
Mech-Knights are talented in the use of powerful personal mech-suits, power armor, or other various exoskeletons. Piloting a mech suit requires a special neural chip, thus locking them out of being a Techie, Psi Touched, or Android. These people spend their lives training how to utilize these specialized suits, and only a handful can be considered Mech-Knights, who wield these suits like a second skin.   Some have gained their training as a true noble, with a mech-suit that has been passed through generations, others could have been asteroid rig miners, who fused with their custom made mining suit. Some Knights are wastelanders, who pieced together their suit of the leftovers of long forgotten tech, finding a specialized chip by luck or intense searching. Regardless, Mech-Knights are highly sought after by all manner of organizations, as their specialized suits can be modified to entail a wide range of abilities.   This is a locked class, and cannot be used alongside the Psi-Touched, Mutant Tamer or Techie.

Level 1

  Primary Ability   Mech-Powered: You gain the use of a Mech-Suit. There are two suits to pick from:     Flier     Flying speed 30 feet.   You can attach a single-handed ranged weapon to the suit, and activate the weapon with a bonus action.   You gain a +2 to AC         Loader   You gain +2 Vigor   You gain 20??? Hitpoints   You gain +2 AC         Using an action, you can expend an effort and activate your suit for 1 hour. You can do this as many times as you have Mech-Knight levels. It takes 10 minutes of cool down before you can use the ability again. Your suit can be carried by you, but otherwise functions as dead weight until you activate it.   Damage done to a suit can be repaired over the period of a short rest, should you have tools available to you. If the health of the suit drops to 0, you can still use the suit, it will just no longer gain bonus HP until the HP is repaired.   Secondary Ability   Machinist Mind: You gain a specialization in two of the following skills:   Modder, Repair, Pilot Land Vehicle, Technology, or History   Starting Class Bonus Stat Bonus: If this is your first profession pick, you gain a +1 to Manipulation or Intelligence.   First Pick Bonus Skills: If this is your first profession pick, you gain proficiency in four of the following skills:   Pilot Land Vehicle, Repair, Modification, Technology, Hacking, Science, Intimidation or History

Level 2

  Primary Ability     Mech-Powered: You can now outfit an additional tech artifact onto your suit. When you activate the suit, this object becomes active as well. Otherwise it is considered dormant. You can take a long rest to switch this tech artifact.     Secondary Ability   Machinist Mind: You can now choose an additional ability from your combat class. You can also repair your suit now. Expending an effort, you can repair back 2d6 damage done to your suit. This can be done equal times to your Mech-Knight level.    

Level 3

  Primary Ability   Mech-Powered: You can now choose from the following two upgraded suits.     Stealth Suit 
Flying speed 30 feet.   You can attach a single-handed ranged weapon to the suit, and activate the weapon with a bonus action.   You gain a +2 to AC   You can expend an additional effort to go invisible. You gain +5 to your stealth rolls. You gain 20?? Temporary hitpoints as suit health.         Combat Suit   You gain +2 Vigor   You gain 40??? Hitpoints as suit health   You gain +3 AC   You can now mount a two-handed range weapon on the suit and fire it as a bonus action.   You double your jump height.       Secondary Ability   Machinist Mind: Pick a specialization from the following skills:   Modder, Repair, Pilot Land Vehicle, Technology, or History    

Level 4

  Primary Ability   Mech-Powered: You can now take a long rest period to change your suit to the other suit. This takes a long rest to do.   Secondary Ability   Machinist Mind: Pick an ability from the General Abilities list.  

Level 5

  Primary Ability   Mech-Powered: You now gain access to choose an ultimate suit, you can pick from the following:  
  • Barbarian
  • Howitzer
  • Mind Flayer
Your ultimate suit counts as a large vehicle, but can be stored in a hangar bay or vehicle bay taking up the space equal to a standard land car. If it is powered down before you return it to its resting point, it can activate emergency power to continue to only give it a movement speed. However for every hour it spends in emergency power, it suffers   You can change which suit you want, however it takes a long rest to do so, and cannot be changed at the same time as changing your lower tier suit.   Secondary Ability   Machinist Mind: You can expend an effort to use your Level 3/1 suit an additional time. This can be done once a long rest.   Ultimate   Mecha Anime: You activate your ultimate suit for one day during a long rest period. This suit stays active for the full 24 hours before it needs to be powered down. It must be recharged over a long rest in order to be used again. If the suit reaches 0 HP, it is considered destroyed, and you must take a long rest repairing the suit in order to make it usable again. This can be done at the same time it is recharging.


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