
Karak was told to be the third inhabitable planet in the first system discovered through the gates. Like Babylon and Monterey Naval Yards, Karak was supposed to be ideal for human life. However, Imperial records state that the original scans were a mistake, and Karak was destroyed by a meteor strike long before humans ever arrived. It is a dead planet, with only a handful of military research sites or labs.    There are rumors that persist, that in the archives of Chandrill or even at told by some of the Academics on Beacon that Karak was once a lush garden planet, the breadbasket of the core. But when rebellion hit too close to home in Babylon the Empire destroyed the third planet with a planet killer superweapon. Even further, it is said that wiping out this planet directly caused the shut down of the gates that caused the Silence.   But these are just rumors, and one should take tall tales from the Outer Rim with a grain of salt, for in the same breath they will tell you of the great space monsters that prey on ships traveling to Far Space.
Cracked Planet
Location under
Owning Organization


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