46th Imperial Cossacks Regiment

The 46th Imperial Cossacks are the elite Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Shock Trooper Corps, they operate the most amount of mechanized Chassis from Harrison Armory. Many Cossacks are connected to larger Imperial Navy fleet, working as independent battalions that function as the "door kickers" of the Naval fleets.   While your average Shock Trooper is better trained than most Imperial Army troopers, the Cossacks stand out as being some of the best of the best. Recruitment for the Cossacks comes from only battle-tested veterans. They are reccomended by already existing Cossacks, whose regular attachment to the Imperial fleets means they regularly interact with the Navy at large.   Once they pass selection, they are then sent to Monterey Naval Yards, where they recieve at least a year of training. "Gauntlets" regularly occur, where Cossacks from deployed fleets come to take recruits back out to the field. Each battalion has a storied history at the very least. Once they are selected, Cossacks see regular combat, no matter which battalion they join. They are the very tip of the spear that is the Imperial Navy, and regularly see some of the most brutal fighting the Imperial war machine has to offer. There are some battalions boast long lines of victory and place of honor in the Empire, who regularly provide security for nobles, governors, and even emperors. Other battalions are meat grinders, forever stationed on planets like Tu'Kor and see high turnover rates. Some recruits might even see themselves selected for service in the Ministry of the Imperial Secret Service. Cossacks are given the toughest objectives to claim throughout the galaxy, and time with the Cossacks is either a garunteed mortal wound or a ticket into the Imperial private security complex.   Plenty of security contractors in Harrison Armory have gotten their training fighting the Empire's wars with the Cossacks in the Mid Rim. Others might take their services to the Bounty Hunter's guild, or even illicit organizations like the Hydra Syndicate or Zym Cartels.
Military, Special Operations Force
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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