
Seeded throughout the century following the creation of the Colonial Earth Empire , the following of Imperialism is strong throughout the Core Systems, while spreading slowly with the influence of the Empire in the Mid Rim, it was radicalized in the Mid Rim by the Covenant of Man. The two different sects now war with one another, with the Colonial Earth Empire claiming their clone emperor is an abomination to the current Imperial Nobility. The Covenant sect, called Cultist Imperialists, claims that the Imperial sect in the Core Systems is worshiping a false imperial deity, and that they have become lazy in their practice (which is mostly agnostic at this point).   Anthrochauvinism originated during the early expansion periods of the Colonial Empire. It stemmed from three primary thoughts:  
  1. The virtue those who originated from earth, are the inheritors of humanity and the best suited to lead humanity.
  2. The destiny that humanity is to colonize and settle the stars.
  3. The mission of the people to execute the will of the Emperor.
This has lead to the imperial expansion efforts spearheaded by devout and dedicated anthrochauvinists, who saw themselves as the direct inheritors of the galaxy that was promised by the forefathers of Earth. The Imperial Nobility is considered by anthrochauvinist scholars to be the most direct line back to Earth and its beliefs. A prevelant imperial scholar has put it as such:  
"And that claim is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the galaxy which Earth has given us for the development of the great experiment of exploration and empire to us"
    Commonly, those who follow Imperialism but maybe are not so devout simply turn a blind eye to those extremists. Most of them end up volunteering to go fight in the Mid Rim, and it serves the purpose of filling the ranks of the Imperial Navy  At worst, it breeds radicals who convert those within the Core Systems , who begin to view the Colonial Earth Empire as too lackadaisical, and unfit to wield the name of Empire. They carry out their plans either overtly, joining up ranks with the Covenant of Man or covertly, infiltrating the Imperial Military.   In recent years, many in the Colonial Security Bureau have fallen to the radicality of the Cultist Imperialis, being stamped out by the Office of Imperial Security.   While there is very rare organized worship, it usually involves community support. Many will send their children to private Imperialist Acadamies at a young age, raising them as loyal servants of the Empire. Adults will join imperial support groups, and work closely with agencies like the CSB.


Imperialists believe in the Three Strenghts. The Strength of Service, the Strength of Family, and the Strength of Honesty.    The Strenght of Service usually revolves service of the Empire. This can take forms in many ways. For some, it is the direct call to action, and they join the Imperial Army or Navy. For others, it might be the call to work the fields, and provide food for the empire, or as a factory working building a massive destroyer. It could also mean service in the bureaucracy, helping make propoganda, or working the cogs of government.    Strength of Family revolves around social structure, and requires those in service to raise more loyal followers of the Empire. Family can mean many different things, but it encourages the education of youth in Imperial Propoganda.   Strength of Honestly demands loyalty to the Empire, and to rever the decisions of the Imperial Nobility. Some view this as merely approving of their decsions, other worship the Nobility as gods among men.
Founding Date
125 Post-Gate
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Imperialism, Cult of the Empire
Predecessor Organization
Permeated Organizations


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