usual way for societies throughout South Saadour. This is far from a dictatorship or anything as such, Cattle-Bone simply has a large hand in the ways of the city. The vast majority of the citizens of Cattle-Bone do not mind, even happy to have structure. This is especially true because of the region's powerful connection with religion.   'How do you control the people and hold power' is a common question for cities, countries, or other structures that hold people within their power. The Answer is quite simple for Cattle-Bone, as a Theocracy, Cattle-Bone holds power using religion. Many of the elements of the city are completely decided by religion, and the people follow their religion. This plan has worked out well, as there has never been a strong change or even a wish for change of government in Cattle-Bone.


Cattle-Bone lacks any true military, standing or reserve, though it is likely that the devotion that holds Cattle-Bone so strongly together would bring many fully willing volunteers out if ever needed. An exception is possibly made with the Order of the Emerald, a highly trained yet small group of religious knights that protects the upper echelons and most important of Cattle-Bone, though they are in no way large enough to control, per se, a crime-filled city. The dangerous jungles surrounding Cattle-Bone most often give more than enough protection to the city from any marching army, especially with the fact that Cattle-Bone does not have many enemies to speak of at the current point in time, a diplomatic and kind nation. As other defences go, the High City does have a wall, but that is mostly for a sense of security over it's actual purpose, but if it would actually have to be used it would function well enough. The Royal Vault of Cathar is also a viable stronghold in case of something horrible, easily securible and with one enterence and exit. Otherwise, Cattle-Bone doesn't have much of a defense beyond these minimal protections. Though of course they, as a large nation, have enough money to foster a large force of sellswords, have many allies, and of course the clergy of Silvanus is undoubtubly powerful.

Industry & Trade

The government of Cattle-Bone has quite a lot of power in the way of trade within the Jungles. The trade routes with places further into Chulhavinto even as far as Halbin's Burrow are all controlled and patrolled with outposts and trade stops by Catharians (The preferred name of the Cattle-Bonian people). Trade throughout the region is also controlled carefully by Cattle-Bone, especially Change's Vail. Change's Vail, a liquid made with the toxic Ashenrot. The Hollowsin Guild is the only group allowed to create such a substance, and this is monitored heavily. This is one of the only trade goods controlled fully by Cattle-Bone.
Cattle-Bone being surrounded by dence jungles leads to low travel throughout the region, which makes the people coming to Cattle-Bone almost certain to be going to Cattle-Bone (rather than as a waypoint). Cattle-Bone controls the trade routes throughout the lower bay, this makes the jungle along these pathes slightly less dangerous.   -Minister of Economics & Trade, Cattle-Bone Economic Survey 536 AT
Cattle-Bone mostly exports difficult-to-acquire goods of the Jungle. From rare spices, colorful and rich woods, or simply interesting and exotic plants that find the eye of people with enough expendable income for such purchases. Other things that are sold could be well-crafted objects that are not very special to Cattle-Bone like furniture or something a bit more special like traditionally saturated clothing of Cattle-Bone culture. This is not bringing up the dangerous toxin that we have spoken of just above, but other similar enough narcotics are also sold within Cattle-Bone's streets to the dismay of some of the upstanding citizens. However, these are practically harmless and just a bit of fun from nature which even some of the High Priests have used.   The imports of Cattle-Bone are truly nothing special—interesting foods and resources from across South Saadour but mostly the Bay.  With the general economic prosperity that Cattle-Bone finds itself in, it makes sense that much of its imported goods are not particularly necessary for survival.   While Cattle-Bone does have some very interesting carriers available, it is most common to see an average man doing average things. You may see skilled botanists within West City or a Deephunterspending their vast quick income at a tavern or such, most people in Cattle-Bone live a standard if not religuis life


With the religious dominance of Cattle-Bone, it makes sense that within the city, the most clear and beautifully built locals and architecture are holy in nature. The shining and saturated towers and obelisks that stand high among the deep green forests surrounding Cattle-Bone are clearly the most eye-catching architecture of the city. This is not even taking into consideration the Grand Church which is a magnificent creation on it's own right.


There are four main districts within Cattle-Bone, three of which base themselves on social and or economic statuses and classes. Cattle-Bone has three main classes, the Rich, the Comfortable and the Poor (though this is quite a small group). Exceptions do apply, there is of course the ruling class, who live above the rich, though there are few of these people to speak of. The rich live in the High City, upon a small hill to watch the city from, many manors dot the High City, as well as the Grand Church and other governmental buildings. The comfortable, or the common people, unlike many places throughout South Saadour, are successful and important for the city, they have pleasant homes and have money to spend on luxury (think post-war America). The poor are rare throughout Cattle-Bone, only a few families struggling with poverty, and these few are commonly new to the city, not yet stabilized. So in essence, the rich and the ruling live upon the hill north of 'Central City' in what is known as the 'High City'. Then there is the 'Central City' that houses both the dwellings of the common folk and the cultural hub of Cattle-Bone with cuisine, shops, and entertainment. Then there is 'East City' where the less set up groups of people who have been spoken of live. Bez-Soli'srunoff sinks within the marshy land within East City leading the place to be the least desired local within Cattle-Bone. The general poverty and unkempt nature that strikes this area leads it not to be the kindest, though within this 'slum' sits Hollowsin Guild, a powerful source of government order within the place. On a different note, West City sits a reminder of the natural beauty of Cattle-Bone with the help of The Union of the Leaf,
This group is somewhat forgotten in the general 'climate' of Cattle-Bone. It's a smaller one but a very skillful one. Full of the nature-loving spirit that once controlled Cattle-Bone, it feels like you've stepped through a portal of sorts, turning back time to a bygon era of Cattle-Bone that feels like you could meet High Priest Cathar at any point in the free-spirited beuty of the Union of the Leaf.   -Cattle-Bone Guild Survey, 534 AT
  keeps this place to its utmost beauty, landing it a famed tourist spot with its grand natural state.   While Central City is fully open to travelers and locals alike, High City is most often only found open to the general public in the earlier times of the day for tasks religious in nature. While there are no walls or physical deterrence (or even lawful ones) it is just simply culturally unexpected to cross where you are not meant to be. Then there is West City, where there are both physical and lawful barriers in some parts of it (though this is not with malice or classism) for the protection of the flora and fauna that calls this part of the city home.


Cattle-Bone, being a jungle, has a lot of produce, lumber, and other natural resources, but many of these are not taken advantage of by Cattle-Bone or its people due to their stong connection with the natural environment through their god Silvanus. You can still find these items being sold, it is just harder to get a hold of. Though all of this is forgetting Ashenrot, the mossy vine-like fungus that inhabits central Wikimi. This material is found growing up large trees, commonly very close to Cattle-Bone. The substance has attempted to be cultivated, but everything Cattle-Bone and the Hollowsin Guild have done has eventually ended in failure. This has led to a part of the Hollowsin Guild to specifically search for this substance. This group is dubbed ‘Deephunters’ ‘Deep’ referring to the parts of the jungle where Ashenrot thrives.

Guilds and Factions

There are few guilds inside of Cattle-Bone, due to many reasons, but the few there are are as follows:   Hollowsin Guild
The Hollowsin Guild is the guild of Ashenrot. This guild is heavily controlled and monitored by Cattle-Bone’s Government for obvious reasons. It runs in three main groups: Collectors, Producers, and Distributors. Collectors (Also/mainly known as Deephunters) are masters of the jungles of Wikimi, searching for a pocket of the fungus. Once they’ve found it they take care to bring it safely back to the guildhouse where the producers take over. Skilled alchemists (commonly Bog Gnomes) craft the spored fungus into a powerful and condensed brew through both witchcraft and chemistry. Once the brew is completed, a buyer will be located (this buyer must have good intentions at heart, i.e killing a dangerous orc king, a corrupt government official, etc.). The brew known as ‘Change's Vail’ is then carefully escorted to the buyer, which sells for around 20 Tabbardian Gold. The now-owner is then carefully monitored to make sure they were doing with it what they said. All around the Hollowsin Guild is powerful, especially with their close connection to the economics of Cattle-Bone and their Goverment.       Order of the Emerald   The Order of the Emerald is a powerful group of trained Paladins who swear allegiance to the city. Many think of the Paladins of this order to be holy warriors in the name of Silvanus, though this is a misconception. The Paladins of this order strictly follow their oath and code, which states that they serve Cattle-Bone and their people, not specifically the patron deity of Cattle-Bone. Because they are set in Cattle-Bone, many do also follow Silvanus, but this is of their own accord. This Order was said to have been founded within the days of the origin lore of Cattle-Bone itself, where the guards of F. B. Cathar (Known now as High Priest Cathar) swore allegiance. When a new paladin is interested in the Order they are sent to Zakabirnia, a city of powerful fighters unmatched in South Saadour, where they are trained to an almost unmatched level and sent back to the order to protect the city of Cattle-Bone.    
  • Union of the Leaf
  • The Union of the Leaf is no longer the most popular guild in the city, originally it was. Though this all took place in the 'bygon era' of Cattle-Bone where being fully intertwined with nature was first priority. With the slow creep of stabilization and social growth within Cattle-Bone since it's origin, the Union of the Leaf 'wilted' slightly. It still finds a certain sweet spot for the people of Cattle-Bone, mostly skilled Herbolists, Bioligists, nature lovers, and even druids and rangers. Whatever the Union of the Leaf touches, it leaves a beautiful natural feeling that reminds Catherians of their origins skillfully. The Union of the Leaf take great pride in educating the youth upon the jungles that they call home, along with taking care of the natural flora and fauna that may need the helping hand after the somewhat 'unholy' doings of the now developed Cattle-Bone. This is most clear in the beautiful West City which is chock full of wonderous nature crafted by the Union of the Leaf.  
  • Grief of the Seeker
  • This group is the one and only thieves guild of and around Cattle-Bone. They lurk in the rare corners of darkness across the city. Their main goal is to tap into the veritable treasure trove of Ashenrot's distilled version commonly known as Change's Vail. They try their best to procure anything they can, from raw materials to even taking the made brew before it reaches its owner. Because as it is the one and only thieves guild of Cattle-Bone, they end up doing more than that. From theft, banditry, to even assassination. If you're ever in need of any illegal things to be done for you within or around Cattle-Bone, this agitated group is the best chance you have short of bringing others in from new locals. Though all these other things that they do are simply so they have more income to spend trying to crack the so-far uncrackable recipe of distilled Ashenrot.


    Cattle-Bone's history is vast and interesting, while obviously not all can be written simply within this text, we can try to summarize the most important things.   In 187 AT (AT: After the legal establishment of Tabbard), two friends traveled the green jungles of Wikimi. They were known as Elonyn Inarsisand Finnegan Del'Rira Cathar. Elonyn was a skilled elven naturalist and cleric of Silvanuswhile Finnagan was the second-born prince of New Tabbard (Monarchy was used before the oligarchy of modern-day New Tabbard) Because of his noble birth, he was followed closely by a skilled guard loyal fully to him. As they wandered through the magnificent wilds of Wikimi, they found a wide valley once they crossed above a tall hill. They took a moment to take in the natural beauty that they had just discovered before they quite literally pranced through the grove. After a few days of camping within this natural gem, Finnegan decided that this place was too magnificent to give up.
    The forests surrounding me and my dearest friend was something out of the Beastlands. I could not quite comprehend and take in the sheer natural beuty that was descovered on that fateful day was undeniably unexplainible. I had always had a sweet spot within me for the grandour of the natural world –one of the main reasons I find so much companionship within Elonyn– so living within the hustle and bustle of the built up city of New Tabbard was not truly what I wanted my life to be like –niether my legacy, a spoiled man who spent his unlimited coffers going on adventures without a duty to speak of. I found myself retreating to the fiefdom to hire a messager. You now know what has come of this desision.   -Finnegan Del'Ray 'High Priest' Cathar, Manifesto of a High Priest
    The group returned to the Hamlet of Ramble-Roostand paid handsomely for a runner to get a message to New Tabbardwith a long scroll he swiftly scribed.
    Dear Mother, Father, Brother, & Sister: Upon my travels I have found the most beautiful local within the Jungles I spoke of. I many feelings with this area so I am warning you that I am going to be longer than I expected. Expect me to return by the middle of Starcrown. I feel that this location has emmence potential for something amazing. As you know, I've always wanted to raise something, bringing something to my legacy. I will attempt to keep you up to date upon this plan of creating something,   -Finny 'Second-Born' Cathar
    This is an archived and scribed document still within the collection deep within Cattle-Bone's Vaults of treasures underneath the Grand Church.   Slowly the news spread of this 'up-and-coming' civilization that the 'free-spirits of nature' could find themselves a home within. What was once a camp of five (three guards and two friends) slowly grew. First simple homes we constructed for the small population that trickled in, then a place of worship (which is now the city's true center). Then the 'barracks' of sorts that held the now-Catharian Guard. This group was dubbed 'The Order of the Emerald' for its connection to the place where everything shines in a beautiful green hew.   As the years passed by, the society had to begin to accelerate into a larger and larger object. Finnegan was pronounced the 'Lord' of this land by many of the new townsmen, but he made it clear that the true lord was Silvanus. This is the origin of the title 'High Priest', showing that the leader of Cattle-Bone was but a connection to Aeo (Aeo: Him referring to Silvanus). The city slowly grew, and artisans & architects slowly found homes within the growing place, creating undeniably beautiful structures for the quickly growing society. At this point 'The Union of the Leaf' was founded, and quickly grew as west of the city proper was turned into the epitome of what this place was made for.   Years passed as this repeated. People moved within this paradise, buildings were built, and prayers were said. But the small chapel that the people of the newly dubbed 'Cattle-Bone' had praid to had slowly grown too small for this -at the point- large town. They started creation on a massive cathedral in the name of Silvanus. This great piece was under construction for much of the history of Cattle-Bone, a monument to the work ethic and devotion of their god.   High Priest Cathar (now the name that he was only spoken with) was clearly aging, he was within his middle years when he had discovered the region with his dear friend Elonyn Inarsis (who, as an elf, was still quite young even though she was a care-taker of Finnagen's Father as a child). He grew slowly less charismatic with his age, believing it more fitting to leave the true cleric in charge of the religus duties of the now-city. He slowly retired to his room more and more, though he was not without effectiveness. He drafted many of the laws and guidelines of the city along with diplomacy and trade routes through the dense jungle. These contributions hold fast in the history of Cattle-Bone, any other who had done such things would have been celebrated as a great help to Cattle-Bone, but as he was also the founder, he is not just celebrated but revered, even today.   It was soon learned that he was terminally ill. With all the clerics of Cattle-Bone (which were many) and with all their magic (which was also plentiful) there was nothing they could do. He spent his final weeks with his life being celebrated by the many people of Cattle-Bone. He found himself venturing from his home with his final energies and into the West City. He died not within a bed or among the city or inside of New Tabbard, but surrounded by his friends and family within 'Cathar's Grove' . The news spread wide quickly of the beloved leader of Cattle-Bone's passing. Even catching the attention of the ever-busy Lord of Tabbard.
    Though I never personally knew him, I knew of his grandness and I thurrowly respect him as a figure and as a person. I wish well to every one of his friends, family, and citizens and that he finds a spot among Silvanus himself. -Charles Relbey Tabbard, IV Lord of Tabbard
    The celebrations of his death were long and extravagant. They went on for months as everyone celebrated how amazing this man was. He forged the city that they came to love and ran it well, readying it for his successors.   The throne was passed as he expected it to, as it was from his own work that the way was decided. A young and bright mind the name of Eljar who was originally a diplomat of New Tabbard who had taken tutelage underneath High Priest Cathar. He was a good leader who brought higher economic prosperity to the city, only bringing it into higher status as a city. The city became a marvel of dedication for the simple reason that the people who came were devoted to Silvanus and the city was devoted to the same level, creating a somewhat unheard of commitment. He was a popular man, analytical and intelligent to a tee, though no match for the passionate loyalty and love of his predecessor.   Beyond this time is best summarized quickly for the lack of importance: The High Priest lived a good and long live full of efficient building upon what High Priest Cathar had left him with. An older woman who had committed much of her life to The Union of the Leaf, quite expectedly she brought many natural elements into the currently more urban city. Beyond this, there was quite the disruption within Cattle-Bone, with the limited foresight and trusting nature of the past High Priest, a less-than well-minded elf was able to cease power. She was brought upon as a High Cleric who took even more power once the prior High Priest.
    She took advantage of her position (or at least tried to) but before she was able to do any major damage, Elonyn (who, while reaching her later years as an elf, was still a large player of Cattle-Bone, helping it stay on track for its original goal) had learned of her plot. She was quick to begin thinking up a plan to stop her before she did anything too problematic. She decided to attempt to commune with Silvanus himself, though this would require a slightly different environment. She ventured deep within the jungles north of Cattle-Bone, soon after she finished her prayers, she ventured into a previously unknown grove, to find the mossy corruption that isAshenrot. Of course, the people of Cattle-Bone knew of these dangerous plants, but all they knew was not to approach them because of their... danger.   But as she began leaving this area, she turned back, hearing a rustle in the brush. A Flared Bush Ravencame jumping out of the jungles, beginning to fly right over the high red tendrils of the rot. Quickly the perpetrator of the quick movement showed itself, a Horned Macaque jumped out at the escaping bird, trying to reach it before seeing what it may be landing on. As it fell to the forest ground without its pray, the Ashenrot's tendrils sensing the presence, beginning the rot's natural response. The monkey was infected quickly by the spores that were released by both its landing and the command of the semi-sentient tendrils. Its face turned light as the blood was consumed as was its guts. As the fur began to wilt slightly, Elonynshielded herself with a heavy cloak from the incoming spores. When she looked back, the spongy remains of the Monkey were left. Though this was a grim sight indeed, it was more of an inspiration for Elonynthan anything else. She carefully gathered the substance into a pouch, rushing back to the city to meet with an esteemed friend —presumably— of the name Ganvi Jalle'Fien. In the shortest terms, an acclaimed alchemist, he took up the thus-far un-studied task of condensing the Ashenrot. He succeeded with only the assistance of his masterful understanding of alchemy and brewing, without understanding much at all about the plant —for he mostly spent his time within his alchemic sanctuary. This brew was dubbed 'Change's Vail' for its potential to... change Cattle-Bone strongly. It was snuck to the food of the High Priestess through the many powerful ties of Elonyn. The effects of this brewwere hasty —unbelievably so—, and the effects were somehow more astonishing. To put it in the lightest terms, the to-be tyrant was no longer able to serve. This along with the frightful situation, the still-loyal Catharians pushed for their savior —Elonyn Inarsis— to retake (Though most of the Catharians did not live in the times where she was a High Priest), though at this age she was older that she felt comfortable ruling, especially with the Rememberencelikely beginning for her. She found a compromise with her daughter who promised to hold true and keep the metaphorical seat warm for when another —hopefully not tyrannical— leader was found. This brings us to the present day. The seat was handed to High Priest Sostomist —the current holder of the 'throne'—, the always hustler Ganvi proposed the Hollowsin Guild as a government-sponsored organization. With the assistance that this gnome had given Cattle-Bone, he was quickly accepted.
    The slow yet mighty growth into a major player within South Saadour is one fit for the knowledge of all who have the blessing of learning of it. -Scholar noting about Cattle-Bone within an academic paper, seemingly turned loyal to the city

    Points of interest

    While the majesty of Cattle-Bone is of course subjective and possibly infinite because of that fact, there are a particular few places that bring the eyes of many.  
  • Grand Church
  • This structure is central to life in Cattle-Bone, the epitome of modern Cattle-Bone. Its majestic architecture is a sign of the devotion Catharians have to their city and religion. A grand door stands at the foot of the temple, with intricately carved patterns showing the history, rights, and commandments of Cathar. The —in comparison— lowly door having such a complex design is a spark for a saying within Cattle-Bone's culture 'This is but the Temple's Door', used when someone sees something impressive —or other similar emotions— but that is just a bit of its true existence. - Royal Vault of Cathar This sub-location is within the High Hill of Cattle-Bone. The archive is held within a limbo of security and publicity, with many individuals allowed into the sanctum, though not fully into the deep vault where more than just guarded artifacts lie. This vault is a beautiful showcase of the cultural history of Cattle-Bone which is hard to fully display with the written word. - Cathar's Grove This forested local deep within West City is a testament to Cattle-Bone's commitment to their long-passed ruler. The gardens are heavily guarded and cared for by the Union of the Leaf who takes the location as one of it's most important sites.


    While tourism is somewhat rare at the heart of Wikimi, it is still a lot more common than one might expect. Cattle-Bone is an unlikely economic hub for the simple reason of there are no other places for such things anywhere else. So this turns Cattle-Bone into quite the resource store. Adventurers setting across the bay on foot are faced with the need of supplies at some point within their journey, Cattle-Bone is the only real place one may get such a thing. But travel brings us to our next reason for Cattle-Bone's tourism: Pilgrimage. Cattle-Bone is undeniably the core of Silvanus'spower in South Saadour, so any who live elsewhere though venerate the god are commonly seen traveling to visit the Grand Church among any of the other religious structures Cattle-Bone calls its own.


    The Center City, the largest urban area in Cattle-Bone, holds a very unusual architectural design within South Saadour. The residential areas are populated with bright white walls eye-catching blue doors and dome ceilings, among beautiful tile roofs, these homes shine bright and interesting. Many of the homes of Cattle-Bone share more than walls together, with ivy, bougainvillea, and all manners of climbing plants coating the walls of Center City's homes and establishments. The Mainstreet that, among many other things, hosts the first church of Cattle-Bone is a sight to see with bright and colorful accents all across the grand 'hall'. The commercial segments of Central City are decorated by even brighter colors, taller towers, and overall very 'Catharian' architecture. Among the other locals within Cattle-Bone, another that sticks out is the High City, a place home to the highest individuals of Cattle-Bone. The large homes are beautifully crafted with the finest of materials and architecture, most clearly within anywhere close to the Grand Church〔Of Cattle-Bone〕, these buildings are grand, with tall white pillars that hold up the buildings surrounding the flowing streets. Among the East City, the architecture is not so fine, the large wooden planks hastily built into dwellings along the marshy waters. The most beautiful area in the not-so location is likely to be the Hollowsin Guildhouse (which is not actually truly known to be the location of it by the general public, especially of East City, instead thought of as a large family's abode which is not hard to think with the acting guards pretending to be those of the said family) with many well-thatched roofs and woodwork not unlike West Door. In the end, the muddy soil and dangerous animals lurking in East City make the homes spread wide. West City is a tricky one for the simple reason there is not much architecture to begin talking about, unless of course we are speaking about landscape architecture. The Botanical Dome-House is really the only notable building within West City. A somewhat grand building it is, while many of Cattle-Bone's impressive buildings use domes, this one is constructed of Brass and glass, the structure holding a vast varieties of plants, though closed to the public.


    Cattle-Bone is located in the heart of the Wikimi Jungle , surrounded by deep, dark forests. These jungles are treacherous and difficult to traverse through, their dangerous creatures lurking in them do not help in the matter. Within Cattle-Bone there is a break with the normality of the jungle, a shallow lake. This water gives Cattle-Bone many benefits, from fish, to irrigation, to simply a source of water. This lake is taken care of by the people of Cattle-Bone, and is seen as another gift of nature from Silvanus .Another one of Bez-Soli ’s gifts is a hot spring located west of the High City, right before the district of West City starts. This brings tourists and travelers to Cattle-Bone as a sort of spa. The crystalline waters of Cattle-Bone are only bested by the world-famous hotsprings of West Door, though many scholars think that the geothermal power that is harnessed by West Door is the same as Catte-Bone's.


    Cattle-Bone's climate is one of the heavens. The western prevailing winds swoop into the Great South Saadourian Bay where they hit The Spine and head south, ending up going right down into Cattle-Bone, bringing a warm breeze in the 'cold' months and a brisk one in the warm months.  Speaking of temperatures, as Cattle-Bone sits on the equator of Alaria, most of the months are spent in a 70-80° temperature and the hottest being around 90° in Emberclasp, but because of the humidity present in the jungled region, those numbers can be distorted by a positive 10°. While certainly not the most comfortable, Catharians have many solutions to the problems, from bathing in Bez-Soli (the most common option), to simply standing in the south-moving breeze with a nice drink. The coldest months only dip into the mid-50s° with semi-cloudy skies, occasional showers, and very rare storms (always brought from the north).

    Natural Resources

    Many of the resources have already been covered in the Industry & Trade section, but we can do a quick breakdown. From the jungles, they get spices, narcotics, rare fruits, and other edibles, and forestry resources (ie: wood, fiber, vine), not to mention Ashenrot. The large deposits of zinc and copper in the Wikimi Mountains make for a great supply of brass in Cattle-Bone, as well as of course stone and the given materials. Bez-Soli gives them fish, water (though this is not a trades resources for obvious reasons), and other aquatic resources like mollusks and seagrasses.
    Cattle-Bone's Crest
    Founding Date
    187 AT
    Alternative Name(s)
    Cathar, Theocracy of Cathar, Silvanus's Domain
    Large city
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Included Locations
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Characters in Location


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