Lancer Regiment

Imperial Cossacks are the names given to the mechanized chassis forces that are key to providing aggressive firepower to Imperial frontlines. The Thondor call these valkyries, and Union calls them Lancer Regiments. They ride in giant mechanized units, usually as the tip of the spear in large scale engagements. The 46th Imperial Cossacks Regiment is an elite Lancer Regiment under the control of the Empire.



Lancer Regiments usually contain 7 Brigades:   2 Mech Brigades, made up of the bulk of the mechanized chassis in the Regiment. Each Brigade has up to 4 Battalions underneath, 3 Mech-Battalions and 1 Engineer Battalion.   1 Light Infantry Brigades, which make up the fast moving infantry meant to support the mech forces on the battlefield as force multipliers. Made up primarily of infantry, engineers and recon battalions.   1 Mechanized Calvary Brigade, which is meant to support both the Lancer and Infantry Brigades with armored motorcars and hoverbikes.   1 Aerospace Support Brigade, made up of Recon/Spotter battalions that can link up orbital canons from the Imperial Navy, Aerospace Strike Battalions along with Chimera Gunships.   1 Artillery Support Brigade, with a battalion of artillery platform mechs and an accompaniement of fixed artillery battalions.   1 Support Brigade, with medical, finance, sustainment and training battalions.
Parent Formation


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