Founding of the Enclave

While humanity had mastered the Fusion Drive and had begun to colonize the Sol System, the ability to traverse further stars was comlicated, dangerous and would require generational ships that would slo-fly to their destination, taking hundreds or thousands of years. Until the discovery of the cosmic filaments that were produced after the big bang. Threads of space that exist in their own unique time and space. These, potentially, could allow for humans to "jump" from one system to another, with time barely passing in realspace.   These filaments could be studied and manipulated using Isotope-10, but the sheer level of math and calculations that would need to be made to "jump" from one system to another was nearly impossible for humans to do. So they turned towards technology. The enclave was the solution, and situated in an orbital station orbiting Titan, the moon of Jupiter. Through years of study and practice, the Enclave was able to create a panel of six hyper-advanced Artificial Intelligence Constructs capable of running the simulations needed to bend the cosmic filaments to their will. These constructs took up the following names: Watcher, Patience, Guide, Struggle, Destiny, and Hope. They are technically unsentient complex constructs that interact with a "voice of god", manifesting itself as the enclave scientists and another hyper-advanced AI bound by empathetic parameters, called Chronos.   Using the Panel of Wills, the Enclave was able to construct the first Gate that allowed humanity to travel to Eden. The enclave was relocated to Karak and helped continue to build gates allowing the expansion of humanity.
Date of Setting
1542 Pre-Silence


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